- Migrate sonatype endpoint
- add 1p algorithm support for me-south-1
- add region support to HKG/GRU/CDG/ARN
- update AWS Java SDK to 1.11.613
- freeze pyspark version to 2.3.2
- add --ignore-reuse-error to pypi publish
- fix version handling in docbuild
- setup for automated release builds
- set version of pyspark setup.py
- update for new ci environment
- encode DenseMatrix and SparseMatrix in probobuf Record format
- add new region support for BOM/SIN/LHR/YUL/SFO
- add support for GovCloud
- Increase default timeout for inference requests
- LinearLearnerEstimator: Add multi-class classifier
- Enable FRA and SYD region support for spark SDK
- Enable ICN region support for spark SDK
- Enable NRT region support for spark SDK
- SageMakerModel: Fix bugs in creating model from training job, s3 file and endpoint
- XGBoostSageMakerEstimator: Fix seed hyperparameter to use correct type (Int)
- LinearLearnerEstimator: Add more hyper-parameters
- XGBoostSageMakerEstimator: Fix maxDepth hyperparameter to use correct type (Int)
- Estimators: Add wrapper class for LDA algorithm
- Setup: Add module pytest-xdist to enable parallel testing
- Documentation: Change jar path in index.rst
- Documentation: Add instructions for s3 and s3a in README
- Estimators: Remove unimplemented hyper-parameter in linear learner
- Tests: Remove tests in py3.5 to speed up testing
- Documentation: Add instructions for building pyspark from source in readme
- Wrapper: Enable conversion from python list to scala.collection.immutable.List
- Setup: add coverage to the scala build
- Documentation: use SparkSession, not SparkContext in PySpark README
- Estimators: add support for Amazon FactorizationMachines algorithm
- Documentation: multiple updates to README, scala docs, addition of CHANGELOG.rst file
- Setup: update SBT plugins
- Setup: add travis file
- Initial commit