This bundle provides a wrapper for using DomPDF inside Symfony2.
When using composer add the following to your composer.json
// composer.json
"require": {
"slik/dompdf-bundle" : "dev-master"
and run php composer.phar update slik/dompdf-bundle
Next add the following to your appkernel:
// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// Dependencies
new Slik\DompdfBundle\SlikDompdfBundle();
Copy the files to to your /app directory and follow the dompdf usage docs.
Whenever you need to turn something into a pdf just use this anywhere in your controller:
// Set some html and get the service
$html = '<h1>Sample html</h1>';
$dompdf = $this->get('slik_dompdf');
// Generate the pdf
// Either stream the pdf to the browser
// Or get the output to handle it yourself
$pdfoutput = $dompdf->output();