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to take your SEO to the next level, then, these experts\u2019 Search Engine Optimization tips will help you get where you want to be.\r\n- See more at: https://mytasker.com/blog/seo-tips/#sthash.Vc7LgCN0.dpuf", "content_photo": "", "posted": "2017-05-16T01:47:11.954Z", "author": "baba", "status": true, "category": 1}}, {"model": "blog.blog", "pk": 8, "fields": {"title": "Xyabot is Live", "slug": "xyabot-live", "body": "Xyabot is live in India\r\n\r\n.These latest SEO tips and tricks are given by some of the established and renowned SEO experts in the industry.\r\nYou probably know that SEO has been changed dramatically over the few years.\r\nTactics like keyword stuffing, thin content, building spammy and irrelevant backlinks to achieve rankings in Google are long gone.\r\nSo, you are probably wondering what SEO techniques are the most effective nowadays.\r\nToday, Google honors only those websites, who follow their guidelines and satisfy users.\r\nWell, if you\u2019re not getting the traffic you want, and also want to take your SEO to the next level, then, these experts\u2019 Search Engine Optimization tips will help you get where you want to be.\r\n- See more at: https://mytasker.com/blog/seo-tips/#sthash.Vc7LgCN0.dpuf", "content_photo": "passive_income/icon.png", "posted": "2017-05-16T01:48:24.720Z", "author": "Baba", "status": true, "category": 4}}, {"model": "blog.blog", "pk": 9, "fields": {"title": "Blog with Django", "slug": "blog-django", "body": "Blog with Django is in my github repo.These latest SEO tips and tricks are given by some of the established and renowned SEO experts in the industry.\r\nYou probably know that SEO has been changed dramatically over the few years.\r\nTactics like keyword stuffing, thin content, building spammy and irrelevant backlinks to achieve rankings in Google are long gone.\r\nSo, you are probably wondering what SEO techniques are the most effective nowadays.\r\nToday, Google honors only those websites, who follow their guidelines and satisfy users.\r\nWell, if you\u2019re not getting the traffic you want, and also want to take your SEO to the next level, then, these experts\u2019 Search Engine Optimization tips will help you get where you want to be.\r\n- See more at: https://mytasker.com/blog/seo-tips/#sthash.Vc7LgCN0.dpuf", "content_photo": "passive_income/icon_nfs.png", "posted": "2017-05-16T01:49:13.885Z", "author": "gobind", "status": true, "category": 3}}, {"model": "blog.blog", "pk": 10, "fields": {"title": "Protect your online assets", "slug": "protect-your-online-assets", "body": "Virus in town.These latest SEO tips and tricks are given by some of the established and renowned SEO experts in the industry.\r\nasd\r\n\r\nYou probably know that SEO has been changed dramatically over the few years.\r\nTactics like keyword stuffing, thin content, building spammy and irrelevant backlinks to achieve rankings in Google are long gone.\r\nSo, you are probably wondering what SEO techniques are the most effective nowadays.\r\nToday, Google honors only those websites, who follow their guidelines and satisfy users.\r\nWell, if you\u2019re not getting the traffic you want, and also want to take your SEO to the next level, then, these experts\u2019 Search Engine Optimization tips will help you get where you want to be.\r\n- See more at: https://mytasker.com/blog/seo-tips/#sthash.Vc7LgCN0.dpuf", "content_photo": "passive_income/icon_inartificial.png", "posted": "2017-05-16T01:50:13.546Z", "author": "gobind", "status": true, "category": 2}}, {"model": "blog.blog", "pk": 11, "fields": {"title": "How to write a blog", "slug": "how-write-blog", "body": "Learn Django\r\nThese latest SEO tips and tricks are given by some of the established and renowned SEO experts in the industry.\r\nYou probably know that SEO has been changed dramatically over the few years.\r\nTactics like keyword stuffing, thin content, building spammy and irrelevant backlinks to achieve rankings in Google are long gone.\r\nSo, you are probably wondering what SEO techniques are the most effective nowadays.\r\nToday, Google honors only those websites, who follow their guidelines and satisfy users.\r\nWell, if you\u2019re not getting the traffic you want, and also want to take your SEO to the next level, then, these experts\u2019 Search Engine Optimization tips will help you get where you want to be.\r\n- See more at: https://mytasker.com/blog/seo-tips/#sthash.Vc7LgCN0.dpuf", "content_photo": "passive_income/drf_bg.png", "posted": "2017-05-16T01:51:01.176Z", "author": "gobind", "status": true, "category": 7}}, {"model": "blog.category", "pk": 1, "fields": {"title": "Passive Income", "slug": "passive-income", "category_photo": "category/passive.jpg"}}, {"model": "blog.category", "pk": 2, "fields": {"title": "World Wide", "slug": "world-wide", "category_photo": "category/UAqpqU0.png"}}, {"model": "blog.category", "pk": 3, "fields": {"title": "Coding Articles", "slug": "coding-articles", 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