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Releases: Vonng/pigsty


31 Mar 05:25
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Store OpenAI embedding and search similar vectors with pgvector


  • New extension pgvector for storing OpenAI embedding and searching similar vectors.
  • MinIO CVE-2023-28432 fix, and upgrade to 20230324 with new policy API.
  • Add reload functionality to DNSMASQ systemd services
  • Bump pev to v1.8
  • Bump grafana to v9.4.7
  • Bump MinIO and MCLI version to 20230324
  • Bump bytebase version to v1.15.0
  • Upgrade monitoring dashboards and fix dead links
  • Upgrade aliyun terraform template image to rockylinux 9
  • Adopt grafana provisioning API change since v9.4
  • Add asciinema videos for various administration tasks
  • Fix broken EL8 pgsql deps: remove anonymizer_15 faker_15 and pgloader
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el7.x86_64.tgz) = d46440a115d741386d29d6de646acfe2
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el8.x86_64.tgz) = 5fa268b5545ac96b40c444210157e1e1
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.2.el9.x86_64.tgz) = c8b113d57c769ee86a22579fc98e8345


21 Mar 13:36
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Bug fix for v2.0.0 and security improvement.


  • Replace the pig shape logo for compliance with the PostgreSQL trademark policy.
  • Bump grafana version to v9.4 with better UI and bugfix.
  • Bump patroni version to v3.0.1 with some bugfix.
  • Change: rollback grafana systemd service file to rpm default.
  • Use slow copy instead of rsync to copy grafana dashboards.
  • Enhancement: add back default repo files after bootstrap
  • Add asciinema video for various administration tasks.
  • Security Enhance Mode: restrict monitor user privilege.
  • New config template: dual.yml for two-node deployment.
  • Enable log_connections and log_disconnections in crit.yml template.
  • Enable $lib/passwordcheck in pg_libs in crit.yml template.
  • Explicitly grant monitor view permission to pg_monitor role.
  • Remove default dbrole_readonly from dbuser_monitor to limit monitor user privilege
  • Now patroni listen on {{ inventory_hostname }} instead of
  • Now you can control postgres/pgbouncer listen to address with pg_listen
  • Now you can use placeholder ${ip}, ${lo}, ${vip} in pg_listen
  • Bump Aliyun terraform image to rocky Linux 9 instead of centos 7.9
  • Bump bytebase to v1.14.0

Bug Fixes

  • Add missing advertise address for alertmanager
  • Fix missing pg_mode error when adding postgres user with bin/pgsql-user
  • Add -a password to redis-join task @ redis.yml
  • Fix missing default value in infra-rm.yml.remove infra data
  • Fix prometheus targets file ownership to prometheus
  • Use admin user rather than root to delete metadata in DCS
  • Fix Meta datasource missing database name due to grafana 9.4 bug.


Official EL8 pgdg upstream is broken now, DO use it with caution!

Affected packages: postgis33_15, pgloader, postgresql_anonymizer_15*, postgresql_faker_15

How to Upgrade

cd ~/pigsty; tar -zcf /tmp/files.tgz files; rm -rf ~/pigsty    # backup files dir and remove      
cd ~; bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"    # get latest pigsty source
cd ~/pigsty; rm -rf files; tar -xf /tmp/files.tgz -C ~/pigsty  # restore files dir


MD5 (pigsty-v2.0.1.tgz) = 7addc87bc4edb46c3eacf723163ffbd4
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el7.x86_64.tgz) = 5cfbe98fd9706b9e0f15c1065971b3f6
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el8.x86_64.tgz) = c34aa460925ae7548866bf51b8b8759c
MD5 (pigsty-pkg-v2.0.1.el9.x86_64.tgz) = 055057cebd93c473a67fb63bcde22d33

Special thanks to @cocoonkid for his feedback.

v2.0.0 Release

27 Feb 05:00
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"PIGSTY" is now the abbr of "PostgreSQL in Great STYle"

Get pigsty v2.0.0 via the following command:

curl -fsSL | bash
Download directly from GitHub Release
# get from GitHub
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

# or download tarball directly with curl
curl -L -o ~/pigsty.tgz                 # SRC
curl -L -o /tmp/pkg.tgz  # EL9
curl -L -o /tmp/pkg.tgz  # EL8
curl -L -o /tmp/pkg.tgz  # EL7


