Wakaba-like imageboard written in Haskell and powered by Yesod. Demo board.
- Multiple file attachment
- Webm and audio support
- AJAX posting and quick reply
- Feed page and RSS
- Online user counter
- New posts counter
- Answer map and previews
- Thread and image expanding
- Thread hiding
- Post deletion and editing by user
- Prooflables as replacement of tripcodes
- Kusaba-like formatting with code highlighting and LaTeX support
- Custom CAPTCHA
- Internationalization (English, Русский, Português, Brasil)
- Country flag support
- Switchable stylesheets
- YouTube, vimeo, coub embedding
- Works fine with JavaScript disabled
- Thread catalog
- Bookmarks
- Private messages
- Full-text search
- Administration
- Hellbanning by session
- Banning by IP
- Thread moderation by OP
- Flexible account system with customizable groups and permissions
- Ability to stick and lock threads and to put on auto-sage
- Moving threads between boards
- Changing post's parent
- Modlog which allows to view previous actions done by staff
- Post search by ID and UID
- Wordfilter with regex support
- Nginx (for serving uploaded files)
- Postgresql >= 9.1
- PHP5 to use GeSHi for code highlighting
- Imagemagick (image thumbnails)
- ffmpeg/libav (webm thumbnails)
- exiftool (for audio and webm files)
- Sphinx (post search)
Required for building from source:
- stack
- cabal-install 1.22.8
Open the prompt and type:
git clone https://github.com/ahushh/Monaba
cd Monaba
Main configuration file config/settings.yml
The maximum files size is hard coded and can be changed in Foundation.hs
before building. Default value is 25 MB.
Download GeoIPCity by running the following commands:
wget http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
gzip -d GeoLiteCity.dat.gz
cp GeoLiteCity.dat /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat # or whatever path you want
Or it can be installed from repositories. You can change the in config/settings.yml
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/geshi/files/geshi/GeSHi%
tar -zxvf GeSHi-
mv geshi ~/
Set your path to GeSHi in highlight.php
. Home directory is usually good.
Download an archive of the latest version of Monaba here: https://github.com/ahushh/Monaba/releases/ and unpack it to current directory.
If it's not working or outdated, try to build from source.
Sample list of the required packages on debian:
apt-get install haskell-stack zlibc libgeoip-dev libcrypto++-dev libssl-dev postgresql-server-dev-9.1 libmagickwand-dev libmagickcore-dev libicu-dev
wget https://hackage.haskell.org/package/nano-md5-0.1.2/nano-md5-0.1.2.tar.gz
tar -zxvf nano-md5-0.1.2.tar.gz
patch nano-md5-0.1.2/Data/Digest/OpenSSL/MD5.hs < extra/MD5.hs.patch
stack setup
stack build
stack install
cp ~/.local/bin/{Captcha,Monaba} .
Create a database:
psql -U postgres -c 'create database monabas';
Run the application to initialize database schema:
./Monaba config/settings.yml
Wait until it finish (a few seconds) and fill the database with default values by visiting /admin/setup
page. Now you're ready to log in.
Default login/password: admin
See extra/sphinx.conf
Create the search index by running sudo indexer --rotate monaba
and add this command to cron job so the index is regularly updated
Start searchd
systemctl start sphinxsearch.service
See extra/nginx.conf
init.d script for gentoo: extra/monaba
For systemd users:
Firstly install libpam-systemd
package and relogin.
Configure extra/monaba.service
and put this file into /etc/systemd/user/
or ~/.config/systemd/user/
Example of usage:
systemctl --user start monaba
systemctl --user stop monaba
systemctl --user restart monaba