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executable file
67 lines (45 loc) · 4.72 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
67 lines (45 loc) · 4.72 KB


This project is the step 3 of the main project Real-time audio processing. Please refer to the README of main project for more information.

⚠️ This project requires a microphone, either integrated in your computer or smartphone, or an external microphone with adaquate connection for your system (analog plug, USB microphone or USB audio interface).
⚠️ Using headphones is strongly recommended to work on this project to avoid larsen effects (audio feedback loop).


Thomas Hézard - Audio scientist and developer
thomas.hezard [at]


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Licence Creative Commons

📋 Presentation of the AudioLoop project

The application AudioLoop provided is developped using the JUCE framework, and can be built for macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS or Android.

The app is already fully functionnal with the following features:

  • The audio processing loop captures the audio input, processes it with the class AudioProcessor (the same class as in step 2 of the project), and sends teh result to the audio output.
  • The audio processing loop automatically starts when the program starts.
  • If you build and run the app in a desktop environement (macOS, Windows, Linux), some audio hardware controls are available in the interface.
  • Two controllers are available in the interface. In the current state of the project, they are not linked to the AudioProcessor, but you'll be able to use them to control your processor's parameters in real time if you want.

All the files you will have to modify are located in the sources/audio_engine directory. You should not modify the other files or the AudioLoop.jucer project.

🎯 Objectives: AudioProcessor integration

An instance of the class AudioProcessor, the same you worked on in step 2, is used inside the main audio render loop.
Source files are located in sources/audio_engine/audio_processor.*.
AudioProcessor is used the following way:

For the moment, AudioProcessor does not have any parameters, and the controllers from UI are linked to two internal variables from AudioEngine: parameter_a_ and parameter_b_.

In order to link these paramaters to your AudioProcessor, you have to modify the following code:

  • Setters and getters for the parameters in sources/audio_engine/audio_engine.cpp lines 48, 53, 58 and 63 (you can remove parameter_a_ and parameter_b_ if they are not needed anymore).
  • The controllers have a range of [0,1] with a mid value of 0.5. You can either
    • change these values in main_screen.cpp lines 18-19 and 37-38,
    • or transform this [0,1] range into usefull values within your AudioProcessor class (recommended).

⚙️ How to build and run

  • Make sure JUCE is installed on your computer with the Projucer app available and the global paths properly set. The project has been tested with JUCE 7.0.5, it is recommended to use the exact same version.
  • Depending on the platform you are working on and the platform you want to build the app for, be sure you have all the tools needed installed on your system. See the main README of the project for more information.
  • Open the AudioLoop.jucer with Projucer.
  • Click File -> Save Project to export the project.
  • You can now build the app with the build system corresponding to your exporter (Xcode, make, Visual Studio, Code::Block or Android Studio), and edit the sources in your favourite IDE by either:
    • launching the IDE from JUCE directly with the dedicated button at the top,
    • opening the project in the Builds directory.