  • PostgreSQL 15.2, PostGIS 3.3, Citus 11.2, TimescaleDB 2.10 now works together and unite as one.
  • Now works on EL 7,8,9 for RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, and other EL compatible distributions
  • Security enhancement with self-signed CA, full SSL support, scram-sha-256 pwd encryption, and more.
  • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support and dcs failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures.
  • Auto-Configured, Battery-Included PITR for PostgreSQL powered by pgbackrest, local or S3/minio.
  • Dedicate module ETCD, which can be easily deployed and scaled in/out. Used as DCS instead of Consul.
  • Dedicate module MINIO, local S3 alternative for the optional central backup repo for PGSQL PITR.
  • Better config templates with adaptive tuning for Node & PG according to your hardware spec.
  • Use AGPL v3.0 license instead of Apache 2.0 license due to Grafana & MinIO reference.


  • Pigsty now works on EL7, EL8, EL9, and offers corresponding pre-packed offline packages.
  • Pigsty now works on EL compatible distributions: RHEL, CentOS, Rocky, AlmaLinux, OracleLinux,...
  • Pigsty now use RockyLinux 9 as default developing & testing environment instead of CentOS 7
  • EL version, CPU arch, and pigsty version string are part of source & offline package names.
  • PGSQL: PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2 now works together.
  • PGSQL: Patroni 3.0 is used as default HA solution for PGSQL, and etcd is used as default DCS.
    • Patroni 3.0 with DCS failsafe mode to prevent global DCS failures (demoting all primary)
    • Patroni 3.0 with native HA citus cluster support, with entirely open sourced v11 citus.
    • vip-manager 2.x with ETCDv3 API, ETCDv2 API is deprecated, so does patroni.
  • PGSQL: pgBackRest v2.44 is introduced to provide battery-include PITR for PGSQL.
    • it will use local backup FS on primary by default for a two-day retention policy
    • it will use S3/minio as an alternative central backup repo for a two-week retention policy
  • ETCD is used as default DCS instead of Consul, And V3 API is used instead of V2 API.
  • NODE module now consist of node itself, haproxy, docker, node_exporter, and promtail
    • chronyd is used as default NTP client instead of ntpd
    • HAPROXY now attach to NODE instead of PGSQL, which can be used for exposing services
    • You can register PG Service to dedicate haproxy clusters rather than local cluster nodes.
    • You can expose ad hoc service in a NodePort manner with haproxy, not limited to pg services.
  • INFRA now consist of dnsmasq, nginx, prometheus, grafana, loki
    • DNSMASQ is enabled on all infra nodes, and added to all nodes as the default resolver.
    • Add blackbox_exporter for ICMP probe, add pushgateway for batch job metrics.
    • Switch to official loki & promtail rpm packages. Use official Grafana Echarts Panel.
    • Add infra dashboards for self-monitoring, add patroni & pg15 metrics to the monitoring system
  • Software Upgrade
    • PostgreSQL 15.2 / PostGIS 3.3 / TimescaleDB 2.10 / Citus 11.2
    • Patroni 3.0 / Pgbouncer 1.18 / pgBackRest 2.44 / vip-manager 2.1
    • HAProxy 2.7 / Etcd 3.5 / MinIO 20230222182345 / mcli 20230216192011
    • Prometheus 2.42 / Grafana 9.3 / Loki & Promtail 2.7 / Node Exporter 1.5


  • A full-featured self-signed CA enabled by default
  • Redact password in postgres logs.
  • SSL for Nginx (you have to trust the self-signed CA or use thisisunsafe to dismiss the warning)
  • SSL for etcd peer/client traffics by @alemacci
  • SSL for postgres/pgbouncer/patroni by @alemacci
  • scram-sha-256 auth for postgres password encryption by @alemacci
  • Pgbouncer Auth Query by @alemacci
  • Use AES-256-CBC for pgbackrest encryption by @alemacci
  • Adding a security enhancement config template which enforce global SSL
  • Now all hba rules are defined in config inventory, no default rules.


