is a code-generator. It takes an OpenAPIv3 spec as an input and generates Rust
as it's output. It can massively reduce the boilerplate and general annoyance of writing
an HTTP API, either for an internet-facing web service or an internal micro (or macro!) service.
And becuase it is just a thin layer on top of actix-web
, performance is excellent.
OpenAPIv3, aka swagger, is a popular format for specifying an HTTP API. If you aren't familiar with OpenAPI, I recommend having at least a quick skim of the the docs before proceeding.
The generated Rust code presents an interface (i.e. a trait) which the user should implement.
Once that trait is implemented, the server is ready to go. hsr
takes care of
bootstrapping the server, url routing, serializing the inputs and outputs and other
Rust's powerful type system makes this a particularly nice workflow because 'if it compiles,
it works'. Suppose you need to modify or add an endpoint, you simply modify you API spec
(usually a .yaml
file) and recompile. rustc
will most likely throw a bunch of type
errors, you fix them, and you're done.
Right, enough talk, lets get started. Make a new project.
cargo new tutorial
cd tutorial
We'll use the handy cargo-edit
to add our
cargo add -B hsr-codegen # build dependency
cargo add hsr actix-rt serde # runtime dependencies
First, we'll define an api. Create a spec.yaml
file containing the following:
# spec.yaml
openapi: "3.0.0"
version: 0.0.1
title: hsr-tutorial
- url: http://localhost:8000
operationId: hello
description: Yes, we get it, hello
This is just about the simplest possible API. It exposes a single route, GET /hello
to which it responds with a 200 OK
. That's it. Yes, I know it's boring, we'll make it
WACKY later - for now we're just going to build it.
Create a build.rs
file in your project root:
// build.rs
use hsr_codegen;
use std::io::Write;
fn main() {
let code = hsr_codegen::generate_from_yaml_file("spec.yaml").expect("Generation failure");
let out_dir = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let dest_path = std::path::Path::new(&out_dir).join("api.rs");
let mut f = std::fs::File::create(&dest_path).unwrap();
write!(f, "{}", code).unwrap();
// If we alter the spec.yaml, we should rebuild the api
Now if we run cargo build
, it does... something. Specifically, we just told Rust
that at build-time it should:
- Open the spec file
- Generate our interface code from the spec
- Find the magic OUT_DIR and write the code to
Nice! But not very useful as-is. To actually use this code, we need to get it into our project source.
Create a file src/lib.rs
containing the following:
pub mod api {
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/api.rs"));
Now we can compile! Go! Or, actually, wait a sec. We are going to codegen an interface.
Really, we want to be able to view our API. But viewing the raw code isn't very
enlightening (and Rust doesn't make it easy), instead we view it in rustdoc
$ cargo doc --open
Ok, this time it did something useful. Inside the api
module we can see a promising-sounding
things like client
and server
modules and an HsrTutorialApi
The HsrTutorialApi
trait has a rather intimidating definition, something like:
trait HsrTutorialApi {
fn hello<'life0, 'async_trait>(&'life0 self) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Hello> + 'async_trait>>
'life0: 'async_trait,
Self: 'async_trait;
This is not as complicated as it looks. Basically this trait should be read as:
trait HsrTutorialapi {
async fn hello(&self) -> Hello;
where Hello
is defined elsewhere. Which we can see closely matches the definition in spec.yaml
Why does the definition... not look like that? Well, unfortunately "async-in-traits" is not yet
supported (issue) so for now we work around it
with the amazing async-trait
which however gives us these slightly inscrutable api definitions.
Lets gloss over this for now and implement the trait. Continuing in src/lib.rs
// src/lib.rs
/* .. previous code .. */
struct Api;
impl api::HsrTutorialApi for Api {
async fn hello(&self) -> api::Hello {
Notice that we've used the async_trait
macro (conveniently re-exported from hsr)
to allow us to implement the trait as we would 'like' it to be written, rather than as it is defined
according to the docs.
The last step is to serve our api. We can see from the api docs that there is a function
in tutorial::api::server
with the signature
pub async fn serve<A: HsrTutorialApi>(api: A, cfg: Config) -> std::io::Result<()>
so let's use that.
In src/main.rs
use tutorial::{api, Api};
async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
let config = hsr::Config::with_host("http://localhost:8000".parse().unwrap());
api::server::serve(Api, config).await
That's it, the webserver is ready. We're going to test it with httpie
, which
can be installed with pip3 install httpie --user
// terminal 1
cargo run
// terminal 2
➜ ~ http --print hH :8000/hello
GET /hello HTTP/1.1
# ...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
It lives!
Fine, very nice. What else can this thing do? Let's flex our muscles.
Add the following to you spec.yaml
# spec.yaml
# ... previous code ...
operationId: greet
- name: name
in: path
required: true
type: string
- name: obsequiousness
in: query
required: false
type: integer
description: If you can't say something nice...
type: object
- greeting
type: string
$ref: '#/components/schemas/LayItOnThick'
type: object
- is_wonderful_person
- is_kind_to_animals
- would_take_to_meet_family
type: boolean
type: boolean
type: boolean
Now if we re-run cargo doc
and refresh our browser, we have some new goodies. In the trait definition:
trait HsrTutorialApi {
// .. previous definition
fn greet<'life0, 'async_trait>(&'life0 self, name: String, obsequiousness_level: Option<i64>)
-> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Greet> + 'async_trait>>
'life0: 'async_trait,
Self: 'async_trait;
... which we have learned should be read as
trait HsrTutorialapi {
// ...
async fn greet(&self, name: String, obsequiosness_level: Option<i64>) -> Greet;
We implement it like so:
impl api::HsrTutorialApi for Api {
// ... previous
async fn greet(&self, name: String, obsequiousness_level: Option<i64>) -> api::Greet {
let obs_lvl = obsequiousness_level.unwrap_or(0);
let lay_it_on_thick = if obs_lvl <= 0 {
} else {
Some(api::LayItOnThick {
is_wonderful_person: obs_lvl >= 1,
is_kind_to_animals: obs_lvl >= 2,
would_take_to_meet_family: obs_lvl >= 3,
api::Greet::Ok(api::Greet200 {
greeting: format!("Greetings {}, pleased to meet you", name),
That's our new endpoint implemented. Let's try it out:
➜ ~ http ":8000/greet/Alex"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"greeting": "Greetings Alex, pleased to meet you",
"lay_it_on_thick": null
➜ ~ http ":8000/greet/Alex?obsequiousness=1"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"greeting": "Greetings Alex, pleased to meet you",
"lay_it_on_thick": {
"is_kind_to_animals": false,
"is_wonderful_person": true,
"would_take_to_meet_family": false
➜ ~ http ":8000/greet/Alex?obsequiousness=50"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"greeting": "Greetings Alex, pleased to meet you",
"lay_it_on_thick": {
"is_kind_to_animals": true,
"is_wonderful_person": true,
"would_take_to_meet_family": true
Beautiful! This API really knows how make you feel good about yourself.
That's it for now. Take a look at the petstore
example for a more complex spec
that implements a somewhat-realistic looking API.