- #948 Remove usage of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Exte… (@loic425)
- #949 [Composer] Bump sylius/grid-bundle dev dependency (@GSadee)
- #873 Move winzou state machine on optional requirements (@loic425, @GSadee)
- #951 [Composer] Add GridBundle 1.13 beta in dev dependencies for SF7 builds (@GSadee)
- #945 Restrict Doctrine orm package version (@loic425)
- #861 [Maintenance] Deprecate unused configuration nodes (@NoResponseMate)
- #941 Fix Doctrine dependency on state processors (@loic425)
- #932 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Humanizer) (@loic425)
- #928 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Doctrine) (@loic425)
- #929 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Exception) (@loic425)
- #930 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Generator) (@loic425)
- #931 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Grid) (@loic425)
- #942 Doctrine requirement is now optional (@loic425)
- #933 [phpspec-2-phpunit] migration of tests (Metadata) (@loic425)
- #934 Reproduce getting the translation repository by its interface use case (@loic425)
- #935 Fix getting translation repository (@loic425)
- #872 Move fos rest, jms serializer and hateoas on optional requirements (@loic425)
- #863 Adding support for Symfony 7 (@loic425)
- #924 Remove Twig 2 support (@loic425)
- #926 [Composer] Allow GridBundle ^v1.13@alpha (@GSadee)
- #948 Remove usage of Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Exte… (@loic425)
- #949 [Composer] Bump sylius/grid-bundle dev dependency (@GSadee)
- #934 Reproduce getting the translation repository by its interface use case (@loic425)
- #941 Fix Doctrine dependency on state processors (@loic425)
- #913 [Docs] Disable providing data (@loic425)
- #918 Fix grid limits on request grid provider (@loic425)
- #914 [Docs] Disable processing data (@loic425)
- #925 [Docs] Resource validation (@loic425)
- #900 [Maintenance] Fix PHPStan errors related to class-string (@lchrusciel)
- #874 Remove PHP 8.0 support & not maintained Symfony versions (@loic425)
- #878 Fix dependency injection namespace (@loic425)
- #883 Fix form parameter bags accesing in request handler (@NoResponseMate)
- #895 Move some routing factories into 2 sub-directories (@loic425)
- #896 Move attributes operation route factory into sylius resource namespace (@loic425)
- #898 [Maintenance] Fix builds (@NoResponseMate)
- #899 Add missing experimental tags for new routing system (@loic425)
- #871 Fix state machine tag (@Zales0123) Working on Sylius/SyliusResourceBundle (branch 1.11)
- #545 Update phpspec/phpspec to 7.3 (@dannyvw)
- #607 Allow jms/serializer-bundle ^5.0 (@dannyvw)
- #611 Allow doctrine/collections ^2.0 (@dannyvw)
- #613 Configure specific state machine component for a resource (@loic425)
- #634 Allow Pagerfanta 4.0 (@mbabker)
- #659 Debug resource with FQCN (@loic425)
- #682 [New docs] docs' pagination (@loic425)
- #687 [New docs] Configure the resource name (@loic425)
- #689 [New docs] Configure the resource plural name (@loic425)
- #696 [CI] Add support for PHP 8.2 (@loic425)
- #706 [Test app] Use Doctrine attributes (@loic425)
- #717 Fix after upmerge (@loic425)
- #718 Poc rebased (@loic425)
- #719 Update licence (@Rafikooo)
- #723 Fix default templates dir (@loic425)
- #724 Add flash from event on processor (@lchrusciel)
- #726 Update license (@Zales0123)
- #727 Bulk update (@loic425)
- #728 Psalm fix after upmerge (@Zales0123)
- #729 [doc] Add missing new line to configure_your_operations.md example (@diimpp)
- #730 Grid aware operation (@loic425)
- #731 Configure driver on resource attribute (@loic425)
- #732 Remove unused template (@loic425)
- #733 Move PHPUnit tests from bundle (@loic425)
- #738 Fix Doctrine subscriber deprecations (@loic425)
- #740 [Fix] Update delete path name to avoid route conflicts (@loic425)
- #741 Add request to routing arguments (@loic425)
- #742 Define simple vars on your operations (@loic425)
- #743 Update rector/rector requirement from ^0.13.5 to ^0.18.2 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #745 Improve testing debug resource command (@loic425)
- #746 Add POST http method on update, delete and bulk delete operation (@loic425)
- #747 Fix name of file inside the comments for BookFactory (@harikt)
- #757 Use AsResource attribute instead of reserved word Resource (@loic425)
- #758 Remove Component namespace on action (@loic425)
