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Neo Virtual Machine

NeoVM is a lightweighted, general-purpose virtual machine that executes Neo smart contract code. The concept of virtual machine described in this paadper is in narrow sense, it's not a simulation of physical machine by operating system. Unlike VMware or Hyper-V, it's mainly aimed at specific usage.

For example, in JVM or CLR of .Net, source code will be compiled into relevant bytecodes, and be executed on the corresponding virtual machine. JVM or CLR will read instructions, decode, execute and write results back. Those steps are very similar to the concepts on real physical machines. The binary instructions are still running on the physical machine. It takes instructions from memory and transmits them to the CPU through the bus, then decodes, executes and stores the results.

Changes in NEO3

  • ADD



NeoVM Architecture


The graph above is the system architecture of NeoVM, which includes execution engine, memory, interoperable services.

A complete operation process is as follows:

  1. Compile the smart contract source codes into bytecodes.

  2. Push the bytecodes and related parameters as a running context into the InvocationStack.

  3. Each time the execution engine takes a instruction from the current context, it executes the instruction, and stores the data in the evaluation stack (EvaluationStack) and temporary stack (AltStack) of current context.

  4. It uses the interoperable service if it needs to access external data.

  5. After all scripts are executed, the results will be saved in the ResultStack.

Execution Engine

The left part of the graph above is the virtual machine's execution engine(equivalent to CPU). It can execute common instructions such as flow control, stack operation, bit operation, arithmetic operation, logical operation, cryptography, etc. It can also interact with the interoperable services through system call. NeoVM has four states: NONE, HALT, FAULT, BREAK.

  • NONE is a normal state.

  • HALT is a stopped state. When the InvocationStack is empty, it means all scripts are executed, the virtual machine's state will be set to HALT.

  • FAULT is an error state. When something goes wrong with an operation, the virtual machine's state will be set to FAULT.

  • BREAK is an interrupted state and is used in the debugging process of smart contract generally.

Each time before the virtual machine starts, the execution engine will detect the virtual machine's state, and only when the state is NONE, can it start running.

Temporary Storage

NeoVM uses stacks as its temporary storage. NeoVM has four types of stacks: InvocationStack, EvaluationStack, AltStack and ResultStack.

  • InvocationStack: is used to store all execution contexts of current NeoVM, which are isolated from each other in the stack. Context switching is performed based on the current context and entry context. The current context points to the top element of invocation stack, which is ExecutionContext0 in the architecture figure. And the entry context points to the tail element of the invocation stack, which is ExecutionContextN in the architecture figure
  • EvaluationStack is for storing the data used by the instruction in the execution process. Each execution context has its evaluation stack
  • AltStack is for storing the temporary data used by the instruction in the execution process. Each execution context has its alt stack
  • ResultStack is used to store execution results after all scripts are executed.

Interoperable service layer

The right part of the graph above is the virtual machine's interoperable service layer, which provides API for smart contract to access data on the blockchain. By using these API, smart contract can access information in a block , information in a transaction, and information of an asset.

In addition, the interoperable service layer provides a persistent storage for each contract. Each Neo contract can declare to have a private storage to save information in form of key-value pair optionally when the contract is created. When a smart contract invocate another smart contract, the storage are separated. The smart contract being invoked has it's own persistent storage. If the caller contract needs the contract being invoked to access data of the caller contract, it needs to pass its own storage context to the callee (authorization) before the callee can perform the read-write operation.

The detail of interoperable services are describled in the "Smart Contract" section.

Built-in data types

NeoVM has seven built-in data types:

Type Description
Any Null Type
Pointer Implemented as a context script Script and a instruction position Position
Boolean Implemented as two byte arrays, TRUE and FALSE.
Integer Implemented as a BigInteger value.
ByteString Readonly byte array, implemented as a byte[]
Buffer Readonly byte array, implemented as a buffer array byte[]
Array Implemented as a List<StackItem>, the StackItem is an abstract class, and all the built-in data types are inherited from it.
Struct Inherited from Array, a Clone method is added and Equals method is overridden.
Map Implemented as a key-value pair Dictionary<StackItem, StackItem>.
InteropInterface Interoperable interface
// boolean type
private static readonly byte[] TRUE = { 1 };
private static readonly byte[] FALSE = new byte[0];

private bool value;


NeoVM has implemented 184 instructions. The categories are as follows:

Contrant Flow Control Stack Operation Slot Opeartion String Operation Logical Operation Arithmetic Operation Advanced Data Structure Type Operation
29 32 15 50 6 6 25 18 3


The constant instructions mainly complete the function of pushing constants or arrays into the EvaluationStack.


