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553 lines (415 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

553 lines (415 loc) · 14.7 KB

About Bash projects

Unless stated, all your projects will be auto-corrected with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.


For this project, we expect you to look at this concept:


Read or watch:

man or help:

  • chmod
  • sudo
  • su
  • chown
  • chgrp
  • id
  • groups
  • whoami
  • adduser
  • useradd
  • addgroup

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, *without the help of Google:


  • What do the commands chmod, sudo, su, chown, chgrp do
  • Linux file permissions
  • How to represent each of the three sets of permissions (owner, group, and other) as a single digit
  • How to change permissions, owner and group of a file
  • Why can’t a normal user chown a file
  • How to run a command with root privileges
  • How to change user ID or become superuser

Other Man Pages

  • How to create a user
  • How to create a group
  • How to print real and effective user and group IDs
  • How to print the groups a user is in
  • How to print the effective userid



  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your scripts will be tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • All your scripts should be exactly two lines long ($ wc -l file should print 2)
  • All your files should end with a new line (why?)
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/bin/bash
  • A file, at the root of the folder of the project, describing what each script is doing
  • You are not allowed to use backticks, &&, || or ;
  • All your files must be executable

Quiz questions

Question #0

Which command should I use for changing a file permission?

  • chgrp

  • su

  • chmod

  • chown

Question #1

What is the permission value for a file read only for the group owner?

  • 070

  • 040

  • 050

  • 060

Question #2

Which command should I use for changing a file owner?

  • chgrp

  • su

  • chmod

  • chown

Question #3

What is the permission value for a file without any restriction?

  • 600

  • 644

  • 777

Question #4

What is the numerical value for the rwx------ permission?

  • 700

  • 600

  • 621

  • 704

Question #5

What is the numerical value for the ----w---x permission?

  • 021

  • 123

  • 121

  • 221

Question #6

What is the numerical value for the r-xr--r-- permission?

  • 411

  • 522

  • 544

  • 644


0. My name is Betty

Create a script that switches the current user to the user betty.

  • You should use exactly 8 characters for your command (+1 character for the new line)
  • You can assume that the user betty will exist when we will run your script
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ tail -1 0-iam_betty | wc -c


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 0-iam_betty

1. Who am I

Write a script that prints the effective username of the current user.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./1-who_am_i


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 1-who_am_i

2. Groups

Write a script that prints all the groups the current user is part of.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./2-groups
julien adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare

Note: depending on the user, you will get a different output.


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 2-groups

3. New owner

Write a script that changes the owner of the file hello to the user betty.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 30 Sep 20 14:23 3-new_owner
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien  0 Sep 20 14:18 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ sudo ./3-new_owner
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 4
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 30 Sep 20 14:23 3-new_owner
-rw-rw-r-- 1 betty  julien  0 Sep 20 14:18 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 3-new_owner

4. Empty!

Write a script that creates an empty file called hello.


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 4-empty

5. Execute

Write a script that adds execute permission to the owner of the file hello.

The file hello will be in the working directory

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:26 5-execute
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./hello
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./5-execute
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:26 5-execute
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 5-execute

6. Multiple permissions

Write a script that adds execute permission to the owner and the group owner, and read permission to other users, to the file hello.

  • The file hello will be in the working directory
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 36 Sep 20 14:31 6-multiple_permissions
-r--r----- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./6-multiple_permissions
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 36 Sep 20 14:31 6-multiple_permissions
-r-xr-xr-- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 6-multiple_permissions

7. Everybody!

Write a script that adds execution permission to the owner, the group owner and the other users, to the file hello

  • The file hello will be in the working directory
  • You are not allowed to use commas for this script
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:35 7-everybody
-rw-r----- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./7-everybody
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:35 7-everybody
-rwxr-x--x 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 7-everybody

8. James Bond

Write a script that sets the permission to the file hello as follows:

  • Owner: no permission at all
  • Group: no permission at all
  • Other users: all the permissions

The file hello will be in the working directory You are not allowed to use commas for this script

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:40 8-James_Bond
-rwxr-x--x 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./8-James_Bond
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 28 Sep 20 14:40 8-James_Bond
-------rwx 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 8-James_Bond

9. John Doe

Write a script that sets the mode of the file hello to this:

-rwxr-x-wx 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
  • The file hello will be in the working directory
  • You are not allowed to use commas for this script


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 9-John_Doe

10. Look in the mirror

Write a script that sets the mode of the file hello the same as olleh’s mode.

