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#Freshchat PUSH NOTIFICATIONS SETUP GUIDE This is a guide to setup push notifications with the Freshchat Phonegap plugin.

The plugin supports GCM for push notifications in Android and APNS for iOS.

###Server Side

After you setup your Freshchat account, go to in this page, add the server key for Android and the push certificate for iOS.

###Plugin Side

We support push notifications through a forked version of the phonegap push plugin found here.

It can be installed by the following command :

cordova plugin add

If you are setting it up for Android as well, add the Sender Id as well, so the command would look like:

cordova plugin add --variable SENDER_ID=20738924380

Plugin can also be added from config.xml as follows:

<plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" spec="">
        <param name="SENDER_ID" value="XXXXXXXXXX" />

This plugin needs to be initialized for Freshchat push notifiations to work. Sample method to initialize the plugin, call this method in your onDeviceComplete

function initializePush() {
    var push = PushNotification.init({
        "ios": {
            "alert": "true",
            "badge": "true",
            "sound": "true"
        "windows": {}

For ionic 2 & 3 

function initializePush() {
    var push = (window as any).PushNotification.init({
        "ios": {
            "alert": "true",
            "badge": "true",
            "sound": "true"
        "windows": {}

Android notification properties can be changed with the updateAndroidNotificationProperties API. The properties that can be updated are.

  • "notificationSoundEnabled" : Notifiction sound enabled or not.
  • "smallIcon" : Setting a small notification icon (move the image to drawbles folder and pass the name of the jpeg file as parameter).
  • "largeIcon" : setting a large notification icon.
  • "notificationPriority" : set the priority of notification through Freshchat.
  • "launchActivityOnFinish" : Activity to launch on up navigation from the messages screen launched from notification. The messages screen will have no activity to navigate up to in the backstack when its launched from notification. Specify the activity class name to be launched.

The API is called like:

                "smallIcon" : "image",
                "largeIcon" : "image",
                "notificationPriority" : window.Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_MAX,
                "notificationSoundEnabled" : false,
                "launchActivityOnFinish" : "MainActivity.class.getName()"

List of Freshchat Priorities:

  • Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_DEFAULT
  • Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_HIGH
  • Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_LOW
  • Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_MAX
  • Freshchat.NotificationPriority.PRIORITY_MIN

Additional APIS to handle push with a different plugin: When you receive a deviceToken from GCM or APNS , you need to update the deviceToken in hotline as follows

    push.on('registration',function(data) {

Whenever a push notification is received. You will need to check if the notification originated from Hotline and have Hotline SDK handle it.

push.on('notification',function(data) {
  window.Freshchat.isFreshchatPushNotification(data, function(success, isFreshchatNotif) {
    if( success && isFreshchatNotif ) {