Epic Games plugin for GameLib.NET.
The plugin will deliver information about the installation status of the Epic Games
launcher as well the installed games within the launcher.
The plugin is already bundled with the core library GameLib.NET
To get the additonal information this plugin is providing just cast IGame
to EpicGame
using GameLib;
using GameLib.Plugin.Epic;
using GameLib.Plugin.Epic.Model;
var launcherManager = new LauncherManager();
// not required to cast here just to add to the documentation
var launcher = (EpicLauncher?)launcherManager.GetLaunchers()
.Where(launcher => launcher.Name == "Epic Games")
// Plugin ID could also be used instead of the name
//.Where(launcher => launcher.Id == new Guid("282B9BB6-54CA-4293-83CF-6F1134CDEEC6"))
if (launcher is not null)
var games = (IEnumerable<EpicGame>)launcher.Games;
foreach (var game in games)
// Write additional data Epic Games is providing for a game besides from the IGame interface
Console.WriteLine($"\tInstallSize: {game.InstallSize}");
Console.WriteLine($"\tVersion: {game.Version}");