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[1] Valejo, Alan and Faleiros, T. P. and Oliveira, Maria C. F. and Lopes, A. A., A coarsening method for bipartite networks via weight-constrained label propagation, in Knowledge-based systems, p. 105678, vol. 195, 2019, doi:

[2] Valejo, Alan and Oliveira, Maria C. F. and Filho, Geraldo P. R. and Lopes, A. A., Multilevel approach for combinatorial optimization in bipartite network, in Knowledge-based systems, p. 45--61, vol. 151, 2018, doi:

[3] Valejo, Alan and Ferreira, V. and Oliveira, Maria C. F. and Lopes, A. A., Community detection in bipartite network: a modified coarsening approach, in International symposium on information management and big data (SIMBig), track on social network and media analysis and mining (SNMAN). Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 795), p. 123--136, 2017, doi:

[4] Valejo, Alan and Filho, Geraldo P. R. and Oliveira, Maria C. F. and Ferreira, V. and Lopes, A. A., One-mode projection-based multilevel approach for community detection in bipartite networks, in International symposium on information management and big data (SIMBig), track on social network and media analysis and mining (SNMAN), p. 101-108, 2017 , doi:

[5] Valejo, Alan and Ferreira, V. and Fabbri, R. and Oliveira, Maria C. F. and Lopes, A. A., A critical survey of the multilevel method in complex networks, in ACM Computing Surveys, accepted paper, 2019

The original implementations (i.e. paper versions [1,2,3,4]) are deprecated.
There may be divergences between this version and the original algorithms.
If you looking for the original version used in the paper don't hesitate to contact the authors.

This software is a new version, more robust and fast.
It is a beta version and has some bugs and inconsistencies.
The final version of this tool will be released is coming soon.
For now, you can use this version without guarantee of the results.

MFBN: Multilevel framework for bipartite networks


This is a framework that compiles several coarsening algorithms for bipartite networks, specifically: OPM [3,4], RGMB [2], GMB [2] and MLPb [1].

A multilevel method is a scalable strategy to solve optimization problems in large bipartite networks, which operates in three stages. Initially the input network is iteratively coarsened into a hierarchy of gradually smaller networks. Coarsening implies in collapsing vertices into so-called super-vertices which inherit properties of their originating vertices. An initial solution is obtained executing the target algorithm in the coarsest network. Finally, this solution is successively projected back over the inverse sequence of coarsened networks, up to the initial one, yielding an approximate final solution.

An extensive critical survey of the multilevel method in complex networks is presented in [5].


MFBN may operate in two modes: 1. using explicit command line parameters (or options) or 2. using a JSON config file (JavaScript Object Notation).

Command line parameters

$ python [options]
Option Domain Default Description Algorithms
-dir --output_directory str [DIR] '.' directory of output file All
-out --output str [FILE] 'out' filename All
-cnf --conf str [FILE] None Input parameters in .json format All
-o --output_object boolean False return python objects dictionary and don't write files All
-v --vertices int array [L1,L2] None number of vertices for each layer All
-r --reduction_factor int array [L1,L2] [0.5, 0.5] reduction factor for each layer All
-m --max_levels int array [L1,L2] [3, 3] max levels for each layer OPM, RGMB and GMB
-gmv --global_min_vertices int array [L1,L2] [100, 100] minimum number of vertices for each layer in the last level MLPb
-t --tolerance int array [L1,L2] [0.1] tolerance in for each layer MLPb
-i --itr int array [L1,L2] [10, 10] number of iterations for each layer MLPb
-ub --upper_bound int array [L1,L2] [0.2, 0.2] upper bound for each layer MLPb
-c --matching str array [L1,L2] ["gmb", "gmb"] matching method for each layer Algorithm selection
-s --similarity str array [L1,L2] ["jaccard", "jaccard"] similarity measure for each layer All
-sd --seed_priority str array [L1,L2] ["degree", "degree"] seed priority to start the algorithms All
-scnf --save_conf boolean false save config file All
-sgml --save_gml boolean false save gml file All
-sn --save_ncol boolean false save ncol file All
-ssrc --save_source boolean false save source file All
-smbs --save_membership boolean false save membership file All
-swgh --save_weight boolean false save weight file All
-sprd --save_predecessor boolean false save predecessor file All
-sscc --save_successor boolean false save successor file All
-shrr --save_hierarchy boolean false save hierarchy of networks All
-sc --show_conf boolean false show conf file All
-st --show_timing boolean False show timing All
-tcsv --save_timing_csv boolean False save timing in csv All
-tjson --save_timing_json boolean False save timing in json All
--unique_key boolean False output date and time as unique_key All

JSON option

$ python -cnf options.json

JSON format: Data is in name/value pairs, separated by commas, curly braces hold objects and square brackets hold arrays.

