- First ROS2 (Galactic) version.
- Update to OpenVino 2021.4.
- Remove hardcoded COCO labels size.
- Update README.
- Improve documentation.
- Fix threshold value not passing to openvino.
- Optimizations, change pose to bottom of bbox.
- Fix for empty objects in messages when NaN values in center position.
- Remove output_image parameter.
- Add filter to realsense launch files.
- Fix frames of detections2D and detections3D.
- Only publish if objects are detected.
- Change database_location in info message from filename to location in param server. Defined as "class_labels".
- Add object pose in detection3d.
- Use pointcloud instead of depth topic to increase accuracy.
- Split openvino into a different class to improve code readibility.
- Publish both detections2D and detections3D when using depth instead of detections3D only.
- Change frame of detections to camera frame.
- Added Orbbec Astra Stereo S USB 3.0 launch file.
- Create CHANGELOG.rst.
- Fix camera info in depth analysis.
- Added nodelet option for vision pipeline.
- Change to OpenVino 2020.3.355.
- Remove custom messages and replaces them by vision_msgs.
- Update OpenVino version to 2020.3
- Initial release.
- Create README.md.
- Added objectDetectionOpenvino class (.h and .cpp files).
- Added BoundingBox.msg, BoundingBox3d.msg, BoundingBox3dArray.msg and BoundingBoxArray.msg messages.
- Added launch files.
- Added initial YOLO and mobilenet-ssd models.
- Contributors: Alberto Tudela