Simple webpage and API that provides exchange information of current exchange Rates of currencies in relation to the Paraguayan Guarani.
The API gather information from various popular exchange sites in Paraguay, currently includes:
- Cambios Chaco
- Cambios Alberdi
- Cambios MyD
- Cambios Amambary
- MaxiCambios
By default the server starts at port 8080.
- Current currencies:
- Today exchange of Currency:
This endpoints are only available in develop mode (develop spring profile), and are disabled in production
- Init exchange places:
- Query current exchange:
The step required to compile this application are stored in the main Dockerfile.
- You need java 8
- Execute in the root
./mvnw package
- You need
- Execute in the
foldernpm run build
The system query the data every 10 minutes, and are only enabled in production profile.
This project is in an continuous delivery:
- The code is hosted in Github
- On a push (or a merge request), the travis CI is trigger and a new image is generated (avolpe/cotizacion)
- A web hook is invoked to the server (
- The server pull the new image and restart
- Current version:
- Make the database a volume (now it restart every time)
- Add a chart to show the exchange evolution.
- Add a map to show the shortest path to get the best exchange.
This work is released under The MIT License