  • Adaptive tuning template for PostgreSQL & Patroni by @Vonng, @alemacci
  • configurable log dir for Patroni & Postgres & Pgbouncer & Pgbackrest by @alemacci
  • Replace fixed ip placeholder with ${admin_ip} that can be referenced
  • Adaptive upstream repo definition that can be switched according to EL ver, region & arch.
  • Terraform Templates for AWS CN & Aliyun, which can be used for sandbox IaaS provisioning
  • Vagrant Templates: meta, full, el7 el8, el9, build, minio, citus, etc...
  • New playbook pgsql-monitor.yml for monitoring existing pg instance or RDS PG.
  • New playbook pgsql-migration.yml for migrating existing pg instance to pigsty managed pg.
  • New shell utils under bin/ to simplify the daily administration tasks.
  • Optimize ansible role implementation. which can be used without default parameter values.
  • Now you can define pgbouncer parameters on database & user level

API Changes

69 parameters were added, 16 parameters were removed, rename 14 parameters

Added Parameters

  • INFRA.META.admin_ip : primary meta node ip address
  • INFRA.META.region : upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
  • INFRA.META.os_version : enterprise linux release version: 7,8,9
  • INFRA.CA.ca_cn : ca common name, pigsty-ca by default
  • INFRA.CA.cert_validity : cert validity, 20 years by default
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_enabled : build a local yum repo on infra node?
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_upstream : list of upstream yum repo definition
  • INFRA.REPO.repo_home : home dir of local yum repo, usually same as nginx_home '/www'
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_port : https listen port
  • INFRA.NGINX.nginx_ssl_enabled : nginx https enabled?
  • INFRA.PROMTETHEUS.alertmanager_endpoint : altermanager endpoint in (ip|domain):port format
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_count : number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over node_hugepage_ratio
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_hugepage_ratio : mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.NODE_TUNE.node_overcommit_ratio : node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default
  • NODE.HAPROXY.haproxy_service : list of haproxy service to be exposed
  • PGSQL.PG_ID.pg_mode : pgsql cluster mode: pgsql,citus,gpsql
  • PGSQL.PG_BUSINESS.pg_dbsu_password : dbsu password, empty string means no dbsu password by default
  • PGSQL.PG_INSTALL.pg_log_dir : postgres log dir, /pg/data/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_storage_type : SSD|HDD, SSD by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_log_dir : patroni log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_ssl_enabled : secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_username : patroni rest api username
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_password : patroni rest api password (IMPORTANT: CHANGE THIS)
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.patroni_citus_db : citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_max_conn : postgres max connections, auto will use recommended value
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_shared_buffer_ratio : postgres shared buffer memory ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rto : recovery time objective, ttl to failover, 30s by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_rpo : recovery point objective, 1MB data loss at most by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pg_pwd_enc : algorithm for encrypting passwords: md5|scram-sha-256
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_log_dir : pgbouncer log dir, /var/log/pgbouncer by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_auth_query : if enabled, query pg_authid table to retrieve biz users instead of populating userlist
  • PGSQL.PG_BOOTSTRAP.pgbouncer_sslmode : SSL for pgbouncer client: disable|allow|prefer|require|verify-ca|verify-full
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_enabled : pgbackrest enabled?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_clean : remove pgbackrest data during init ?
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_log_dir : pgbackrest log dir, /pg/log by default
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_method : pgbackrest backup repo method, local or minio
  • PGSQL.PG_BACKUP.pgbackrest_repo : pgbackrest backup repo config
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_service_provider : dedicate haproxy node group name, or empty string for local nodes by default
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_default_service_dest : default service destination if svc.dest='default'
  • PGSQL.PG_SERVICE.pg_vip_enabled : enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary? false by default
  • PGSQL...
Read more

v1.5.1 Release (PG14.4 BUGFIX)

18 Jun 07:05
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WARNING: CREATE INDEX|REINDEX CONCURRENTLY PostgreSQL 14.0 - 14.3 may lead to index data corruption!

Please upgrade postgres to 14.4 ASAP.

