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Maintenance GitHub license

UPDATE: As of 19/08/2019 _api will not be actively maintained, I'm working on a WebSocket based implementation, I may in the future rewrite this but I just don't use HTTP Requests/Responses in my work/personal projects any more. This still works, and it still works well.

Table of contents


_api is an autogenerated CRUD API built on LowDB and ExpressJS. All you need to do is edit a configuration file and you will have a basic CRUD API ready to use!


_api came about due to sheer curiosity. It's important to understand however, _api was not built for large-scale applications, it's underlying database layer LowDB is built on pure JSON objects for storage and Lodash for parsing. This doesn't mean that _api isn't worth your time, the biggest positive that I see with _api is the sheer simplicity of both the concept and the code written thereby simplifying development and maintenance.

A word on updates, As much as I'd love to work on this every day, I have to be an adult. So between Monday and Friday updates will be sparse.


  • Automatic CRUD API generation through the editing of config files (theres only 3 files).
  • Comprehensive CRUD operations.
    • Find endpoint supports data operators such as — compare, filter, sort, and slice.
    • Update and remove endpoints support find by id as well as filter.
    • Update and remove endpoints support modifying multiple documents through the filter function.
    • Create endpoint supports automatic schema validation when schema is defined.
  • Supports middleware functions for lodash chaining via mixins.
  • By design each collection is saved in it's own JSON file thereby minimizing file size when writing to disk.

Just don't do it

As great as I think _api is, there are a few things I'm going to mention... and it's touched on in the foreword but I'll reiterate:

  • Don't use this for large-scale applications. It's storing data in memory in JSON format. As fast as NodeJS is at reading/writing/parsing JSON, it's just not made out for it. Use a full-blown database like MongoDB or MariaDB. There's a great auto-api project called Strapi that will suit those needs just fine!
  • Don't store Base64 media in the database. It's going to cause bloat and slow down _api. If you need to store images, store them elsewhere and link to them in the database.
  • If you need high concurrent access to the _api, this isn't for you. In fact NodeJS is probably not for you — look elsewhere.
  • You can throw more hardware (CPU and RAM) at _api but remember; cost to performance. LowDB doesn't scale very well if at all. I've sharded the database into separate JSON objects for each collection so it's as scaled as it can be within reason (and simplicity of code) I might in future explore further methods to enable clustering and PM2 integration but for now it's good enough.

Now just to iterate the fact once more — I did a quick (basic) load test with the default setup on a DigitalOcean $5.00 droplet using The results pretty much show that while it's entirely possible to run 250 - 500 sustained concurrent requests creating thousands upon thousands of validated documents in the collection for a 5 minute duration, it's not the smartest thing to do given that the response time (round trip) average was hitting 1000 - 1500ms.

Having said that, _api can happily handle 50 sustained concurrent users creating validated documents on the DigitalOcean $5.00 droplet with a response time (round trip) average of 250ms. On top of this during this load test, PM2 Monitor was showing the event loop cycle happily sitting at ~0.7ms and all responses taking anywhere between 6-25ms. So if you really want to handle larger request loads — just throw more money at it and ramp up the CPU + RAM numbers.

Basic benchmark

  • Server: DigitalOcean $5.00 Droplet — 1 Virtual CPU — 512MB RAM - 25GB Storage — Singapore.
  • Loader: — 50 Concurrent Users Per Second — 5 Minute Duration — Unknown Location (Probably the US).
  • Endpoint: /users/create — schema validated — Dynamic JSON payload that generated a firstName, lastName key:value pair from 0 - 9223372036854775807.
  • Round Time: ~250ms average.
  • Error Rate: 0%.
  • Server Response Time: ~6-25ms average.
  • NodeJS Event Loop Cycle: ~0.7ms average.


  • Improve
  • Rewrite API endpoint logic to implement functions such as sort, limit, and operators.
  • Implement _gte, _gt, _lte, and _lt comparators to the API for find, update, and remove endpoints.
  • Implement schema validation for creates.
  • Implement better schema validation library (AJV).
  • Implement schema validation for updates. — Not doing, See issue #9.
  • Implement GraphQL. — Not doing, See issue #9.
  • Implement an admin interface. — Not doing, See issue #9.


Getting started

Download or clone this repository and then:

  1. Enter the root directory of _api.
cd _api/
  1. Install the required node modules:
npm install
  1. Open up src/config/db/index.js in your favorite text editor and start editing:

The SECRET property is your super secret key for encrypting and decrypting your collection files. Make this super private and hard to guess! By default, this API encrypts and decrypts the collection files, you can disable this by making it an empty string.

  1. Now you can start the API.
npm run start

or if you prefer to develop with Nodemon:

npm run watch

Collection and document schemas

Open up src/config/db/schema.js to access the schemas for collection and document levels.


CollectionsSchema is where the magic happens — this property is what generates the different collections that make up your database which in turn make up the CRUD API. If you want to add more collections, just add an object into the CollectionsSchema array like so:

export const CollectionsSchema = [
    users: [],

You can delete the users collection, it's there as an example.


If you would like to have schema validation for when you create new documents in your collections, you can also edit DocumentsSchema within the src/config/db/schema.js file. For more information on the schema — go to AJV GitHub repository. Currently, schema validation only works for creating documents. If you don't define a schema, then the create endpoint will just insert the document.