- #759 Remove Component namespace on annotation (@loic425)
- #760 Remove Component namespace on context (@loic425)
- #761 Remove Component namespace on Doctrine (@loic425)
- #762 Remove Component namespace on state (@loic425)
- #764 Fix routing with moved attributes (@loic425)
- #766 Move some namespaces on Storage (@loic425)
- #767 Move some namespaces on Symfony event dispatchers (@loic425)
- #768 Move some namespaces on Exceptions (@loic425)
- #769 Move some namespaces on Grid (@loic425)
- #770 Move some namespaces on Humanizer (@loic425)
- #772 Move some namespaces on Symfony event listener (@loic425)
- #773 Fix response status when method is safe (@loic425)
- #774 Move some namespaces on new Metadata (@loic425)
- #775 Move some namespaces on Twig (@loic425)
- #777 Move some namespaces on Factory (@loic425)
- #778 Move some namespaces on Symfony expression language (@loic425)
- #779 Phpunit tests for Symfony deserialize listener (@loic425)
- #780 Init Deserialize provider (@loic425)
- #783 Move some namespaces on Symfony forms, requests and responses (@loic425)
- #784 Move some namespaces on Symfony routing, validator exceptions and workflow (@loic425)
- #785 Init read provider (@loic425)
- #786 Fix readme with supported branches (@loic425)
- #788 Init flash processor (@loic425)
- #789 Phpunit tests for Symfony respond listener (@loic425)
- #790 Init respond processor (@loic425)
- #791 Phpunit tests for Symfony form listener (@loic425)
- #792 Phpunit tests for Symfony flash listener (@loic425)
- #793 Init form provider (@loic425)
- #795 Init factory provider (@loic425)
- #798 Init validate provider (@loic425)
- #799 PHPUnit tests for Symfony serialize listener (@loic425)
- #800 Init serialize processor (@loic425)
- #801 PHPUnit tests for Symfony write listener (@loic425)
- #803 PHPUnit tests for Symfony add format listener (@loic425)
- #804 Move some namespaces on metadata (@loic425)
- #805 Move some namespaces on generator (@loic425)
- #806 Move some namespaces on reflection (@loic425)
- #810 [CI] Exclude builds for Symfony 6.4 and doctrine/persistence 2.0 (@GSadee, @loic425)
- #815 PHPUnit tests for factory (@loic425)
- #816 PHPUnit tests for context (@loic425)
- #817 Add DI for Main controller, providers and processors (@loic425)
- #818 Fix Phpspec errors (@loic425)
- #819 Move some namespaces on model (@loic425)
- #820 Move some namespaces on repository (@loic425)
- #821 Fix serialize processor (@loic425)
- #822 Fix flash processor (@loic425)
- #823 Fix event dispatcher provider (@loic425)
- #824 Add main controller (@loic425)
- #826 Replace decorated by processor into bulk aware processor (@loic425)
- #827 Fix respond processor (@loic425)
- #828 Dispatch pre write event processor (@loic425)
- #829 Dispatch post write event processor (@loic425)
- #830 Write processor (@loic425)
- #831 Move deserialize provider into Symfony namespace (@loic425)
- #832 Rename event dispatcher provider to dispatch post read event provider (@loic425)
- #833 Add resource metadata on Twig context (@loic425)
- #836 Remove cache on metadata when debug is enabled (@loic425)
- #838 Rename legacy tests directory (@loic425)
- #841 Add support for PHP 8.3 (CI) (@loic425)
- #847 Fix autowiring for legacy factory and repository (@loic425)
- #849 Add local constraints (@Wojdylak)
- #853 [Docs] Inject factories (autowiring) (@loic425)
- #857 Move state machine with bc-layer (@loic425)
- #858 Move Winzou namespace (@loic425)
- #860 Move translations' namespace (@loic425)
- #862 [Maintenance] Add an exception for unavailable storages (@NoResponseMate)
- #864 Improve legacy book factory to use more bc-layer classes (@loic425)
- #538 fix(flashbag): fixed addFlash in ControllerTrait for Symfony 6 (@UlrichHP)
- #611 Allow doctrine/collections ^2.0 (@dannyvw)
- #634 Allow Pagerfanta 4.0 (@mbabker)
- #729 [doc] Add missing new line to configure_your_operations.md example (@diimpp)
- #730 Grid aware operation (@loic425)
- #731 Configure driver on resource attribute (@loic425)
- #732 Remove unused template (@loic425)
- #733 Move PHPUnit tests from bundle (@loic425)
- #738 Fix Doctrine subscriber deprecations (@loic425)
- #740 [Fix] Update delete path name to avoid route conflicts (@loic425)
- #741 Add request to routing arguments (@loic425)
- #742 Define simple vars on your operations (@loic425)
- #743 Update rector/rector requirement from ^0.13.5 to ^0.18.2 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #745 Improve testing debug resource command (@loic425)
