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Changes in NEO3

API Reference

Neo-CLI provides a set of API interfaces for obtaining blockchain data from a node to facilitate the development of blockchain applications. The interface is provided via JSON-RPC and employs HTTP/HTTPS as the underlying protocol for communication. You can run the following command to install the RpcServer plugin:

install RpcServer

Setting configuration

  • HTTPS: To access the RPC server via HTTPS, you need to set the domain name, certificate and password in the configuration file config.json of the RpcServer before installing the plugin:

    "PluginConfiguration": {
      "BindAddress": "",
      "Port": 10332,
      "SslCert": "",
      "SslCertPassword": "YourPassword",
      "TrustedAuthorities": [],
      "RpcUser": "",
      "RpcPass": "",
      "MaxGasInvoke": 10,
      "MaxFee": 0.1,
      "MaxConcurrentConnections": 40,
      "DisabledMethods": []
  • Open the wallet: If you want to invoke wallet-related methods through RPC service, you should first call the openwallet method to open the wallet:

At this point, you can restart the neo-cli to enable the RPC service.

Listening ports

After the JSON-RPC server starts, it will monitor the following ports corresponding to the MainNet and TestNet:

For P2P and WebSocket port information, please refer to Node Introduction.

MainNet TestNet
JSON-RPC HTTPS 10331 20331
JSON-RPC HTTP 10332 20332

Command list

Command Parameter Description Remark
getbestblockhash Get the hash of the latest block in the main chain
getblock <hash> [verbose=0] Return the block information with the specified hash value
getblock <index> [verbose=0] Return the block information with the specified index
getblockcount Get the block count of the main chain
getblockhash <index> Return the block hash with the specified index
getblockheader <hash> [verbose=0] Return the information of the block header with the specified script hash
getblockheader <index> [verbose=0] Return the information of the block header with the specified index
getblocksysfee <index> Return the system fees before the block with the specified index
getconnectioncount Get the current connection count of the node
getcontractstate <script_hash> Return information of the contract with the specified script hash
getpeers Get a list of nodes that are currently connected/disconnected by this node
getrawmempool [shouldGetUnverified=0] Get a list of unconfirmed transactions in memory
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0] Return the transaction information with the specified hash value
getstorage <script_hash> <key> Return the value with the contract script hash and the key
gettransactionheight <txid> Return the block index in which the transaction is found.
getvalidators Get the information about the validators
getversion Get the version information of the node
invokefunction <script_hash> <operation> <params> Invoke a smart contract with the specified script hash, passing in an operation and its params
invokescript <script> Run a script through the virtual machine and returns the results
listplugins Return a list of plugins loaded by the node
sendrawtransaction <hex> Broadcast a transaction over the network.
submitblock <hex> Submit a new block to the network Need to be a validator
validateaddress <address> Verify whether the address is a valid NEO address
getapplicationlog <txid> Return the contract log based on the specified txid
getnep5transfers <address> <timestamp> Return all the NEP-5 transaction information occurred in the specified address
getnep5balances <address> Return the balance of all NEP-5 assets in the specified address

RpcServer.Wallet Methods

Command Parameter Description Remark
closewallet Close the wallet
openwallet <address> Open the wallet in the specified path
dumpprivkey <address> Exports the private key of the specified address
getbalance <asset_id> Returns the balance of the corresponding asset in the wallet
getnewaddress Creates a new address
getunclaimedgas Gets the amount of unclaimed GAS in the wallet
importprivkey <key> Imports the private key to the wallet
listaddress Lists all the addresses in the current wallet
sendfrom <asset_id><from><to><value> Transfer from the specified address to the destination address
sendmany <outputs_array> Initiate multiple transfers to designated addresses in a transaction
sendtoaddress <asset_id><address><value> Transfers to the specified address.

An example of GET request

A typical format of JSON-RPC GET request is as follows:

The following is an example of querying the block count of the main chain.

Request URL:[]&id=1

After sending the request, you will get the following response:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": 909129

An example of POST request

A typical format of JSON-RPC Post request is as follows:

The following is an example of querying the block count of the main chain.

Request URL:

Request Body:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "method": "getblockcount",
  "id": 1

After sending the request, you will get the following response:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": 1,
  "result": 909122

Note: If you choose the offline package to synchronize blocks, the program may not be able to respond to the API requests. It is recommended to synchronize blocks to the latest height before using the API, otherwise, the results returned may not be the latest.

Test tools

You can use the Chrome extension Postman to facilitate the test (VPN required for installing the Chrome extension). The following is a test screenshot:


C# JSON-RPC Command List

Click here to see the Chinese edition of the RPC