Bytecode 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05
Fee 0.00000030 GAS, 0.00000030 GAS, 0.00000030 GAS, 0.00000030 GAS, 0.00000120 GAS, 0.00000120 GAS
Function Push an integer onto the stack, the bit length of which is specified with the number 8\16\32\64\128\256。


Instruction PUSHA
Bytecode 0x0A
Fee 0.00000120 GAS
Function Convert the next four bytes to an address, and push the address onto the stack.


Instruction PUSHNULL
Bytecode 0x0B
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function The item null is pushed onto the stack.


Bytecode 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E
Fee 0.00000180 GAS, 0.00013000 GAS, 0.00110000 GAS
Function The next n bytes contain the number of bytes to be pushed onto the stack, where n is specified by 1|2|4.


Instruction PUSHM1
Bytecode 0x0F
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function The number -1 is pushed onto the stack.


Instruction PUSH0~PUSH16
Bytecode 0x10~0x20
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function The number n is pushed onto the stack,where n is specified by 0~16.

Flow Control

It's used to control the running process of NeoVM, including jump, call and other instructions.


Instruction NOP
Bytecode 0x21
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function The NOP operation does nothing. It is intended to fill in space if opcodes are patched.


Instruction JMP
Bytecode 0x22
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Unconditionally transfers control to a target instruction. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMP_L
Bytecode 0x23
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Unconditionally transfers control to a target instruction. The target instruction is represented as a 4-bytes signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPIF
Bytecode 0x24
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the value is true, not null, or non-zero. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPIF
Bytecode 0x25
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the value is true, not null, or non-zero. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPIFNOT
Bytecode 0x26
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the value is false, a null reference, or zero. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPIFNOT_L
Bytecode 0x27
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the value is false, a null reference, or zero. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPEQ
Bytecode 0x28
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if two values are equal. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPEQ_L
Bytecode 0x29
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if two values are equal. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPNE
Bytecode 0x2A
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction when two values are not equal. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPNE_L
Bytecode 0x2B
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction when two values are not equal. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPGT
Bytecode 0x2C
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPGT_L
Bytecode 0x2D
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPGE
Bytecode 0x2E
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPGE_L
Bytecode 0x2F
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPLT
Bytecode 0x30
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPLT_L
Bytecode 0x31
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPLE
Bytecode 0x32
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than or equal to the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction JMPLE_L
Bytecode 0x33
Fee 0.00000070 GAS
Function Transfers control to a target instruction if the first value is less than or equal to the second value. The target instruction is represented as a 4-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction CALL
Bytecode 0x34
Fee 0.00022000 GAS
Function Calls the function at the target address which is represented as a 1-byte signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction CALL_L
Bytecode 0x35
Fee 0.00022000 GAS
Function Calls the function at the target address which is represented as a 4-bytes signed offset from the beginning of the current instruction.


Instruction CALLA
Bytecode 0x36
Fee 0.00022000 GAS
Function Pop the address of a function from the stack, and call the function.


Instruction ABORT
Bytecode 0x37
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function It turns the vm state to FAULT immediately, and the exception cannot be caught.


Instruction ASSERT
Bytecode 0x38
Fee 0.00000030 GAS
Function Pop the top value of the stack, if it is false, then exit vm execution and set vm state to FAULT.


Instruction THROW
Bytecode 0x3A
Fee 0.0000003 GAS
Function Set the state of vm to FAULT.


Instruction RET
Bytecode 0x40
Fee 0 GAS
Function Returns from the current method.


Instruction SYSCALL
Bytecode 0x41
Fee 0 GAS
Function Calls to an interop service.