- #746 Add POST http method on update, delete and bulk delete operation (@loic425)
- #747 Fix name of file inside the comments for BookFactory (@harikt)
- #757 Use AsResource attribute instead of reserved word Resource (@loic425)
- #758 Remove Component namespace on action (@loic425)
- #759 Remove Component namespace on annotation (@loic425)
- #760 Remove Component namespace on context (@loic425)
- #761 Remove Component namespace on Doctrine (@loic425)
- #762 Remove Component namespace on state (@loic425)
- #764 Fix routing with moved attributes (@loic425)
- #765 Missed typehint for
(@Rafikooo) - #766 Move some namespaces on Storage (@loic425)
- #767 Move some namespaces on Symfony event dispatchers (@loic425)
- #769 Move some namespaces on Grid (@loic425)
- #770 Move some namespaces on Humanizer (@loic425)
- #772 Move some namespaces on Symfony event listener (@loic425)
- #773 Fix response status when method is safe (@loic425)
- #774 Move some namespaces on new Metadata (@loic425)
- #775 Move some namespaces on Twig (@loic425)
- #777 Move some namespaces on Factory (@loic425)
- #778 Move some namespaces on Symfony expression language (@loic425)
- #779 Phpunit tests for Symfony deserialize listener (@loic425)
- #780 Init Deserialize provider (@loic425)
- #783 Move some namespaces on Symfony forms, requests and responses (@loic425)
- #784 Move some namespaces on Symfony routing, validator exceptions and workflow (@loic425)
- #785 Init read provider (@loic425)
- #786 Fix readme with supported branches (@loic425)
- #788 Init flash processor (@loic425)
- #789 Phpunit tests for Symfony respond listener (@loic425)
- #790 Init respond processor (@loic425)
- #791 Phpunit tests for Symfony form listener (@loic425)
- #792 Phpunit tests for Symfony flash listener (@loic425)
- #793 Init form provider (@loic425)
- #795 Init factory provider (@loic425)
- #798 Init validate provider (@loic425)
- #799 PHPUnit tests for Symfony serialize listener (@loic425)
- #800 Init serialize processor (@loic425)
- #801 PHPUnit tests for Symfony write listener (@loic425)
- #803 PHPUnit tests for Symfony add format listener (@loic425)
- #804 Move some namespaces on metadata (@loic425)
- #805 Move some namespaces on generator (@loic425)
- #806 Move some namespaces on reflection (@loic425)
- #809 Add support for Symfony 6.4 (@loic425)
- #810 [CI] Exclude builds for Symfony 6.4 and doctrine/persistence 2.0 (@GSadee, @loic425)
- #815 PHPUnit tests for factory (@loic425)
- #816 PHPUnit tests for context (@loic425)
- #817 Add DI for Main controller, providers and processors (@loic425)
- #818 Fix Phpspec errors (@loic425)
- #819 Move some namespaces on model (@loic425)
- #820 Move some namespaces on repository (@loic425)
- #821 Fix serialize processor (@loic425)
- #822 Fix flash processor (@loic425)
- #823 Fix event dispatcher provider (@loic425)
- #824 Add main controller (@loic425)
- #826 Replace decorated by processor into bulk aware processor (@loic425)
- #827 Fix respond processor (@loic425)
- #828 Dispatch pre write event processor (@loic425)
- #829 Dispatch post write event processor (@loic425)
- #830 Write processor (@loic425)
- #831 Move deserialize provider into Symfony namespace (@loic425)
- #832 Rename event dispatcher provider to dispatch post read event provider (@loic425)
- #833 Add resource metadata on Twig context (@loic425)
- #836 Remove cache on metadata when debug is enabled (@loic425)
- #838 Rename legacy tests directory (@loic425)
- #841 Add support for PHP 8.3 (CI) (@loic425)
- #493 Add support for Doctrine persistence version 3.0 (@@loic425)
- #498 Add services' aliases to improve autowiring experience (@loic425)
- #502 Fix the build (@loic425)
- #503 Init gitattributes file to preserve the planet (@loic425)
- #507 Fix Symfony 6 Exception (@mpysiak, @lchrusciel)
- #510 Fix declaring repository on resource when it is a service entity repository (@loic425)
- #530 [DOCS] Change configuration to correct one ()
- #545 Update phpspec/phpspec to 7.3 (@dannyvw)
- #549 Hotfix for Attributes routing system (@loic425)
- #550 Fix build on 1.10 (@loic425)
- #551 Flip back service ids and FQCN (@loic425)
- #589 Fix the build on 1.10 branch (@loic425)
- #607 Allow jms/serializer-bundle ^5.0 (@dannyvw)
- #613 Configure specific state machine component for a resource (@loic425)
- #659 Debug resource with FQCN (@loic425)
- #682 [New docs] docs' pagination (@loic425)
