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CS 122B Project 5 Tomcat Pooling example

This example shows how to use Connection Pooling with JDBC.

Before running the example

If you do not have USER mytestuser setup in MySQL, follow the below steps to create it:

  • login to mysql as a root user

    local> mysql -u root -p
  • create a test user and grant privileges:

    mysql> CREATE USER 'mytestuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'My6$Password';
    mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'mytestuser'@'localhost';
    mysql> quit;

prepare the database moviedbexample

local> mysql -u mytestuser -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS moviedbexample;
mysql> USE moviedbexample;
               id varchar(10) primary key,
               name varchar(100) not null,
               birthYear integer

mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars VALUES('755011', 'Arnold Schwarzeneggar', 1947);
mysql> INSERT IGNORE INTO stars VALUES('755017', 'Eddie Murphy', 1961);

mysql> quit;

To run this example:

  1. Open IntelliJ -> Import Project -> Choose the project you just cloned (The root path must contain the pom.xml!) -> Choose Import project from external model -> Click on Finish -> The IntelliJ will load automatically
  2. In WebContent/META-INF/context.xml, make sure the mysql username is mytestuser and password is My6$Password.
  3. Also make sure you have the moviedbexample database.
  4. Add Tomcat local server Run/Debug Configuration.
  5. Change the application context to /cs122b-project5-TomcatPooling-example at Edit Run/Debug Configurations for Tomcat -> Deployment.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/cs122b-project5-TomcatPooling-example to see a list of stars.

Brief Explanation

  • is a Java servlet that showcases connection pooling. The username and password of the MySQL is given to JDBC through a context.xml file. JDBC uses the credentials to create a connection pool. The servlet leases connections from this pool when needed and returns when the task is done.

  • META-INF/context.xml includes important information about the database, username, password, and pooling configuration. Note that there are two lines added for the connection pooling configuration.

    maxTotal="100" maxIdle="30" maxWaitMillis="10000"

    You would have to redeploy after changing this file. Otherwise, the Tomcat server may still use the previous context.xml. Check this for more information about how to configure Connection Pooling.

  • Look at the following files for the main changes in this war file compared to the previous war file without Connection Pooling:

    • /META-INF/context.xml.
    • /src/
    • /WEB-INF/web.xml (see the resource-ref tag)