- Added support for Sylius 1.11
- Added support for PHP 8.1 and dropped for 7.4
- #726 [Maintenance] Support PHP 8.1, drop PHP 7.4, bump to Sylius 1.10 (@Rafikooo)
- #722 Adds an endpoint to get a list of countries, and provinces by country (@medteck, @mamazu)
- #718 Remove unused oauth-server-bundle from dependencies (@TiMESPLiNTER)
- #723 Adding the license block to the coding standard (@mamazu)
- #727 [Upgrade] Support PHP 8.1, drop PHP 7.4, bump to Sylius 1.10 (@Rafikooo)
- #731 [Maintenance] Allow flex plugin during plugin installation (@lchrusciel)
- #732 [Maintenance] Turn off code sniffer and turn on flex in CI (@lchrusciel)