  • The file hello will be in the working directory
  • The file olleh will be in the working directory
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 42 Sep 20 14:45 10-mirror_permissions
-rwxr-x-wx 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien  0 Sep 20 14:43 olleh
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./10-mirror_permissions
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 8
-rwxrw-r-- 1 julien julien 42 Sep 20 14:45 10-mirror_permissions
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien 23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien  0 Sep 20 14:43 olleh

Note: the mode of olleh will not always be 664. Make sure your script works for any mode.


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 10-mirror_permissions

11. Directories

Create a script that adds execute permission to all subdirectories of the current directory for the owner, the group owner and all other users.

Regular files should not be changed.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 20
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   24 Sep 20 14:53 11-directories_permissions
drwx------ 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx------ 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx------ 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./11-directories_permissions
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 20
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   24 Sep 20 14:53 11-directories_permissions
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 11-directories_permissions

12. More directories

Create a script that creates a directory called my_dir with permissions 751 in the working directory.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 20
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   39 Sep 20 14:59 12-directory_permissions
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ./12-directory_permission s
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   39 Sep 20 14:59 12-directory_permissions
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
drwxr-x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:59 my_dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 12-directory_permissions

13. Change group

Write a script that changes the group owner to school for the file hello

  • The file hello will be in the working directory
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   34 Sep 20 15:03 13-change_group
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
drwxr-x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:59 my_dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ sudo ./13-change_group
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien      34 Sep 20 15:03 13-change_group
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien    4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien    4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien    4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
drwxr-x--x 2 julien julien    4096 Sep 20 14:59 my_dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien school   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 13-change_group

14. Owner and group

Write a script that changes the owner to vincent and the group owner to staff for all the files and directories in the working directory.

julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   36 Sep 20 15:06 100-change_owner_and_group
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
drwxr-x--x 2 julien julien 4096 Sep 20 14:59 my_dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ sudo ./100-change_owner_and_group
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 vincent staff   36 Sep 20 15:06 100-change_owner_and_group
drwx--x--x 2 vincent staff 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir0
drwx--x--x 2 vincent staff 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir1
drwx--x--x 2 vincent staff 4096 Sep 20 14:49 dir2
drwxr-x--x 2 vincent staff 4096 Sep 20 14:59 my_dir
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vincent staff   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 100-change_owner_and_group

15. Symbolic links

Write a script that changes the owner and the group owner of _hello to vincent and staff respectively.

  • The file _hello is in the working directory
  • The file _hello is a symbolic link
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien   44 Sep 20 15:12 101-symbolic_link_permissions
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien   23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
lrwxrwxrwx 1 julien julien    5 Sep 20 15:10 _hello -> hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ sudo ./101-symbolic_link_permissions
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien      44 Sep 20 15:12 101-symbolic_link_permissions
-rw-rw-r-- 1 julien julien      23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vincent  staff    5 Sep 20 15:10 _hello -> hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 101-symbolic_link_permissions

16. If only

Write a script that changes the owner of the file hello to betty only if it is owned by the user guillaume.

  • The file hello will be in the working directory
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien    julien      47 Sep 20 15:18 102-if_only
-rw-rw-r-- 1 guillaume julien      23 Sep 20 14:25 hello
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ sudo ./102-if_only
julien@ubuntu:/tmp/h$ ls -l
total 24
-rwxrwxr-x 1 julien julien      47 Sep 20 15:18 102-if_only
-rw-rw-r-- 1 betty  julien      23 Sep 20 14:25 hello


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 102-if_only

17. Star Wars

Write a script that will play the StarWars IV episode in the terminal.


  • GitHub repository: alx-system_engineering-devops
  • Directory: 0x01-shell_permissions
  • File: 103-Star_Wars