A curated list of awesome sources to learn algorithms in Golang.
If you want to contribute, please read the contribution guidelines.
- Algomation - A didactic, animated, exposition of algorithms.
- Algorithm Visualizer - Dozens of animated algorithms (with code), and you can also create your own.
- Algorithms Visualization - A dense article on Algorithms Visualization.
- Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science.
- Path Finding - A visual representation on how algorithms such as A*, IDA*, Breadth-First-Search, Best-First-Search and others describe a path between two points A and B.
- calhoun - Starting to learn algorithms get a better grasp on what they are learning.
- Stoimen's web log - Some algorithms nicely explained.
- VisuAlgo - Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation.
- Wikipedia - Algorithms -
- Geeks for Geeks - Lots of well explained and implemented algorithms.
- Sorting Algorithms - Simple animations of sorting algorithms.
- Code-Drills - Practice problems recommender.
- Algorithms, Part I - Part I covers elementary data structures, sorting, and searching algorithms.
- Algorithms, Part II - Part II focuses on graph- and string-processing algorithms.
- MIT - 6-006 - Explained algorithms.
- MIT - 6-046j - Explained algorithms.
- MIT - 6-00sc - Explained algorithms.
Implementations of the most algorithms in Golang
- Mspm
- by @BlackRabbitt - Multi-String Pattern Matching algorithm.
- Go astar
- by @beefsack - Go implementation of the A* path finding algorithm.
- Bild
- by @anthonynsimon - Collection of image processing algorithms in pure Go.
- Scala
- Evoli
- by @khezen - Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization library.
- Go cluster
- by @e-XpertSolutions - Go implementation of the k-modes and k-prototypes clustering algorithms.
- Go galib
- by @thoj - Genetic Algorithms library written in Go
- Goga
- by @tomcraven - Genetic algorithm library for Go.
- Go Recommend
- by @timkaye11 - Recommendation Algorithms library written in Go.
- Mlgo
- by @NullHypothesis - This project aims to provide minimalistic machine learning algorithms in Go.
- Go gt
- by @ThePaw - Graph theory algorithms written in "Go" language.
- Graph
- by @yourbasic - Library of basic graph algorithms
- Pagerank
- by @alixaxel - Weighted PageRank algorithm implemented in Go.
- PiHex
- by @claygod - Implementation of the "Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe" algorithm for the hexadecimal number Pi.
Online Judges to practice what you learned above
- A2 Online Judge - Online Judge and problem archive.
- ACM-ICPC Live Archive - Hundreds of problems from previous ACM-ICPC Regionals and World Finals.
- Algo Muse - Research based algorithmic problems.
- CS Academy - Holds online contests and IOI practice contests
- CodeChef - More problems and monthly online contests.
- CodeWars - A website that houses support to solve algorithms in many languages in varying difficulty.
- Firecode- Firecode.io uses machine learning algorithms along with curated real-world interview questions, solutions & a vibrant social community of learners to get you ready for your next coding interview.
- HackerRank - Featured algorithm and functional programming online judges
- Kattis- Online judge and problem archive
- Learneroo Algorithms Tutorials - Learn and practice algorithms by solving challenges online.
- LeetCode - Learn algorithms and prepare for interviews.
- Rosalind - A platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving.
- ShareCode.io - Online Judge and contest host with a lot of algorithmic problems in the archive to practice.
- SPOJ - More problems.
- TopCoder - Lots of problems and real world/money worthy problems in Graphic Design, Data Science and Development.
- UVA - Hundreds of problems (from previous ACM-ICPC Regionals, World Finals and others).