Software Upgrade

  • upgrade postgres to 14.4 (important bug fix)
  • upgrade citus to 11.0-2 (with enterprise features)
  • upgrade timescaledb to 2.7 (more continuous aggregates)
  • Upgrade patroni to 2.1.4 (new sync health-check)
  • Upgrade haproxy to 2.6.0 (cli, reload, ssl,...)
  • Upgrade grafana to 9.0.0 (new ui)
  • Upgrade prometheus 2.36.0

Bug fix:

  • Fix typo in pgsql-migration.yml
  • remove pid file in haproxy config
  • remove i686 packages when using repotrack under el7
  • Fix redis service systemctl enabled issue
  • Fix patroni systemctl service enabled=no by default issue
  • stop vip-manager when purging existing postgres

API Changes

  • Mark grafana_database and grafana_pgurl as obsolete
  • Add some new etcd & pgsql alias (optional)

New Apps

  • wiki.js : Local wiki with Postgres
  • FerretDB : MongoDB API over Postgres
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = 5a7403a85b20b2b56f874fa5304979f6
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = efdf59af503d49430c7989383a6b4b32
MD5 (app.tgz) = 7f5712993d68e09798e1d40cea6c6d87
MD5 (docker.tgz) = cdbd2cbd3fd4c026ca5055475bdf2067
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84

v1.5.0 Release @ 2022-05-22

21 May 08:16
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Docker Support & Infra Monitoring & CMDB & ETCD & Better Cold Backup


  • Complete Docker Support, enable on meta nodes by default with ton's of software templates.
    • gitea, bytebase, pgadmin4, pgweb, postgrest, kong, Minio,...
  • Infra Self Monitoring: Nginx, ETCD, Consul, Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, etc...
  • New CMDB design compatible with Redis & Greenplum, visualize with CMDB Overview
  • Service Discovery: Consul SD now works again for Prometheus targets management
  • Redis playbook now works on a single instance with redis_port option.
  • Better cold backup support: crontab for backup, delayed standby with pg_delay
  • Use ETCD as DCS, an alternative to Consul
  • Nginx Log Enhancement



  • CMDB Overview: Visualize CMDB Inventory
  • DCS Overview: Show consul & etcd metrics
  • Nginx Overview: Visualize Nginx metrics & access/error logs
  • Grafana Overview: Grafana self Monitoring
  • Prometheus Overview: Prometheus self Monitoring
  • INFRA Dashboard & Home Dashboard Reforge


  • Infra monitoring targets now have a separated target dir targets/infra
  • Consul SD is available for Prometheus
  • etcd, consul, patroni, docker metrics
  • Now infra targets are managed by role infra_register
  • Upgrade pg_exporter to v0.5.0 with scale and default support
    • pg_bgwriter, pg_wal, pg_query, pg_db, pgbouncer_stat now use seconds instead of ms and µs
    • pg_table counters now have default value 0 instead of NaN
    • pg_class is replaced by pg_table and pg_index
    • pg_table_size is now enabled with 300s ttl


  • The new optional package docker.tgz contains Pgadmin, Pgweb, PostgRest, ByteBase, Kong, Minio, etc.
  • New Role etcd to deploy & monitor etcd dcs service
  • Specify which type of DCS to use with pg_dcs_type (etcd now available)
  • Add pg_checksum option to enable data checksum
  • Add pg_delay option to setup delayed standby leaders
  • Add node_crontab and node_crontab_overwrite to create routine jobs such as cold backup
  • Add a series of *_enable options to control components
  • Loki and Promtail are now installed using the RPM package made by frpm.
  • Allow customize monitoring logo

Software Updates

  • Upgrade PostgreSQL to 14.3
  • Upgrade Redis to 6.2.7
  • Upgrade PG Exporter to 0.5.0
  • Upgrade Consul to 1.12.0
  • Upgrade vip-manager to v1.0.2
  • Upgrade Grafana to v8.5.2
  • Upgrade HAproxy to 2.5.7 without rsyslog dependency
  • Upgrade Loki & Promtail to v2.5.0 with RPM packages
  • New packages: pg_probackup

New software / application based on docker:

  • bytebase : DDL Schema Migrator
  • pgadmin4 : Web Admin UI for PostgreSQL
  • pgweb : Web Console for PostgreSQL
  • postgrest : Auto generated REST API for PostgreSQL
  • kong : API Gateway which use PostgreSQL as backend storage
  • swagger openapi : API Specification Generator
  • Minio : S3-compatible object storage
  • Gitea : Private local git service

Bug Fix

  • Fix loki & promtail /etc/default config file name issue
  • Now node_data_dir (/data) is created before consul init if not exist
  • Fix HAProxy silence /var/log/messages with inappropriate rsyslog dependency

