Consider a situation where the goal is to identify which of two configurations is preferred.
For example, we would like to know if people in a population prefer blue vs red items.
Each participant
The derivation of the Bayes factor for preference comparisons is presented in the notebook TestBayesFactorPref.ipynb
I provide both a Python and a Matlab implementation of the BayesFactorPref function in this repository. In order to test it, you can use TestBayesFactorPref either in Matlab or Python.
- R. E. Kass and A. E. Raftery. Bayes Factors. J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 90(430):773, 1995
- C. P. Robert. Le choix bayésien. Statistique et probabilités appliquées. Springer-Verlag, Paris, 2006.
- T. Fauvel and M. Chalk, (2022). Human-in-the-loop optimization of visual prosthetic stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering,19(3), 036038.
If you use this software, please reference it as follows : T. Fauvel and M. Chalk, (2022). Human-in-the-loop optimization of visual prosthetic stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering,19(3), 036038.
This software is distributed under the MIT License. Please refer to the file LICENCE.txt included for details.