Find a common way to extract metadata and thumbnails from research data files
- common interface into and out-of the extractor
- low entrance barrier to writing extractors to allow scientist to
- change the present ones
- write their own
- share with friends and team
- allow for different path through the extractor
- different 'recipes'
- since things are standardized, one can parse them
- similar to 'pylint' parsing the source to identify problems
- use json / dictionaries for interfacing but not json-ld (use terminology though)
- examples do not use try-except (it can be used by advanced users)
- no failsafes or checks in extractors (input and output should verify itself)
- All extractors have a filename of type: '', where png is the file-extension of the files to be processed. This allows the fast (and not foul-proof) way of identifying which extractor to use
- Function has to look like
def use(filePath, recipe=''):
filePath (string): full path file name
recipe (string): supplied to guide recipes
recipe is / separated hierarchical elements parent->child
dict: containing image, metaVendor, metaUser, recipe
- Recipes are defined and can be regex-identified by:
if ..... #:
else #:
- Recipe examples
- 'image/png/crop'
- 'image/png'
- example implementations in python
- example data files
-, an example implementation of how a wrapper for all extractors could look like
./ DataFiles/simple.png
./ DataFiles/simple.png image/crop
./ DataFiles/simple.csv
./ DataFiles/simple.csv red