Find Me Carparks is an application that searches for and displays public carparks in Singapore, sourced from APIs. The app is built with Jetpack Compose as part of NTU's SC2006 Software Engineering module, and aims to demonstrate use of the Model-View-Viewmodel architecture, with dependency injection, API services and creation of a local database.
To try out this application, use the latest stable version of Android Studio, and clone this repository.
The application contains several screens, the main map screen containing all carpark markers, the carpark list and search screen, and the carpark detail screen. It also supports light and dark themes, as well as multiple screen sizes.
The user is able to bookmark commonly-visited carparks for later reference, view live occupancy levels, as well as set a navigation route to any carpark.
Package com.teamtwo.carparkfinderapp
is the application entry point. Each application screen is implemented using Composables and navigation between them is handled using Android Jetpack's Navigation component. The application's navigation graph and destinations are configured here, creating a NavHost container.
The package contains the map screen, its associated viewmodel and states. It is the default start destination of the application, and displays all carparks overlaid on a Google Maps Composable after retrieving their entries from the application Room database.
Package com.teamtwo.carparkfinderapp.presentation.carparklist
The package contains the carpark list screen, and its associated viewmodel. It will display all carparks retrieved from the database in a scrolling list. The user will navigate to this screen by clicking on the bottom bar found in the map screen.
Package com.teamtwo.carparkfinderapp.presentation.carparkdetail
The package contains the carpark details screen, and its associated viewmodel. It will display all values from the Carpark data class. Live availability numbers of the selected carpark can be queried from this screen, as well as bookmark creation.
Data is handled in the
package, broken down into two other packages:
contains the Retrofit API requests, which converts the retrieved JSON data into a Java interface format.local
contains the Room database entities, storing the Carpark and Availability data on-device.
The dependencyinjection
module will create and link the databases with the APIs, and then provide them as instances to the appropriate viewmodels.
This project uses a library by cgcai to handle conversion of SVY21 coordinates to Lat/Lon.