- Simplifies information needed to create a home garden.
- Search for plant / get information.
- Save the plant to database collection.
- Ability to save notes about each plant in database.
- Ability to remove plants from database collection.
- Ability to find out more about the developers.
- See features 1-5
- Full about us page(pics, links to past projects)
- Sort by sun/shade and/or geolocation
- Plan custom garden bed size/shape/layout
- Pinging a weather API that will notify you of heat or cold snaps
- Toxic and space garden with animations
- Uniquely identify user so they can log back in and see individual greenhouses
- On results page user could click "more info" / "continue reading" button that would reveal more info recieved from api
- Give information about plants not in the API.
- Our product will not be for profit. (No ads)
- User arrives at home page and enters a plant name to be searched
- Harvest Helper API returns back Plant Data
- Results from API are rendered on Page 2
- User will save plant to Database/Greenhouse
- Display rendered results from Database(Greenhouse) on Page 3 and offer CRUD capabilities for each plant
- User can search for a plant and will recieve a response if plant is not in database or input is invalid.
- Our project will be testable by the user saving one plant to the database and being imediately able to go to the collection page to view saved result.
- Provided buttons will show imediate testability by removing plant from collection.
- Having a user log in will prevent people from spying into your greenhouse!