Box uses flex, and exposes props for alignment, justify content, border, background, etc.
This is the base component for all layout. All other layout components extend Box, and their main purpose is readability in JSX.
For example:
<Box flexDirection={'row'}>
some content
is less readable than
some content
But sometimes you want many styling rules on the same element.
It probably makes more sense to use one Box instead of many nested components, to prevent DOM bloat.
border={"1px solid #3a3a3a"}
some content
You can set border, background, spacing, indent, etc, using theme.
It allows presets from theme.
<Box background={'primaryBg'}>
some content
As well as raw CSS values.
<Box background={'#757575'}>
some content
The following props can use theme palette names:
- boxShadow
- background
- border
- borderColor