Stack Operation

Copy, remove and swap the elements of the stack.


Instruction DEPTH
Bytecode 0x43
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Puts the number of stack items onto the stack.


Instruction DROP
Bytecode 0x45
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Removes the top stack item.


Instruction NIP
Bytecode 0x46
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Removes the second-to-top stack item.


Instruction XDROP
Bytecode 0x48
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function The item n back in the main stack is removed.
Input Xn Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n
Output Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0


Instruction CLEAR
Bytecode 0x49
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function Clear the stack


Instruction DUP
Bytecode 0x4A
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Duplicates the top stack item.
Input X
Output X X


Instruction OVER
Bytecode 0x4B
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Copies the second-to-top stack item to the top.
Input X1 X0
Output X1 X0 X1


Instruction PICK
Bytecode 0x4D
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function The item n back in the stack is copied to the top.
Input Xn Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n
Output Xn Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 Xn


Instruction TUCK
Bytecode 0x4E
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function The item at the top of the stack is copied and inserted before the second-to-top item.
Input X1 X0
Output X0 X1 X0


Instruction SWAP
Bytecode 0x50
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function The top two items on the stack are swapped.
Input X0 X1
Output X1 X0


Instruction ROT
Bytecode 0x51
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function The top three items on the stack are rotated to the left.
Input X2 X1 X0
Output X1 X0 X2


Instruction ROLL
Bytecode 0x52
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function The item n back in the stack is moved to the top.
Input Xn Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n
Output Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 Xn


Instruction REVERSE3
Bytecode 0x53
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Reverse the order of the top 3 items on the stack.
Input X0 X1 X2
Output X2 X1 X0


Instruction REVERSE4
Bytecode 0x54
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Reverse the order of the top 4 items on the stack.
Input X0 X1 X2 X3
Output X3 X2 X1 X0


Instruction REVERSEN
Bytecode 0x55
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function Pop the number N on the stack, and reverse the order of the top N items on the stack.
Input Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n
Output X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1



Instruction INITSSLOT
Bytecode 0x56
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function Initialize the static field list for the current execution context.


Instruction INITSLOT
Bytecode 0x57
Fee 0.00000800 GAS
Function Initialize the argument slot and the local variable list for the current execution context.


Instruction LDSFLD0~LDSFLD6
Bytecode 0x58~0x5E
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the static field at index n onto the evaluation stack, where the n is 0~6。


Instruction LDSFLD
Bytecode 0x5F
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the static field at a specified index onto the evaluation stack. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.


Instruction STSFLD0~STSFLD6
Bytecode 0x60~0x0x66
Fee 0.0000006 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the static field list at index n, where the n is 0~6。


Instruction STSFLD
Bytecode 0x67
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the static field list at a specified index. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.


Instruction LDLOC0~LDLOC6
Bytecode 0x68~0x6E
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the local variable at index n onto the evaluation stack, where the n is 0~6。


Instruction LDLOC
Bytecode 0x6F
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the local variable at a specified index onto the evaluation stack. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.


Instruction STLOC0~STLOC6
Bytecode 0x70~0x76
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the local variable list at index n, where the n is 0~6。


Instruction STLOC
Bytecode 0x77
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the local variable list at a specified index. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.


Instruction LDARG0~LDARG6
Bytecode 0x78~0x7E
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the argument at index n onto the evaluation stack, where the n is 0~6.


Instruction LDARG
Bytecode 0x7F
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Loads the argument at a specified index onto the evaluation stack. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.


Instruction STARG0~STARG6
Bytecode 0x80~0x86
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the argument slot at index n, where the n is 0~6.


Instruction STARG
Bytecode 0x87
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Stores the value on top of the evaluation stack in the argument slot at a specified index. The index is represented as a 1-byte unsigned integer.

String Operation


Instruction NEWBUFFER
Bytecode 0x88
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Create a new buffer


Instruction MEMCPY
Bytecode 0x89
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function memory copy


Instruction CAT
Bytecode 0x8B
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Concatenates two strings.


Instruction SUBSTR
Bytecode 0x8C
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Returns a section of a string.