API Change

New Variable

  • node_data_dir : major data mount path, will be created if not exist.
  • node_crontab_overwrite : overwrite /etc/crontab instead of append
  • node_crontab: node crontab to be appended or overwritten
  • nameserver_enabled: enable nameserver on this meta node?
  • prometheus_enabled: enable Prometheus on this meta node?
  • grafana_enabled: enable grafana on this meta node?
  • loki_enabled: enable Loki on this meta node?
  • docker_enable: enable docker on this node?
  • consul_enable: enable consul server/agent?
  • etcd_enable: enable etcd server/clients?
  • pg_checksum: enable pg cluster data-checksum?
  • pg_delay: recovery min apply delay for standby leader


Now *_clean are boolean flags to clean up existing instances during init.

Now *_safeguard are boolean flags to avoid purging running instances when executing any playbook.

  • pg_exists_action -> pg_clean
  • pg_disable_purge -> pg_safeguard
  • dcs_exists_action -> dcs_clean
  • dcs_disable_purge -> dcs_safeguard


  • node_ntp_config -> node_ntp_enabled
  • node_admin_setup -> node_admin_enabled
  • node_admin_pks -> node_admin_pk_list
  • node_dns_hosts -> node_etc_hosts_default
  • node_dns_hosts_extra -> node_etc_hosts
  • node_dns_server -> node_dns_method
  • node_local_repo_url -> node_repo_local_urls
  • node_packages -> node_packages_default
  • node_extra_packages -> node_packages
  • node_packages_meta -> node_packages_meta
  • node_meta_pip_install -> node_packages_meta_pip
  • node_sysctl_params -> node_tune_params
  • app_list -> nginx_indexes
  • grafana_plugin -> grafana_plugin_method
  • grafana_cache -> grafana_plugin_cache
  • grafana_plugins -> grafana_plugin_list
  • grafana_git_plugin_git -> grafana_plugin_git
  • haproxy_admin_auth_enabled -> haproxy_auth_enabled
  • pg_shared_libraries -> pg_libs
  • dcs_type -> pg_dcs_type


MD5 (app.tgz) = 7f5712993d68e09798e1d40cea6c6d87
MD5 (docker.tgz) = 53f3c12283d495e4cca55c7fbcaeabfd
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = b3b85e124c2cbcb3d64497585f2e53e8
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 334abc323b78cb22b47d4b4e32635541

v1.4.1 add Docker Support

19 Apr 00:46
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Routine bug fix / Docker Support / English Docs

Now docker is enabled on meta node by default. You can launch ton's of SaaS with it

English document is available now.

Bug Fix

MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = 6f2db6af16e96a6842f28e299f98b96b
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 9a8da6b926b2742bc37a8a339401f47a
MD5 (app.tgz) = b9a3de9cdea10cfaedf3316941a089ad
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84

v1.4.0 Release

29 Mar 01:47
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Quick Start

Get a new Linux x86_64 CentOS 7.8 node. with nopass sudo & ssh access, then:

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"   # get latest pigsty source
cd ~/pigsty && ./configure --download --non-interactive # pre-check and config templating 
./infra.yml                                             # install pigsty on current node

You can also download pigsty source & software packages with curl:

curl -SL -o /tmp/pkg.tgz
curl -SL | gzip -d | tar -xC


  • Decouple system into 4 major categories: INFRA, NODES, PGSQL, REDIS, which makes pigsty far more clear and more extensible.
  • Single Node Deployment = INFRA + NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy pgsql clusters = NODES + PGSQL
  • Deploy redis clusters = NODES + REDIS
  • Deploy other databases = NODES + xxx (e.g MONGO, KAFKA, ... TBD)


  • CDN for mainland China.
  • Get the latest source with bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • Download & Extract packages with new download script.

