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ydlidar_ros_driver is a new ros package, which is designed to gradually become the standard driver package for ydlidar devices in the ros environment.

Compile & Install YDLidar SDK

ydlidar_ros_driver depends on YDLidar-SDK library. If you have never installed YDLidar-SDK library or it is out of date, you must first install YDLidar-SDK library. If you have installed the latest version of YDLidar-SDK, skip this step and go to the next step.

  1. Download or clone the YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK repository on GitHub.
  2. Compile and install the YDLidar-SDK under the build directory following of YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK.

Clone ydlidar_ros_driver

  1. Clone ydlidar_ros_driver package for github :

    git clone ydlidar_ws/src/ydlidar_ros_driver

  2. Build ydlidar_ros_driver package :

    cd ydlidar_ws

    >Note: If the following error occurs, Please install YDLIDAR/YDLidar-SDK first.


  3. Package environment setup :

    source ./devel/

    Note: Add permanent workspace environment variables. It's convenientif the ROS environment variables are automatically added to your bash session every time a new shell is launched:

    $echo "source ~/ydlidar_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
    $source ~/.bashrc
  4. Confirmation To confirm that your package path has been set, echo the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH variable.

    $ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

    You should see something similar to: /home/tony/ydlidar_ws/src:/opt/ros/melodic/share

  5. Create serial port Alias [optional]

    $chmod 0777 src/ydlidar_ros_driver/startup/*
    $sudo sh src/ydlidar_ros_driver/startup/

    Note: After completing the previous operation, replug the LiDAR again.

Run ydlidar_ros_driver

Run ydlidar_ros_driver using launch file

The command format is :

roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver [launch file]

  1. Connect Triangle LiDAR uint(s).

    # G4, G5
    roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver lidar_view.launch 
  2. Connect to TOF LiDAR uint(s).

    # TG15, TG30, TG50
    roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver TG.launch 
    # TX8, TX20
    roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver TX.launch 
  3. Connect to TOF NET LiDAR uint(s).

    # T5, T15
    roslaunch ydlidar_ros_driver T15.launch 
Launch file introduction

The driver offers users a wealth of options when using different launch file. The launch file directory

is "ydlidar_ws/src/ydlidar_ros_driver/launch". All launch files are listed as below :

launch file features
G1.launch Connect to G1 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
G2.launch Connect to G2 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
G6_G7.launch Connect to G6/G7 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
lidar.launch Connect to G4/G5 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
lidar_view.launch Connect to G4/G5 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
Automatically load rviz
T15.launch Connect to T5/T15 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
TG.launch Connect to TG15/TG30/TG50 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
TX.launch Connect to TX8/TX20 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
X2.launch Connect to X2/X2L LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
X4.launch Connect to X4 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
X4-Pro.launch Connect to X4 Pro LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
TSA.launch Connect to TSA LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
Tmini.launch Connect to T-mini/T-mini Pro LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
SDM15.launch Connect to SDM15 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
GS1.launch Connect to GS1 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic
GS2.launch Connect to GS2 LiDAR
Publish LaserScan message on scan topic

Publish Topic

Topic Type Description
scan sensor_msgs/LaserScan 2D laser scan of the 0-angle ring
point_cloud sensor_msgs/PointCloud 2D point cloud of the 0-angle ring
laser_fan(removed in version 1.0.1) ydlidar_ros_driver::LaserFan 2D Raw laser fan of the 0-angle ring

Subscribe Service

Service Type Description
stop_scan std_srvs::Empty turn off lidar
start_scan std_srvs::Empty turn on lidar

Configure ydlidar_ros_driver internal parameter

The ydlidar_ros_driver internal parameters are in the launch file, they are listed as below :

Parameter name Data Type detail
port string Set Lidar the serial port or IP address
it can be set to /dev/ttyUSB0,, etc.
default: /dev/ydlidar
frame_id string Lidar TF coordinate system name.
default: laser_frame
ignore_array string LiDAR filtering angle area
eg: -90, -80, 30, 40
baudrate int Lidar baudrate or network port.
default: 230400
lidar_type int Set lidar type
default: 1
device_type int Set device type
default: 0
sample_rate int Set Lidar Sample Rate.
default: 9
abnormal_check_count int Set the number of abnormal startup data attempts.
default: 4
fixed_resolution bool Fixed angluar resolution.
default: true
reversion bool Reversion LiDAR.
default: true
inverted bool Inverted LiDAR.
false -- ClockWise.
true -- CounterClockWise
default: true
auto_reconnect bool Automatically reconnect the LiDAR.
true -- hot plug.
default: true
isSingleChannel bool Whether LiDAR is a single-channel.
default: false
intensity bool Whether LiDAR has intensity.
true -- G2 LiDAR.
default: false
support_motor_dtr bool Whether the Lidar can be started and stopped by Serial DTR.
default: false
angle_min float Minimum Valid Angle.
default: -180
angle_max float Maximum Valid Angle.
default: 180
range_min float Minimum Valid range.
default: 0.1
range_max float Maximum Valid range.
default: 16.0
frequency float Set Scanning Frequency.
default: 10.0
invalid_range_is_inf bool Invalid Range is inf.
true -- inf.
false -- 0.0.
default: false
point_cloud_preservative bool Keep invalid range.
true -- Keep.
false -- Reject.
default: false
More paramters details, see here

Contact EAI

Development Path

If you have any extra questions, please feel free to contact us