Instruction LEFT
Bytecode 0x8D
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Keeps only characters left of the specified point in a string.
Input X len
Output SubString(X,0,len)


Instruction RIGHT
Bytecode 0x8E
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Keeps only characters right of the specified point in a string.
Input X len
Output SubString(X,X.Length - len,len)

Logical Operation


Instruction INVERT
Bytecode 0x90
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function Flips all of the bits in the input.
Input X
Output ~X


Instruction AND
Bytecode 0x91
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Boolean and between each bit in the inputs
Input AB
Output A&B


Instruction OR
Bytecode 0x92
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Boolean or between each bit in the inputs.
Input AB
Output A|B


Instruction XOR
Bytecode 0x93
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Boolean exclusive or between each bit in the inputs.
Input AB
Output A^B


Instruction EQUAL
Bytecode 0x97
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if the inputs are exactly equal, 0 otherwise.


Instruction NOTEQUAL
Bytecode 0x98
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if the inputs are not equal, 0 otherwise.

Arithmetic Operation


Instruction SIGN
Bytecode 0x99
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function Puts the sign of top stack item on top of the main stack. If value is negative, put -1; if positive, put 1; if value is zero, put 0.
Input X
Output X.Sign()


Instruction ABS
Bytecode 0x9A
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function The input is made positive.
Input X
Output Abs(X)


Instruction NEGATE
Bytecode 0x9B
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function The sign of the input is flipped.
Input X
Output -X


Instruction INC
Bytecode 0x9C
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function 1 is added to the input.
Input X
Output X+1


Instruction DEC
Bytecode 0x9D
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function 1 is subtracted from the input.
Input X
Output X-1


Instruction ADD
Bytecode 0x9E
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function a is added to b.
Input AB
Output A+B


Instruction SUB
Bytecode 0x9F
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function b is subtracted from a.
Input AB
Output A-B


Instruction MUL
Bytecode 0xA0
Fee 0.00000300 GAS
Function a is multiplied by b.
Input AB
Output A*B


Instruction DIV
Bytecode 0xA1
Fee 0.00000300 GAS
Function a is divided by b.
Input AB
Output A/B


Instruction MOD
Bytecode 0xA2
Fee 0.00000300 GAS
Function Returns the remainder after dividing a by b.
Input AB
Output A%B


Instruction SHL
Bytecode 0xA8
Fee 0.00000300 GAS
Function Shifts a left b bits, preserving sign.
Instruction Xn
Bytecode X<<n


Instruction SHR
Bytecode 0xA9
Fee 0.00000300 GAS
Function Shifts a right b bits, preserving sign.
Input Xn
Output X>>n


Instruction NOT
Bytecode 0xAA
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function If the input is 0 or 1, it is flipped. Otherwise the output will be 0.
Input X
Output !X


Instruction BOOLAND
Bytecode 0xAB
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function If both a and b are not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
Input AB
Output A&&B


Instruction BOOLOR
Bytecode 0xAC
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function If a or b is not 0, the output is 1. Otherwise 0.
Input AB
Output A||B


Instruction NZ
Bytecode 0xB1
Fee 0.00000100 GAS
Function Returns 0 if the input is 0. 1 otherwise.
Input X
Output X!=0


Instruction NUMEQUAL
Bytecode 0xB3
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if the numbers are equal, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A==B


Bytecode 0xB4
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if the numbers are not equal, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A!=B


Instruction LT
Bytecode 0xB5
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if a is less than b, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A<B


Instruction LE
Bytecode 0xB6
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if a is less than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A<=B


Instruction GT
Bytecode 0xB7
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if a is greater than b, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A>B


Instruction GE
Bytecode 0xB8
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if a is greater than or equal to b, 0 otherwise.
Input AB
Output A>=B


Instruction MIN
Bytecode 0xB9
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns the smaller of a and b.
Input AB
Output Min(A,B)


Instruction MAX
Bytecode 0xBA
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns the larger of a and b.
Input AB
Output Max(A,B)


Instruction WITHIN
Bytecode 0xBB
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function Returns 1 if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive), 0 otherwise.
Input XAB
Output A<=X&&X<B

Advanced Data Structure

It has implemented common operations for array, map, struct, etc.