Monitor Enhancement

  • Split monitoring system into 5 major categories: INFRA, NODES, REDIS, PGSQL, APP
  • Logging enabled by default
    • now loki and promtail are enabled by default. with prebuilt loki-rpm
  • Models & Labels
    • A hidden ds prometheus datasource variable is added for all dashboards, so you can easily switch different datasource simply by select a new one rather than modifying Grafana Datasources & Dashboards
    • An ip label is added for all metrics, and will be used as join key between database metrics & nodes metrics
  • INFRA Monitoring
    • Home dashboard for infra: INFRA Overview
    • Add logging Dashboards : Logs Instance
    • PGLOG Analysis & PGLOG Session now treated as an example Pigsty APP.
  • NODES Monitoring Application
    • If you don't care database at all, Pigsty now can be used as host monitoring software alone!
    • Consist of 4 core dashboards: Nodes Overview & Nodes Cluster & Nodes Instance & Nodes Alert
    • Introduce new identity variables for nodes: node_cluster and nodename
    • Variable pg_hostname now means set hostname same as postgres instance name to keep backward-compatible
    • Variable nodename_overwrite control whether overwrite node's hostname with nodename
    • Variable nodename_exchange will write nodename to each other's /etc/hosts
    • All nodes metrics reference are overhauled, join by ip
    • Nodes monitoring targets are managed alone under /etc/prometheus/targets/nodes
  • PGSQL Monitoring Enhancement
    • Complete new PGSQL Cluster which simplify and focus on important stuff among cluster.
    • New Dashboard PGSQL Databases which is cluster level object monitoring. Such as tables & queries among the entire cluster rather than single instance.
    • PGSQL Alert dashboard now only focus on pgsql alerts.
    • PGSQL Shard are added to PGSQL
  • Redis Monitoring Enhancement
    • Add nodes monitoring for all redis dashboards.

MatrixDB Support

  • MatrixDB (Greenplum 7) can be deployed via pigsty-matrix.yml playbook
  • MatrixDB Monitor Dashboards : PGSQL MatrixDB
  • Example configuration added: pigsty-mxdb.yml

Provisioning Enhancement

Now pigsty work flow works as this:

 infra.yml ---> install pigsty on single meta node
      |          then add more nodes under pigsty's management
 nodes.yml ---> prepare nodes for pigsty (node setup, dcs, node_exporter, promtail)
      |          then choose one playbook to deploy database clusters on those nodes
      ^--> pgsql.yml   install postgres on prepared nodes
      ^--> redis.yml   install redis on prepared nodes

infra-demo.yml = 
           infra.yml -l meta     +
           nodes.yml -l pg-test  +
           pgsql.yml -l pg-test +
           infra-loki.yml + infra-jupyter.yml + infra-pgweb.yml
  • nodes.yml to setup & prepare nodes for pigsty
    • setup node, node_exporter, consul agent on nodes
    • node-remove.yml are used for node de-register
  • pgsql.yml now only works on prepared nodes
    • pgsql-remove now only responsible for postgres itself. (dcs and node monitor are taken by node.yml)
    • Add a series of new options to reuse postgres role in greenplum/matrixdb
  • redis.yml now works on prepared nodes
    • and redis-remove.yml now remove redis from nodes.
  • pgsql-matrix.yml now install matrixdb (Greenplum 7) on prepared nodes.

Software Upgrade

  • PostgreSQL 14.2
  • PostGIS 3.2
  • TimescaleDB 2.6
  • Patroni 2.1.3 (Prometheus Metrics + Failover Slots)
  • HAProxy 2.5.5 (Fix stats error, more metrics)
  • PG Exporter 0.4.1 (Timeout Parameters, and)
  • Grafana 8.4.4
  • Prometheus 2.33.4
  • Greenplum 6.19.4 / MatrixDB 4.4.0
  • Loki are now shipped as rpm packages instead of zip archives

Bug Fix

  • Remove consul dependency for patroni , which makes it much more easier to migrate to a new consul cluster
  • Fix prometheus bin/new scripts default data dir path : /export/prometheus to /data/prometheus
  • Fix typos and tasks
  • Add restart seconds to vip-manager systemd service

