Ensure you have the aiarena-test-bots
submodule cloned. An easy check would be to check if the ./testing/aiarena-test-bots
directory contains any bots. If you are missing the bots, run the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
To run integration tests, run the following command from the root of the Git repo:
docker-compose -f .\testing\docker-compose.yml up --exit-code-from=proxy_controller --build --force-recreate
To run the integration tests in release mode, run the following command from the root of the Git repo:
$env:TEST_CARGO_FLAGS='--release'; docker-compose -f .\testing\file-based\docker-compose.yml up --exit-code-from=proxy_controller --build --force-recreate; Remove-Item Env:\TEST_CARGO_FLAGS
TEST_CARGO_FLAGS="--release" docker-compose -f ./testing/file-based/docker-compose.yml up --exit-code-from=proxy_controller --build --force-recreate