Instruction PACK
Bytecode 0xC0
Fee 0.00007000 GAS
Function A value n is taken from top of main stack. The next n items on main stack are removed, put inside n-sized array and this array is put on top of the main stack.
Input Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n
Output [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1]


Instruction UNPACK
Bytecode 0xC1
Fee 0.00007000 GAS
Function An array is removed from top of the main stack. Its elements are put on top of the main stack (in reverse order) and the array size is also put on main stack.
Input [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1]
Output Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0 n


Instruction NEWARRAY0
Bytecode 0xC2
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function An empty array (with size 0) is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction NEWARRAY
Bytecode 0xC3
Fee 0.00015000 GAS
Function A value n is taken from top of main stack. A null-filled array with size n is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction NEWARRAY_T
Bytecode 0xC4
Fee 0.00015000 GAS
Function A value n is taken from top of main stack. An array of type T with size n is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction NEWSTRUCT0
Bytecode 0xC5
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function An empty struct (with size 0) is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction NEWSTRUCT
Bytecode 0xC6
Fee 0.00015000 GAS
Function A value n is taken from top of main stack. A zero-filled struct with size n is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction NEWMAP
Bytecode 0xC8
Fee 0.00000200 GAS
Function A Map is created and put on top of the main stack.
Input None
Output Map()


Instruction SIZE
Bytecode 0xCA
Fee 0.00000150 GAS
Function An array is removed from top of the main stack. Its size is put on top of the main stack.


Instruction HASKEY
Bytecode 0xCB
Fee 0.00270000 GAS
Function An input index n (or key) and an array (or map) are removed from the top of the main stack. Puts True on top of main stack if array[n] (or map[n]) exist, and False otherwise.


Instruction KEYS
Bytecode 0xCC
Fee 0.00000500 GAS
Function A map is taken from top of the main stack. The keys of this map are put on top of the main stack.
Input Map
Output [key1 key2 ... key n]


Instruction VALUES
Bytecode 0xCD
Fee 0.00007000 GAS
Function A map is taken from top of the main stack. The values of this map are put on top of the main stack.
Input Map
Output [Value1 Value2... Value n]


Instruction PICKITEM
Bytecode 0xCE
Fee 0.00270000 GAS
Function An input index n (or key) and an array (or map) are taken from main stack. Element array[n] (or map[n]) is put on top of the main stack.
Input [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1] i
Output Xi


Instruction APPEND
Bytecode 0xCF
Fee 0.00015000 GAS
Function The item on top of main stack is removed and appended to the second item on top of the main stack.
Input Array item
Output Array.add(item)


Instruction SETITEM
Bytecode 0xD0
Fee 0.00270000 GAS
Function A value v, index n (or key) and an array (or map) are taken from main stack. Attribution array[n]=v (or map[n]=v) is performed.
Input [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1] I V
Output [X0 X1 X2 Xi-1 V Xi+1 ... Xn-1]


Bytecode 0xD1
Fee 0.00000500 GAS
Function An array is removed from the top of the main stack and its elements are reversed.
Input [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1]
Output [Xn-1 ... X2 X1 X0]


Instruction REMOVE
Bytecode 0xD2
Fee 0.00000500 GAS
Function An input index n (or key) and an array (or map) are removed from the top of the main stack. Element array[n] (or map[n]) is removed.
Input [X0 X1 X2 ... Xn-1] m
Output [X0 X1 X2 ... Xm-1 Xm+1 ... Xn-1]


Instruction CLEARITEMS
Bytecode 0xD3
Fee 0.00000400 GAS
Function Remove all the items from the compound-type.



Instruction ISNULL
Bytecode 0xD8
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Returns true if the input is null. Returns false otherwise.


Instruction ISTYPE
Bytecode 0xD9
Fee 0.00000060 GAS
Function Returns true if the top item is of the specified type.


Instruction CONVERT
Bytecode 0xDB
Fee 0.00080000 GAS
Function Converts the top item to the specified type.

Note: The operation code with * indicates that the result of the operation is not pushed back to the EvaluationStack.

Click here to see the Chinese edition of the NeoVM