- #687 [New docs] Configure the resource name (@loic425)
- #689 [New docs] Configure the resource plural name (@loic425)
- #694 Quick fix for state machine workflow usage with Symfony 6.2 (@loic425)
- #696 [CI] Add support for PHP 8.2 (@loic425)
- #700 Fix missing pagerfanta ORM adapter error (@loic425)
- #701 [HotFix] Flip id with alias on resource loader (@loic425)
- #706 [Test app] Use Doctrine attributes (@loic425)
- #717 Fix after upmerge (@loic425)
- #718 Poc rebased (@loic425)
- #719 Update licence (@Rafikooo)
- #723 Fix default templates dir (@loic425)
- #724 Add flash from event on processor (@lchrusciel)
- #726 Update license (@Zales0123)
- #727 Bulk update (@loic425)
- #728 Psalm fix after upmerge (@Zales0123)
- #589 Fix the build on 1.10 branch (@loic425)
- #493 Add support for Doctrine persistence version 3.0 (@@loic425)
- #701 [HotFix] Flip id with alias on resource loader (@loic425)
- #700 Fix missing pagerfanta ORM adapter error (@loic425)
- #694 Quick fix for state machine workflow usage with Symfony 6.2 (@loic425)
- #538 fix(flashbag): fixed addFlash in ControllerTrait for Symfony 6 (@UlrichHP)
- #765 Missed typehint for
(@Rafikooo) - #809 Add support for Symfony 6.4 (@loic425)
- #510 Fix declaring repository on resource when it is a service entity repository (@loic425)
- #530 [DOCS] Change configuration to correct one (@arti0090)
- #549 Hotfix for Attributes routing system (@loic425)
- #550 Fix build on 1.10 (@loic425)
- #551 Flip back service ids and FQCN (@loic425)
- #498 Add services' aliases to improve autowiring experience (@loic425)
- #502 Fix the build (@loic425)
- #503 Init gitattributes file to preserve the planet (@loic425)
- #507 Fix Symfony 6 Exception (@mpysiak, @lchrusciel)
- #489 Fix can apply a transition on workflow with a graph (@loic425)
- #492 [Maintenance] Out-of-date phpstan/phpdoc-parser conflict removed, docker static analysis memory limit increased (@Rafikooo)
- #495 Inform about potential BC break after response code change (@Zales0123)
- #341 Dropping usage of Request->get (@loic425, @Zales0123)
- #450 Adjust when some runtime deprecation notices are triggered and use Symfony's trigger_deprecation() helper (@mbabker)
- #467 [README] Add development section and update links (@lchrusciel)
- #478 Add tests with grids (@loic425)
- #487 Make CsrfTokenManager public (@Zales0123)
- #488 Return 422 status code when the form fails (@belmeopmenieuwesim, @Zales0123)
- #446 [Maintenance] Add flex support to global composer (@lchrusciel)
- #454 Add generic typehint to RepositoryInterface and FactoryInterface (@MrSrsen)
- #458 Basic configuration of Gitbook (@Zales0123)
- #459 Fix coding standards to fix the build (@Zales0123)
- #460 [Maintenance] Allow flex plugin during plugin installation (@lchrusciel)
- #461 [docker]Dockerized Resource Bundle (@Ferror, @lchrusciel)
- #462 Configure global symfony/flex plugin (@Zales0123)
- #465 [Maintenance] Downgrade rector to fix build (@lchrusciel)
- #466 Update rector/rector requirement from ^0.12.20 to ^0.13.5 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #470 [CI] Fix the build for 1.10 (@loic425)
- #471 [Symfony 6] Fix submitting a form (@loic425)
- #474 Resource alias, always return 2 array items (@Prometee, @lchrusciel)
Drop Symfony 4 support, add Symfony 6 support 🚀
- #379 Fix setDeprecated deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #380 Fix session deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #399 [Symfony 6] Fix Kernel on test app (@loic425)
- #401 [Symfony 6] Use storage factory id option on test app (@loic425)
- #402 [Symfony 6] Fix http foundation request handler typehints (@loic425)
- #408 [1.10] Correct branch alias to 1.10-dev (@Zales0123)
- #411 [Symfony 6] Bump Psalm version from 4.7 to 4.22 (@loic425)
- #412 [Symfony 6] Fix bootstrap on test app (@loic425)
- #413 [Symfony 6] Fix setting deprecations on pagerfanta bridge pass (@loic425)
- #418 [Symfony 6] Fix getting container on PHPUnit tests (@loic425)
- #419 [Symfony 6] Fix routes on test app (@loic425)
- #426 Add missing options on sylius route attribute (@loic425)
- #428 Add support for Symfony 6 (@loic425, @lchrusciel)
- #430 Drop Symfony 4 support (@loic425)
- #431 Simplify Kernel on test app (@loic425)
- #433 Remove session pass (@loic425)
- #434 [Maintenance] Bump EasyCodingStandard dependency (@lchrusciel)
- #435 [Maintenance] Removal of Sf4.4 BC layer leftovers (@lchrusciel)