API Changes

New Variable

  • node_cluster: Identity variable for node cluster
  • nodename_overwrite: If set, nodename will be set to node's hostname
  • nodename_exchange : exchange node hostname (in /etc/hosts) among play hosts
  • node_dns_hosts_extra : extra static dns records which can be easily overwritten by single instance/cluster
  • patroni_enabled: if disabled, postgres & patroni bootstrap will not be performed during role postgres
  • pgbouncer_enabled : if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched during role postgres
  • pg_exporter_params: extra url parameters for pg_exporter when generating monitor target url.
  • pg_provision: bool var to indicate whether perform provision part of role postgres (template, db,user)
  • no_cmdb: cli args for infra.yml and infra-demo.yml playbook which will not create cmdb on meta node.
MD5 (app.tgz) = f887313767982b31a2b094e5589a75ea
MD5 (matrix.tgz) = 3d063437c482d94bd7e35df1a08bbc84
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = e143b88ebea1474f9ebaffddc6072c49
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 73e8f5ce995b1f1760cb63c1904fb91b

v1.3.1 Bug fix & Dashboard Polish & Software Upgrade

10 Dec 05:26
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  • PGSQL & PGCAT Dashboard polish
  • optimize layout for pgcat instance & pgcat database
  • add key metrics panels to pgsql instance dashboard, keep consist with pgsql cluster
  • add table/index bloat panels to pgcat database, remove pgcat bloat dashboard.
  • add index information in pgcat database dashboard
  • fix broken panels in grafana 8.3
  • add redis index in nginx homepage


  • New infra-demo.yml playbook for one-pass bootstrap
  • Use infra-jupyter.yml playbook to deploy optional jupyter lab server
  • Use infra-pgweb.yml playbook to deploy optional pgweb server
  • New pg alias on meta node, can initiate postgres cluster from admin user (in addition to postgres)
  • Adjust all patroni conf templates's max_locks_per_transactions according to timescaledb-tune 's advise
  • Add citus.node_conninfo: 'sslmode=prefer' to conf templates in order to use citus without SSL
  • Add all extensions (except for pgrouting) in pgdg14 in package list
  • Upgrade node_exporter to v1.3.1
  • Add PostgREST v9.0.0 to package list. Generate API from postgres schema.


  • Grafana's security breach (upgrade to v8.3.1 issue)
  • fix pg_instance & pg_service in register role when start from middle of playbook
  • Fix nginx homepage render issue when host without pg_cluster variable exists
  • Fix style issue when upgrading to grafana 8.3.1

How to upgrade ?

Manually upgrade grafana with:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
cp -f backup/grafana.repo .
yum clean all && yum makecache
yum upgrade -y grafana # 8.3.1-1
systemctl restart grafana-server


curl -SL -o /tmp/pkg.tgz
curl -SL | gzip -d | tar -xC ~ && cd ~/pigsty  
make install

v1.3.1 问题修复,面板改善与软件升级


  • PGSQL & PGCAT 面板精制抛光
  • 调整 PGCAT Instance & PGCAT Database的默认布局,优化信息呈现方式
  • 在PGSQL Instance面板中添加Key Metrics,并与PGSQL Cluster保持一致
  • 将表膨胀面板 PGCAT Bloat 集成入 PGCAT Database 面板
  • 在 PGCAT Database 面板中添加索引相关信息
  • 根据Grafana 8.3的变化调整所有Panel样式:默认列名变化,Fill Opacity默认值变化
  • 在Pigsty Nginx首页添加了Redis集群的快速导航


  • 添加新的 infra-demo.yml 剧本,用于一次性快速拉起多节点沙箱,或专用于特殊配置的环境。
  • 将 JupyterLab 从 基础设施部署剧本中移除,成为独立的可选组件,使用infra-jupyter.yml剧本部署
  • 将 PGWeb 从 基础设施部署剧本中移除,成为独立的可选组件,使用infra-pgweb.yml剧本部署
  • 在管理节点上添加新的pg管理命令别名,可以从管理节点上对数据库节点发起控制。
  • 根据TimescaleDB-tune工具的建议,调整了所有模版中参数max_locks_per_transactions的默认值。
  • 为所有配置模板添加了参数citus.node_conninfo: 'sslmode=prefer',以便在不启用SSL的情况下使用Citus
  • PGDG14源中的所有扩展插件(pgrouting除外)均已加入软件列表中。
  • NodeExporter的默认版本升级至v1.3.1
  • 将 PostgREST 9.0 加入默认下载软件包中,可用于自动从数据库模式生成后端REST API。


