diff --git a/docs/make.jl b/docs/make.jl index 7fe73f32..7f2470dd 100644 --- a/docs/make.jl +++ b/docs/make.jl @@ -5,30 +5,16 @@ DocMeta.setdocmeta!(BestieTemplate, :DocTestSetup, :(using BestieTemplate); recu const page_rename = Dict("developer.md" => "Developer docs") # Without the numbers -function nice_name(file) - file = replace(file, r"^[0-9]*-" => "") - if haskey(page_rename, file) - return page_rename[file] - end - return splitext(file)[1] |> x -> replace(x, "-" => " ") |> titlecase -end - makedocs(; modules = [BestieTemplate], - doctest = true, - linkcheck = false, # Rely on Lint.yml/lychee for the links authors = "Abel Soares Siqueira and contributors", repo = "https://github.com/abelsiqueira/BestieTemplate.jl/blob/{commit}{path}#{line}", sitename = "BestieTemplate.jl", - format = Documenter.HTML(; - prettyurls = true, - canonical = "https://abelsiqueira.github.io/BestieTemplate.jl", - assets = ["assets/style.css"], - ), + format = Documenter.HTML(; canonical = "https://abelsiqueira.github.io/BestieTemplate.jl"), pages = [ - "Home" => "index.md" + "index.md" [ - nice_name(file) => file for + file for file in readdir(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src")) if file != "index.md" && splitext(file)[2] == ".md" ] ], diff --git a/template/docs/make.jl.jinja b/template/docs/make.jl.jinja index 291a61c6..ae19dc57 100644 --- a/template/docs/make.jl.jinja +++ b/template/docs/make.jl.jinja @@ -5,33 +5,19 @@ DocMeta.setdocmeta!({{ PackageName }}, :DocTestSetup, :(using {{ PackageName }}) const page_rename = Dict("developer.md" => "Developer docs") # Without the numbers -function nice_name(file) - file = replace(file, r"^[0-9]*-" => "") - if haskey(page_rename, file) - return page_rename[file] - end - return splitext(file)[1] |> x -> replace(x, "-" => " ") |> titlecase -end - makedocs(; modules = [{{ PackageName }}], - doctest = true, - linkcheck = false, # Rely on Lint.yml/lychee for the links authors = "{{ AuthorName }} <{{ AuthorEmail }}> and contributors", repo = "https://github.com/{{ PackageOwner }}/{{ PackageName }}.jl/blob/{commit}{path}#{line}", sitename = "{{ PackageName }}.jl", - format = Documenter.HTML(; - prettyurls = true, - canonical = "https://{{ PackageOwner }}.github.io/{{ PackageName }}.jl", - assets = ["assets/style.css"], - ), + format = Documenter.HTML(; canonical = "https://{{ PackageOwner }}.github.io/{{ PackageName }}.jl"), pages = [ - "Home" => "index.md" + "index.md" [ - nice_name(file) => file for + file for file in readdir(joinpath(@__DIR__, "src")) if file != "index.md" && splitext(file)[2] == ".md" ] ], ) -deploydocs(; repo = "github.com/{{ PackageOwner }}/{{ PackageName }}.jl", push_preview = true) +deploydocs(; repo = "github.com/{{ PackageOwner }}/{{ PackageName }}.jl")