- #437 Remove is master request usage (@loic425)
- #439 Fix Phpspec for symfony 6 (@loic425)
- #440 Fix some other getting container deprecations (@loic425)
- #444 [Symfony 6] Third solution to fix resource controllers (@loic425)
- #445 [Maintenance] Drop Sf4 ACL on parameters class due to lack of its support (@lchrusciel)
- #407 [1.8] Correct branch alias to 1.8-dev (@Zales0123)
- #409 Document supported branches (@Zales0123)
- #416 Revert "Bump Pagerfanta from 2.x to 3.x" (@lchrusciel)
- #417 Revert "Revert "Bump Pagerfanta from 2.x to 3.x"" (@lchrusciel)
- #424 Run lint container instead of smoke test for twig (@loic425)
- #425 Run lint container for state machine instead of smoke tests (@loic425)
- #432 [Maintenance] Correct branch alias to 1.9-dev (@lchrusciel)
- #446 [Maintenance] Simplify GitHub action workflow (@lchrusciel)
Stable 1.9.0 release 🎉🎉🎉
- PHP bumped to ^8.0
- PHP 7.4 syntaxt
- Sylius Resource routes generated with PHP attributes
- Support for Symfony Workflow
- Simpler usage of new service entity repository
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements
- #375 Testing build with PHP 8.1 (@loic425)
- #378 Fix phpdoc for getTranslations (@dannyvw)
- #381 Bump Pagerfanta from 2.x to 3.x (@mbabker)
- #403 Add form attribute on SyliusCrudRoute (@loic425)
- #405 Fix the build (@loic425)
- #406 Allow to run GitHub actions manually + fix build on 1.8 (@Zales0123)
- #338 Fix some Symfony Deprecations (@dannyvw)
- #373 Fix the build after #338 (@Zales0123)
- Bump required PHP version to ^8.0 and use PHP 7.4 syntax
- Generate Sylius Resource routes with PHP attributes
- Add support for Symfony Workflow
- #287 Manage event response in show and index action to be able to redirect (@maximehuran, @Zales0123)
- #298 Allow use with Pagerfanta 3.0 (@mbabker)
- #310 Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- #328 Use PHP 7.4 syntax (@Zales0123)
- #330 Add a simple way to use the new service entity repository (@loic425)
- #332 Change all MasterRequest calls to MainRequest (@Roshyo, @Zales0123)
- #333 Don't use deprecated Twig
tag (@stloyd) - #334 Sylius route with attributes (@loic425)
- #334 Symfony workflow (@loic425)
- #340 Allow jms/serializer-bundle 4 (@dannyvw)
- #343 Change ECS config to php and run it (@Zales0123)
- #344 Remove travis build status from README (@GSadee)
- #345 Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from 0.12.94 to 0.12.99 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #347 Update phpstan/phpstan-webmozart-assert requirement from 0.12.12 to 0.12.16 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #348 Update phpstan/phpstan-phpunit requirement from 0.12.18 to 0.12.22 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #349 Update winzou/state-machine-bundle requirement from ^0.5 to ^0.6 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #353 Require symfony/routing and symfony/http-foundation 4.4 and 5.4 (@Zales0123)
- #354 Reactivate checking coding standard (@loic425)
- #356 Add documentation for Routes with attributes (@loic425)
- #358 Fix docs for crud routes with attributes (@loic425)
- #359 Fix type of serialization groups (@loic425)
- #416 Revert "Bump Pagerfanta from 2.x to 3.x" (@lchrusciel)
- #375 Testing build with PHP 8.1 (@loic425)
- #381 Bump Pagerfanta from 2.x to 3.x (@mbabker)
- #406 Allow to run GitHub actions manually + fix build on 1.8 (@Zales0123)
- #304 Fix doctrine extensions version on component (@loic425)
- #303 fix namespace of
(@bendavies) - #302 Fix namespace of
(@bendavies) - #301 Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from 0.12.82 to 0.12.83 (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- #300 Update vimeo/psalm requirement from 4.6.4 to 4.7.0 (@dependabot-preview[@bot])
- Added support for PHP 8
- Removed StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle from dependencies
- Remvoed support for winzou/state-machine-bundle <0.5
- #210 Add compatibility with PHP 8 (@pamil)
- #247 Fix wrong licence on test app's kernel (@loic425)
- #255 Add autowire for resource Controllers (@AdamKasp, @lchrusciel)
- #259 [Minor] Add symfony.lock to git ignore (@lchrusciel)
- #264 Fix the build (@pamil)
- #283 Remove StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle and replace it with GedmoDoctrineExtensions (@pamil)
- #285 Drop winzou/state-machine-bundle <0.5 (@pamil)
These are complete release notes summing up all BETA and RC releases.