    "option": "value"

The matching strategy selects the best pairs of vertices for matching. In this software it is possible use six matching methods:

  • OPM_hem [3,4]: hem key
  • OPM_lem [3,4]: lem key
  • OPM_rm [3,4]: rm key
  • RGMb [2]: rgmb key
  • GMb [2]: gmb key
  • MLPb [1]: mlpb key

In this software it is possible use eleven similarity measures:

  • Common Neighbors: common_neighbors key
  • Weighted Common Neighbors: weighted_common_neighbors key
  • Preferential Attachment: preferential_attachment key
  • Jaccard: jaccard key
  • Salton: salton key
  • Adamic Adar: adamic_adar key
  • Resource Allocation: resource_allocation key
  • Sorensen: sorensen key
  • Hub Promoted: hub_promoted key
  • Hub Depressed: hub_depressed key
  • Leicht Holme Newman: leicht_holme_newman key

In this software it is possible use three seeds priorities:

  • Degree: degree key
  • Random: random key
  • Strength: strength key

It is possible use different parameters algorithms in each layer, e.g.:

    "reduction_factor": [0.3, 0.5],
    "matching": ["gmb", "rgmb"],
    "similarity": ["common_neighbors", "jaccard"]


To help you visualize the networks generated by the coarsening process you can use the PyNetViewer software. In the network images, line widths reflect the corresponding edge weights; vertex widths depict the super-vertex weights. Bright red markers denote high-degree vertices.

We tested 3 real networks: 1. Moreno Crime is a social network with scale-free behavior relating 754 crime suspects or victims with 509 crimes (Figure 1a); 2. N-reactome is a biological network with modular topology with 8,788 proteins and 15,433 interactions in the species Homo Sapiens (Figure 2a); 3. Rajat is a nonsymmetric circuit simulation matrix, in which 6,765 individual resistors and connection points are defined as edges and vertices, respectively (Figure 3a). The two first networks are available in the Koblenz Network Collection (KONECT) and the last is available from the SuitSparse Matrix Collection.

We use the MLPb algorithm [1] to create a coarsened versions of the previous mentioned networks. Particularly, we generated coarsened version with relatively balanced super-vertices (between 0.2 and 0.4 upper bound) and we used weighted common neighbor similarity measure.

Moreno Crime network (original size: V1=754; V2=509)

# Reduce the network to V1=450; V2=350
$ python -cnf input/moreno-1.json

# Reduce the network to V1=250; V2=150
$ python -cnf input/moreno-2.json

# Reduce the network to V1=50; V2=100
$ python -cnf input/moreno-3.json

The result is showed below, Figures 1b, 1c and 1d.

1a) V1=754; V2=509 1b) V1=450; V2=350 1c) V1=250; V2=150 1d) V1=50; V2=100

N-reactome network (original size: V1=8,788; V2=15,433)

# Reduce the network to V1=1000; V2=4000
$ python -cnf input/n-reactome-1.json

# Reduce the network to V1=500; V2=1000
$ python -cnf input/n-reactome-2.json

# Reduce the network to V1=200; V2=500
$ python -cnf input/n-reactome-3.json

The result is showed below, Figures 2b, 2c and 2d.

2a) V1=8788; V2=15433 2b) V1=1000; V2=4000 2c) V1=500; V2=1000 2d) V1=200; V2=500

Rajat network (original size: V1=6,765; V2=6,765)

# Reduce the network to V1=V2=3000
$ python -cnf input/rajat-1.json

# Reduce the network to V1=V2=500
$ python -cnf input/rajat-2.json

# Reduce the network to V1=V2=150
$ python -cnf input/rajat-3.json

The result is showed below, Figures 3b, 3c and 3d.

3a) V1=V2=6765 3b) V1=V2=3000 3c) V1=V2=500 3d) V1=V2=150

MLPb algorithm can generate balanced and unbalanced super-vertices using an upper bound parameter:

4a) upper_bound=0.1 4b) upper_bound=0.8
$ python -cnf input/rajat-1.json


To track the execution time of the algorithms you can use the fallowing parameters:

    "show_timing": true,
    "save_timing_csv": false,
    "save_timing_json": false

E.g., show_timing track (and show in bash) the execution time of each algorithm phase:

$ python -cnf input/n-reactome-1.json

       Snippet       Time [m]       Time [s]
Pre-processing            0.0         0.0428
          Load            0.0         0.2623
    Coarsening            0.0         4.9760
          Save            0.0         0.1249



$ pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt

Anaconda env

$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate mfbn

Anaconda create

$ conda create --name mfbn python=3.7.2
$ conda activate mfbn
$ conda install -c anaconda numpy
$ conda install -c conda-forge python-igraph
$ conda install -c anaconda pyyaml
$ conda install -c conda-forge pypdf2
$ conda install -c anaconda scipy
$ conda install -c anaconda networkx
$ conda install -c bioconda sharedmem 

Release History

  • 0.1.0
    • The first proper release
  • 0.0.1
    • Work in progress


  • Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
  • Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Known Bugs

  • Please contact the author for problems and bug report.


License and credits

  • Giving credit to the author by citing the papers [1,2,3,4]
  • The GNU General Public License v3.0
  • Owner or contributors are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, (such as loss of data or profits, and others) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
  • This program is free software and distributed in the hope that it will be useful: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

To-do list

  • Implements the output of the objects
© Copyright (C) 2016 Alan Valejo <[email protected]> All rights reserved.