One really important note for when it comes to defining a schema, your document schema name must match the name of the collection! For example, if your collection name is users, your document schema name MUST be users.

export const DocumentsSchema = {
  users: {
    type: 'object',
    required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],
    properties: {
      firstName: {
        type: 'string',
      lastName: {
        type: 'string',
    additionalProperties: false,


_api is great in that it will automatically generate all the CRUD routes with the data operation functions for you. Below are the auto-generated routes.



Before we go onto the routes, the find endpoints are really awesome! They can accept data operators such as filter, sort, and slice. What is even better is that you can chain them! But there is one really important thing to remember before you go chaining your URL queries — the order of operations — all data operators will be executed with destructive operators first before ordering operators. The order is: Slice -> Filter -> Compare -> Sort.

Find all:

Returns all documents in a collection.


Find by id:

You can search for a document in a collection by id. It will only return one document.


Find by filter:

Filter only accepts JSON objects. This means when you pass it into the URL parameters, you will need to convert to a valid JSON string which will need to be converted to % notation — JSON.stringify() does this for you.


Find by comparator:

Comparators are like filter except their values are used as a benchmark filter. To use a comparator, you will need to post-fix the comparator to a value you want to compare — e.g. If I want to request documents with the property age that are greater than 5, I would pass the URL parameter age_gt=5.

You can use _gt, _gte, _lt, and _lte comparators.


Find by sort and order:

You can sort results by key, by default the order sent back is ascending but by specifying a _order parameter you can have descending order. _order takes only two values — asc and desc.


Find by slice:

You can slice your results by specifying a start index and an end index. Either is optional and will default to start = 0 and end = collection.size(). If you are slicing, an additional header property X-Total-Count will be returned which will hold the total documents in the collection.



Create one:

You will need to pass the document values in JSON object defined in your request body. Don't worry about passing an id value as _api will automatically generate an id for you. The response will be the document created including the unique id for it.

Also to note, you can define a JSON schema for the document in the config file src/config/db/schema.js. For more information on how the format of the schema should be — go to AJV GitHub repository. Currently, schema validation only works for creating documents. If you do not provide a schema, the create endpoint will just create a document in the collection without validation.



Update by id:

You can update a document in the collection by id. The new values are to be passed in by JSON object via the request body. The response will be the document updated.


Update by filter:

You can update one or more by filter. Filter only accepts JSON objects. This means when you pass it into the URL parameters, you will need to convert to a valid JSON string which will need to be converted to % notation — JSON.stringify() does this for you. The response will be the document or documents updated.



Remove by id:

You can remove a document in the collection by id. The response will be the document removed.


Remove by filter:

You can remove one or more by filter. Filter only accepts JSON objects. This means when you pass it into the URL parameters, you will need to convert to a valid JSON string which will need to be converted to % notation — JSON.stringify() does this for you. The response will be the document or documents removed.


Server configuration


Go to src/config/server/index.js and just set a name, any name. NAME's default is _api.


To change the port that _api is listening to, head over to src/config/server/index.js and change the property PORT to a port of your desire (must be a number).


Morgan is an ExpressJS middleware that does one thing and one thing only — logs requests. You can configure Morgan in src/config/server/index.js, the current configuration parameter only allows for format to be defined. You can change this by modifying the middleware load code in src/index.js.

Request rate limit

By default, the server is setup to rate limit all request to all endpoints from the same IP if they hit 100 requests in a minute. You can configure this in the server configuration file src/config/server/index.js and alter the properties windowMs and max under RATE_LIMIT object to your content. This functionality is implemented using express-rate-limit.

By default, _api supports load testing from There is a predefined route available for to validate against. To set this up, head to the src/config/server/index.js file and edit the LOADER property. You just need to supply the string provides as the value for the property.

Lodash chain middleware

If you need to define middleware functions, you can do that easily through the middleware file: src/middleware/index.js. All you need to do is define your functions in here and they will be loaded to each collection automatically as lodash mixins (So you can chain them with other middleware or lodash functions). An example:

// Create and export an object to hold middleware function declarations.
const Middleware = {
  helloWorld: () => {
    return 'Hello World!';

export default Middleware;

To use this, you would then need to modify the API routes in the src/router/index.js file.

On-top of these chained middleware functions, you can also utilize any ExpressJS middleware as you normally would. Just make sure you define it before the collection/database generation logic.

Helper functions

The helpers file: src/helpers/index.js contain all your reusable functions. Just import this file anywhere you need it and you will have access to the functions defined and exported in there. Currently there are a few helper functions already defined — those are:


Checks to see if a string is a valid JSON String which can be parsed into a JSON object. Returns either true or false.

isJSONString((string: String));


Returns the total number of collections in an object. See src/config/db and the DB_CONFIG.COLLECTION object for more details as to what the object should look like in terms of structure.

getTotalCollections((collection: Object));


This function takes in a HTTP status code, request header, data object, and a message object to then return a JSON object for the response body. If the data object provided is empty, this will return a 404 not found response body regardless of what the code input was.

responseBuilder((code: Number), (request: Object), (data: Object), (message: Object));


The magic function that parses through the request.query object to fetch and filter, sort, and slice data. This function will return an object with 2 objects within. The structure is:

  header: {
  data: {

The router will have the logic to handle this for you but if you are modifying the router — keep this in mind.

requestQueryHandler((request: Object), (collection: Object), (collectionKey: String));


Barebones JSON validator. Accepts two JSON objects; first one is the incoming object to be validated, second one is the JSON schema object used to validate (For more information on the format of the JSON schema — go to AJV GitHub repository). Return true if it is valid, false if it is not.

validateSchema((object: Object), (schema: Object));


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2018 TokenChingy

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.