- Bumped up requirements from PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.3
- Dropped support for Symfony ^3.4, added support for Symfony ^5.1
- Added support for
in version^2.0
- Added support for
in versions^0.4.3
- Bumped up
requirements from^2.1
- Bumped up
requirements from^2.0
- Bumped up
requirements from^1.2
- Removed the usage of deprecated
API, added support for version^2.0
- Replaced
- Deduplicated repositories retrieved from the service container and from the object manager
- #114 Updating composer dependencies (@mamazu)
- #117 Fix extended types deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #119 Update composer dependencies (@pamil, @dannyvw)
- #124 Replace deprecated doctrine object manager (@loic425)
- #125 Replace deprecated doctrine object repository (@loic425)
- #126 Replace dbal types (@loic425)
- #127 Fix phpspec tests on DefaultFormBuilder (@loic425)
- #128 Lock static analysis tools versions & fix the build (@pamil)
- #129 Add support for PHP 7.4 and Symfony 4.4 (@pamil, @dannyvw)
- #130 Remove deprecated templating configuration (@dannyvw)
- #131 Allow twig 3.x (@dannyvw)
- #132 Fix controller deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #133 Fix testing multiple Symfony versions, add build for 5.0 & remove support for <4.4 (@pamil)
- #135 Allow for DoctrineBundle ^2.0 (@pamil)
- #136 Remove unneccessary dependency on winzou/state-machine in the component (@pamil)
- #138 Remove legacy di configuration (@dannyvw)
- #139 Fix event dispatcher deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #141 Upgrade to PHPStan 0.12 (@GSadee)
- #142 Github repository configuration from Sylius/Sylius (@CoderMaggie)
- #143 [Maintenance] Updated branch alias (@lchrusciel)
- #144 [Maintenance] Update github templates (@lchrusciel)
- #151 [Maintenance] Bump ApiTestCase to v5.0 (@lchrusciel)
- #159 Remove duplicated docblocks (@GSadee)
- #160 ResourceBundle documentation extracted to its repository (@SirDomin)
- #161 [HOTFIX] Conflict with amphp/amp 2.4.3 (@lchrusciel)
- #162 [Documentation] Fix index menu (@SirDomin)
- #163 [HOTFIX] Conflict with the newest amphp/amp (@lchrusciel)
- #165 Fix the build (@pamil)
- #167 Upgrade rest bundle (@loic425)
- #168 [Docs] Serialization groups of the elements in a paginated collection (@vvasiloi)
- #172 Check if form is submitted on resource creation/edition (@loic425)
- #173 Remove rest dependencies (@loic425, @pamil)
- #175 Upgrade PagerfantaBundle to new version with B/C layer (@mbabker)
- #177 Pagerfanta updates (@mbabker)
- #178 When using winzouStateMachineBundle 0.4, the old named services are aliases, so need to be marked public as well (@mbabker, @pamil)
- #181 Fix build (@loic425)
- #182 Testing several state machine versions (@loic425)
- #187 Symfony 5 support (@loic425)
- #189 Require webmozart/assert as it's used by the bundle code (@pamil)
- #190 Fix errors reported by static analysis tools (@pamil)
- #191 Normalise composer.json (with ergebnis/composer-normalize) (@pamil)
- #192 Remove conflict with amphp/amp (@pamil)
- #193 Bump up requirements to PHP ^7.3 (@pamil)
- #194 Fix deprecations and errors while running PHPUnit (@pamil)
- #195 Upgrade to Psalm v3.17.1 (@pamil)
- #196 Remove unnecessary dev dependency on "polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container" (@pamil)
- #197 Make RegisterFormBuilderPass accept multiple tags on a single service (@pamil)
- #198 Bump up minimal requirements to Symfony ^5.1 (@pamil)
- #199 Update the year in LICENSE file (@ValentineJester)
- #200 Use HTTPS instead of HTTP in links in composer.json (@ValentineJester)
- #201 Remove outdated persistence backends from the documentation (@ValentineJester)
- #202 Remove winzou state machine dependency (@loic425)
- #204 Replace AbstractController with ControllerTrait & ContainerAwareInterface (@pamil)
- #206 Remove twig bundle dependency (@loic425)
- #207 Bump doctrine/persistance version (@dotdevru)
- #209 [Travis] Use symfony/flex ^1.10 instead of dev-master (@pamil)
- #211 Upgrade to Psalm 4 (@pamil)
- #212 Normalise composer.json (@pamil)
- #213 Update component's composer.json and normalise it (@pamil)
