The AutoExtract Locator that is new in Total Agility 8.0.1 uses a Large Langugage Model Service to extract fields from a document.
Calling a LLM is expensive and slow. This script caches resposes from a LLM for testing purposes. Instead of taking 5-10 seconds to run the results are there instantly.
The script generates a hash of the text of the document along with the subfield names and descriptions. If these remain unchanged then the locator is skipped and filled from the cache.
If anything changes in the text, field names or descriptions then the locator is executed.
- Add an AutoExtract Locator to any document class in your project. It can have any name.
- Assign it to any field.
- Create or edit the CachePath on the server that is running Transformation Service, or on the machine where you are running Transformation Designer.
- Paste the script into the document class containing the AutoExtract Locator.
- Add a reference to Kofax AutoExtract Locator 4.0 in the Script Editor's Menu Edit/References...
- Make sure your XDocument is classified and has a Classification Result when using Transformation Designer.
- Extract the Document by right-clicking and selecting Extract. This will run the Cache code and skip calling the LLM if it has already been called for this document and field and description.
- View the field results in the Extraction Results Window.
- If you press Test within the Locator then the LLM will be called. It is not possible to use the cache when testing a locator.
Option Explicit
' Class script: LLM
Const CachePath = "c:\temp\cache\"
Private Sub Document_BeforeExtract(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
Dim LocDef As CscLocatorDef, L As Long
If pXDoc.ExtractionClass="" Then Exit Sub ' This document has not been classified, so we cannot find the locator definition
With Project.ClassByName(pXDoc.ExtractionClass).Locators
For L=0 To .Count-1 ' find all the AutoExtract Locators in this document class
Set LocDef=.ItemByIndex(L)
'Use Cache on AutoExtract Locators
If TypeOf LocDef.LocatorMethod Is CscAutoExtractLocator Then AEL_ReadFromCache(pXDoc,.ItemByIndex(L).Name)
End With
End Sub
Private Sub AEL_ReadFromCache(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument,LocatorName As String)
Dim Hash As String,FileName As String, Alt As CscXDocFieldAlternative, Cache As String, Vals() As String
Dim Locator As CscXDocField
Dim LocDef As CscLocatorDef, AEL As CscAutoExtractLocator
Set LocDef = Project.ClassByName(pXDoc.ExtractionClass).Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName)
Set AEL = LocDef.LocatorMethod
Set Locator=pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName)
FileName=CachePath & Hash & ".txt"
If Dir(FileName)<>"" Then ' if file exists
Locator.Preserve=True ' Don't run AEL locator
Open FileName For Input As #1
With Locator.Alternatives.Create
Line Input #1, Cache
End With
Close #1
Locator.Preserve=False ' run the AEL locator
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Document_AfterLocate(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal LocatorName As String)
Dim LocDef As CscLocatorDef
If pXDoc.ExtractionClass="" Then Exit Sub ' This document has not been classified, so we cannot find the locator definition
Set LocDef=Project.ClassByName(pXDoc.ExtractionClass).Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName)
'Use Cache on AutoExtract Locators
If TypeOf LocDef.LocatorMethod Is CscAutoExtractLocator Then AEL_SaveToCache(pXDoc,LocatorName)
End Sub
Public Sub AEL_SaveToCache(Xdoc As CscXDocument,LocatorName As String)
Dim Hash As String, S As Long, SF As CscXDocSubField, FileName As String
FileName = CachePath & Hash & ".txt"
If Xdoc.Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName).Alternatives.Count=0 Then Exit Sub ' no results
Open FileName For Output As #1
Print #1, vbUTF8BOM ;
With Xdoc.Locators.ItemByName(LocatorName).Alternatives(0).SubFields
For S=0 To .Count-1
Set SF=.ItemByIndex(S)
Print #1, SF.PageIndex & ";" & SF.Left & ";" & SF.Top & ";" & SF.Width & ";" & SF.Height & ";" & SF.Confidence & ";" & SF.Text
End With
Close #1
End Sub
Public Function AEL_Hash(AEL As CscAutoExtractLocator, Xdoc As CscXDocument) As String
'Hash the xdoc's text and the AEL's subfields and prompts
Dim S As Long
For S=0 To AEL.SubFieldCount-1
With AEL.SubFieldByIndex(S)
AEL_Hash = AEL_Hash & ":" & .Name & .Description
End With
End Function
Public Function String_MD5(value As String) As String
'Calculate MD5 checksum of a string
Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, h As String
bytes = CreateObject("System.Text.UTF8Encoding").GetBytes_4(value) ' Convert unicode string to byte array
bytes = CreateObject("System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider").ComputeHash_2(bytes) 'calculate md5 checksum
For Each b In bytes 'Convert binary array to hexadecimal string
If Len(h)=1 Then h="0" & h
String_MD5=String_MD5 & h
End Function