For users knowing more about integrating Tasmota with IP-Symcon please update this page.
The Tasmota IP-Symcon interface can be found at
There are currently two modules for IP Symcon
- Mosquitto Broker
- MQTT Client - currently a modified version of IPS_MQTT by thomasf68
- IP-Symcon version 4.1 or higher
With the configurator it is possible to generate automatically the IP Symcon instances for the Tasmota devices.
With this Module it is possible to map devices that contain standard functions of the Tasmota firmware. For example: Sonoff Switch, Sonoff POW, Sonoff 4CH, Sonoff TH
With the IPS-TasmotaLED module it is possible to map the LED modules that run with the Tasmota firmware. For example: WS2812, AiLight, Sonoff Led, B1, BN-SZ01, H801 and MagicHome
Github Repositorys in IP Symcon via Core Instances -> Modules -> Add