- #214 Do not use deprecated Doctrine Inflector API (@pamil)
- #215 Fix InMemoryRepository::applyOrder implementation (@pamil)
- #216 [CI] Better job naming (@pamil)
- #220 Duplicate initialisation of repositories (@Fantus)
- #224 Require previously required dependencies (@pamil)
- #225 Bump up dev dependencies (@pamil)
- #226 Remove Gedmo/DoctrineExtensions from dependencies (@pamil)
- #227 Apply misc static analysis fixes (@pamil)
- #228 Add an ability to define your own Inflector for Metadata class (@pamil)
- #229 Fix tests namespace in the bundle (@pamil)
- #230 Do not rely on services in DoctrineORMDriver (@pamil)
- #231 Remove unnecessary BC layer for symfony/dependency-injection <=4.2 (@pamil)
- #232 Create ResourceBundle's EntityRepository only if custom repository is not set (@pamil)
- #234 Refactor test app (@loic425)
- #238 Always set sylius.doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory.entities parameter (@pamil)
- #239 Fix the static analysis build (@pamil)
- #234 Refactor test app (@loic425)
- #238 Always set sylius.doctrine.orm.container_repository_factory.entities parameter (@pamil)
- #239 Fix the static analysis build (@pamil)
- #230 Do not rely on services in DoctrineORMDriver (@pamil)
- #231 Remove unnecessary BC layer for symfony/dependency-injection <=4.2 (@pamil)
- Added an ability to customise the inflector used by Metadata class
- All the packages made optional in previous 1.7.0-BETA releases were made required once again
- #224 Require previously required dependencies (@pamil)
- #225 Bump up dev dependencies (@pamil)
- #226 Remove Gedmo/DoctrineExtensions from dependencies (@pamil)
- #227 Apply misc static analysis fixes (@pamil)
- #228 Add an ability to define your own Inflector for Metadata class (@pamil)
- #229 Fix tests namespace in the bundle (@pamil)
- Modernized the usage of Doctrine Inflector not to use deprecated API
- Made sure there is only one instance of repository service for each resource
- #214 Do not use deprecated Doctrine Inflector API (@pamil)
- #215 Fix InMemoryRepository::applyOrder implementation (@pamil)
- #216 [CI] Better job naming (@pamil)
- #220 Duplicate initialisation of repositories (@Justus Krapp)
- #221 Update vimeo/psalm requirement from 4.1.1 to 4.2.1 (@dependabot-preview)
- #223 Update phpstan/phpstan requirement from 0.12.49 to 0.12.57 (@dependabot-preview)
- Made
optional - Made
- #202 Remove winzou state machine dependency (@loic425)
- #206 Remove twig bundle dependency (@loic425)
- #207 Bump doctrine/persistance version (@dotdevru)
- #209 [Travis] Use symfony/flex ^1.10 instead of dev-master (@pamil)
- #211 Upgrade to Psalm 4 (@pamil)
- #212 Normalise composer.json (@pamil)
- #213 Update component's composer.json and normalise it (@pamil)
- #198 Bump up minimal requirements to Symfony ^5.1 (@pamil)
- #199 Update the year in LICENSE file (@ValentineJester)
- #200 Use HTTPS instead of HTTP in links in composer.json (@ValentineJester)
- #201 Remove outdated persistence backends from the documentation (@ValentineJester)
- #204 Replace AbstractController with ControllerTrait & ContainerAwareInterface (@pamil)
- Made FOSRestBundle optional
- Ensured WinzouStateMachineBundle services and aliases are public
- #173 Remove rest dependencies (@loic425, @pamil)
- #177 Pagerfanta updates (@mbabker)
- #178 When using winzouStateMachineBundle 0.4, the old named services are aliases, so need to be marked public as well (@mbabker, @pamil)
- #192 Remove conflict with amphp/amp (@pamil)
- #195 Upgrade to Psalm v3.17.1 (@pamil)
- #196 Remove unnecessary dev dependency on "polishsymfonycommunity/symfony-mocker-container" (@pamil)
- #197 Make RegisterFormBuilderPass accept multiple tags on a single service (@pamil)
- Added support for Symfony 5
- Added support for Twig 3
- Added support for
0.4 and 0.5
- #114 Updating composer dependencies (@mamazu)
- #117 Fix extended types deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #119 Update composer dependencies (@dannyvw)
- #124 Replace deprecated doctrine object manager (@loic425)
- #125 Replace deprecated doctrine object repository (@loic425)
- #126 Replace dbal types (@loic425)
- #127 Fix phpspec tests on DefaultFormBuilder (@loic425)