  • 修复了Grafana任意文件访问高危漏洞
  • 修复了从半路中重新执行pgsql剧本时,当执行至注册Consul服务时,pg_instance & pg_service 变量不存在的问题
  • 修复了当存在未定义pg_cluster节点时,Nginx主页渲染失败的问题
  • 修复了升级至Grafana8.3 导致的样式变化
MD5 (app.tgz) = f604d27c7ed3dc1dec9c315e88e43df5
MD5 (pigsty.tgz) = 5f7c04114f4753e524e3e7cd4b16f113
MD5 (pkg.tgz) = 17204439621f324db5630413bb011df1

v1.3 Redis Support & PGCAT Overhaul

29 Nov 06:48
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  • [FEATURE] Redis Deployment

  • [FEATURE] Redis Monitor

  • [FEATURE] monitor: PGCAT Overhaul

  • [FEATURE] monitor: PGSQL Enhancement

    • New Panels: PGSQL Cluster, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • New Panels: PGSQL Instance, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • Simplify & Redesign: PGSQL Service
    • Add cross-references between PGCAT & PGSL dashboards
  • [ENHANCEMENT] software upgrade

    • add PostgreSQL 13 back to default package list
    • upgrade to PostgreSQL 14.1 by default
    • add greenplum rpm and dependencies
    • add redis rpm & source packages
    • add perf as default packages
  • [BUG FIX] shell script file permission fixed: #69

  • [BUG FIX] fix pglog shortcuts (pglog12, pglog13, pglog14) to adopt different csvlog versions. add support for PG14 new error codes.

  • [CHANGE] change default values for max_locks_per_transactions

  • [CHANGE] increase default swapness from 0 to 10 for tuned config templates.

  • [CHANGE] default monitor targets file are now @ /etc/prometheus/targets instead of /etc/pigsty/targets

How to Upgrade?

This upgrade is all about prometheus & grafana. Following play will do the trick:

cd pigsty && git pull # upgrade pigsty from v1.2 to v1.3
./infra.yml -t grafana_provision,prometheus_config,prometheus_reload

v1.2.0 Release: PG 14 by Default

03 Nov 03:13
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  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use PostgreSQL 14 as default version

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Use TimescaleDB 2.5 as default extension

    • now timescaledb & postgis are enabled in cmdb by default
  • [ENHANCEMENT] new monitor-only mode:

    • you can use pigsty to monitor existing pg instances with a connectable url only
    • pg_exporter will be deployed on meta node locally
    • new dashboard PGSQL Cluster Monly for remote clusters
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Software upgrade

    • Postgres to 14.0
    • TimescaleDB to 2.5
    • grafana to 8.2.2
    • pev2 to v0.11.9
    • promscale to 0.6.2
    • pgweb to 0.11.9
    • Add new extensions: pglogical pg_stat_monitor orafce
  • [ENHANCEMENT] Automatic detect machine spec and use proper node_tune and pg_conf templates

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Rework on bloat related views, now more information are exposed

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Remove timescale & citus internal monitoring

  • [ENHANCEMENT] New playbook pgsql-audit.yml to create audit report.

  • [BUG FIX] now pgbouncer_exporter resource owner are {{ pg_dbsu }} instead of postgres

  • [BUG FIX] fix pg_exporter duplicate metrics on pg_table pg_index while executing REINDEX TABLE CONCURRENTLY

  • [BUG FIX] fix register_grafana logic: put password in secureJsonData instead of jsonData

  • [BUG FIX] fix cmdb.sql: now pglog.sample can handle different version of postgres csv log

    • pglog.sample is a parent table with three child table sample12, sample13, sample14
    • pglog shortcuts are enhanced into pglog12, pglog13, pglog14 (<- pglog). which will pour csvlog into right table.
  • [CHANGE] now all config templates are minimize into two: auto & demo. (removed: pub4, pg14, demo4, tiny, oltp )

    • pigsty-demo is configured if vagrant is the default user, otherwise pigsty-auto is used.
  • [Application] applog can visualize your Apple iOS15 privacy log.

How to upgrade from v1.1.1

There's no API change in 1.2.0.

You can still use old pigsty.yml configuration files (PG13).

For the infrastructure part. Re-execution of infra.yml will do most of the parts

As for the database. You can still use the existing PG13 instances. In-place upgrade to PG14 is quite
tricky especially when involving extensions such as PostGIS & Timescale. I would highly recommend
performing a database migration with logical replication.

The new playbook pgsql-migration.yml will make this a lot easier. It will create a series of
scripts which will help you to migrate your cluster with near-zero downtime.