- Create a source folder in base
- create s3cfg file in base directory
- create a signing folder and put your PGP key inside it.
- modify like 76 in Vagrantfile to point it to your PGP ID.
- modify line 9 on bin/build_package
- modify line 2 and 3 to point to your email id and full name
- ensure https://github.com/anantshri/script-collection/blob/master/gitrebase is in your base machine's path as we will be using it to rebase.
Note: this is on base machine as we need to use ssh keys / password for github access and that is better controlled outside VM and via base machines as we keep using github on base anyways
- Launch Packaging_tools VM
- open 4 terminals 3. vagrant ssh -> /vagrant/Build/ 4. vagrant ssh -> /vagrant/Tamer/Repository 5. shell on Build/ 6. shell on source/
- also open sublime on Build
- Build shell will be used to execute build scripts which are sh build.sh in most cases.
- Repository ssh will be used to pull files in repository or push files to aws
- sublime on Build will be used to modify build scripts as and when needed
- shell on Build will be used to commit to git repository the updated.
- shell on source will be used to rebase the repositories.
- go to source
- git rebase to latest version or commit point. 3. gitrebase
- Go to Sublime: Open build script, modify version number as per the need.
- Go to build shell: run sh build.sh <- this will generate the deb along with the key signing.
- Go to Repository shell : pullme <deb_file_path> to pull the deb in repository (old_deb will be deleted)
- Same shell pushme to push the repository to aws server.
- once build is done also push Build script update to git repo.
- git add Build//build.sh Build//changelog Build//control
- git commit -S -m "Commit note"
- git push
Note: Some packages might not require rebase and are directly made available via original repositories