- #128 Lock static analysis tools versions & fix the build (@pamil)
- #129 Add support for PHP 7.4 and Symfony 4.4 (@dannyvw, @pamil)
- #130 Remove deprecated templating configuration (@dannyvw)
- #131 Allow twig 3.x (@dannyvw)
- #132 Fix controller deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #133 Fix testing multiple Symfony versions, add build for 5.0 & remove support for <4.4 (@pamil)
- #135 Allow for DoctrineBundle ^2.0 (@pamil)
- #136 Remove unneccessary dependency on winzou/state-machine in the component (@pamil)
- #138 Remove legacy di configuration (@dannyvw)
- #139 Fix event dispatcher deprecation (@dannyvw)
- #141 Upgrade to PHPStan 0.12 (@GSadee)
- #142 Github repository configuration from Sylius/Sylius (@CoderMaggie)
- #143 [Maintenance] Updated branch alias (@lchrusciel)
- #144 [Maintenance] Update github templates (@lchrusciel)
- #151 [Maintenance] Bump ApiTestCase to v5.0 (@lchrusciel)
- #159 Remove duplicated docblocks (@GSadee)
- #160 ResourceBundle documentation extracted to its repository ()
- #161 [HOTFIX] Conflict with amphp/amp 2.4.3 (@lchrusciel)
- #162 [Documentation] Fix index menu (@SirDomin)
- #163 [HOTFIX] Conflict with the newest amphp/amp (@lchrusciel)
- #165 Fix the build (@pamil)
- #167 Upgrade rest bundle (@loic425)
- #168 [Docs] Serialization groups of the elements in a paginated collection (@vvasiloi)
- #172 Check if form is submitted on resource creation/edition (@loic425)
- #175 Upgrade PagerfantaBundle to new version with B/C layer (@mbabker)
- #181 Fix build (@loic425)
- #182 Testing several state machine versions (@loic425)
- #187 Symfony 5 support (@loic425)
- #189 Require webmozart/assert as it's used by the bundle code (@pamil)
- #190 Fix errors reported by static analysis tools (@pamil)
- #191 Normalise composer.json (with ergebnis/composer-normalize) (@pamil)
- #193 Bump up requirements to PHP ^7.3 (@pamil)
- #194 Fix deprecations and errors while running PHPUnit (@pamil)
Security release:
- CVE-2020-15143: Remote Code Execution in ParametersParser while using request parameters inside expression language
- CVE-2020-15146: Remote Code Execution in OptionsParser while using request parameters inside expression language
Security release:
- #104 [RFC] Add success flashes before post event (@Zales0123)
- #110 Add Psalm and fix all the errors (@pamil)
- #92 Removing '2' from 'Symfony2' (@loevgaard)
- #95 Autowire factories and repositories by class and name (@pamil)
- #97 Autodiscover resource's model interfaces and deprecate explicit configuration (@pamil)
- #88 Ensure forward compatibility with ResolveTargetEntityListener (@teohhanhui)
- #89 Add support for embeddables (@pamil)
- #90 Drop Symfony 4.1, add support for Symfony 4.3 (@pamil)
Security release:
- CVE-2020-15143: Remote Code Execution in ParametersParser while using request parameters inside expression language
- CVE-2020-15146: Remote Code Execution in OptionsParser while using request parameters inside expression language
Security release:
Released ResourceBundle as a standalone package, containing a subtree split of Resource component.
Security release:
- CVE-2020-15143: Remote Code Execution in ParametersParser while using request parameters inside expression language
- CVE-2020-15146: Remote Code Execution in OptionsParser while using request parameters inside expression language
Security release:
- #88 Ensure forward compatibility with ResolveTargetEntityListener (@teohhanhui)
- #104 [RFC] Add success flashes before post event (@Zales0123)
Released ResourceBundle as a standalone package, containing a subtree split of Resource component.
Security release:
- CVE-2020-15143: Remote Code Execution in ParametersParser while using request parameters inside expression language
- CVE-2020-15146: Remote Code Execution in OptionsParser while using request parameters inside expression language
Security release:
Released ResourceBundle as a standalone package, containing a subtree split of Resource component.
Released ResourceBundle as a standalone package, containing a subtree split of Resource component.
Released ResourceBundle as a standalone package, containing a subtree split of Resource component.