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Releases: Synesso/scala-stellar-sdk

Fee Bumps and v1 transaction publishing

21 Jun 05:58
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  • Support for multiplexed accounts is reinstated.
  • All generated transaction are v1 in support of protocol 13.
  • Fee bump transactions are supported via SignedTransaction.bumpFee(amount, signer)

Removes Multiplexed Addressing

08 Jun 03:13
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As requested by SDF, support for multiplexed account addressing has been removed. This feature has not yet passed community approval.

TransactionHistory parsing fix.

22 May 12:09
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  • Fixes an error with parsing of horizon transaction history documents

Horizon 1.2.0 & Core Protocol 13.

17 May 05:55
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  • Adds support for Mnemonic phrases in Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Italian & Korean
  • Adds support for Stellar Core Protocol 13
    • Introduces FeeBump as an optional field on transactions. A FeeBump allows account owners to
      resubmit existing transactions with an increased fee.
    • AllowTrustOperation now has two difference kinds of authorization in support of
      See TrustLineFlag.
    • AccountId signer key now has an optional sub account id in support of

Bugfix - disabling Horizon cursors

09 Mar 00:15
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Horizon cursors are not working as documented, so this release disables support for cursors on queries.
The SDK API has not changed, but any provided cursors will be ignored until a future release.

Horizon v1.0.0-beta

26 Feb 22:21
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  • Supports Horizon v1.0.0-beta
  • Adds support for Mnemonic phrases in English, French, Japanese and Spanish
    • Can derive hierarchical deterministic addresses
    • Shortcuts for deriving addresses in the Stellar tree-space (as KeyPairs)
  • Migrated the underlying HTTP mechanism from AkkaHttp to OkHttp to simplify operations & dependencies.

Support for Core v12 and Horizon v0.22.1

11 Oct 12:32
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  • #156 Adds support for Core v12 and Horizon v0.22.1

Breaking changes

  • The project is no longer published to bintray and maven central. JitPack resolver needs to be
    added. See README for a sample build.sbt config.

  • In line with the changes to the core protocol:

    • PathPaymentOperation has been renamed to PathPaymentStrictReceiveOperation
    • PathPaymentStrictSendOperation has been added.

    These operations are differentiated by which party (sender or receiver) will have their funds
    explicitly stated. The other party will obtain the best rate available via the path supplied.

Full TOML support (SEP-0001)

31 Aug 05:34
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Breaking changes

  • #121 Transaction fees are no longer implicit. The initiator
    of a transaction needs to explicitly specify the maximum fee that they are prepared to pay.
  • #129 Timebounds are no longer implicit either. The initiator
    of a transaction needs to explicitly specify the timebounds of the transaction. The constant
    TimeBounds.Unbounded is introduced to provide a short-cut for unbounded behaviour.


  • #96 Full support for well-known.toml fields in the
    DomainInfo class. Previously only FEDERATION_SERVER was supported. Now all fields are available.
  • TimeBounds can be defined in terms of a timeout from 'now', with TimeBounds.timeout(Duration).
  • #66 Transactions can be signed with any arbitrary byte array.
    This provides the ability to match a hash signer with shared data. (See
    Hash(x) signing for more details).

SDK Requirement closure, part 1.

28 Jul 05:08
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Breaking changes

  • AccountResponse now models account data values as Array[Byte], not String (See below).
  • Due to this bug in Horizon, the validBefore and validAfter fields of
    TransactionHistory may appear as None when they were in fact present. This document will note when these fields
    become reliable again.


  • #33 Support for pathfinding endpoint /paths.
  • #35 Support for trade aggregations endpoint /trade_aggregations.
  • #53 On-the-fly decoding of transaction meta-info about the
    entries affecting the ledger.
  • #120 On-the-fly decoding of transaction fee meta-info.


  • #92 Horizon Release v0.18.0 compatibility. Added fields
    maxFee and feeCharged to transaction responses. The field feePaid is now deprecated and will be removed
    in a future release.
  • #51 Data associated with an account is modelled as a byte
    array and parsed from Horizon responses as Base64-encoded Strings.

BackOff retries & misc fixes.

10 Jun 11:05
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  • #74 Failed network calls to Horizon will now automatically
    retry several times.


  • #86 Horizon response of TooManyRequests will result in
    a HorizonRateLimitExceeded response. That exception type includes the duration until the next rate limit
    window opens.
  • #70 Account responses now include account data.
  • #76 MemoIds are parsed as Longs and accept zero as a value.