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πŸͺŸ Non-serious library allowing you to effortlessly bring windows dialogue boxes to your webpages!


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πŸͺŸ Windows-like dialogue boxes for your website


Setting up ⬇️

Package Managers

Install the NPM package using your package manager.

# npm
npm install @skwalexe/winmb

# yarn
yarn add @skwalexe/winmb

Then import the library.

// For CommonJS
const WinMB = require('@skwalexe/winmb')

// For ES Modules
import WinMB from '@skwalexe/winmb'

Import with <script> tag

If you use this method, the library will be available globally as WinMB.

<script src="[email protected]/dist/winmb.umd.js"></script>

Using this library πŸ“¦

This library exports a WinMB class which acccepts the following parameters:

  • assetsUrl / required: WinMB needs to load remote assets such as css stylesheets, sounds, and images, which you can host on your own servers. This parameter is used to tell WinMB where it can find these assets. You must provide a base url, to which WinMB will just append the requested asset's file name. If you don't want to host the assets yourself, you can use JSDelivr like in the example below.
const wmbEngine = WinMB('[email protected]/src/assets/')

Once you instanciated the WinMB class, it exposes the follwing methods:

  • wmbEngine.removeAll(): Removes all the dialogue boxes from the page.
  • Creates and displays a new dialogue box.


This method will remove all the dialogue boxes from the page. It doesn't use any parameters and doesn't return anything.


This method will create a new dialogue box and display it on the page. All the parameters will be demonstrated later on. It accepts the following parameters:

  • title: string: The message box's title.
  • message: string: The message box's content.
  • ?type: string: The message box type, one of: error, info, or warning. This parameter will change the message box's icon and sound. Default: error
  • ?buttons: object[]: Default: one ok button. An array of objects, each with the following properties:
    • text: string: The text displayed inside the button.
    • ?value: string | number | boolean: The value returned by show() when the button is clicked. If not supplied, the return value will be the text property.
  • ?position: string | [x, y]: If you supply a string, it must be random, or default. If you supply an array, the box will be placed at coordinates (x, y).
    • random: The box will be placed at random coordinates on the page.
    • default: The boxes will follow the default windows bahavior.

This function returns a Promise() which will resolve when a button is clicked or when the message box is closed. The return value will be the clicked button's corresponding value (see buttons), and false if the box was dismissed with the close button.

Contributing 🀝

Please, open an issue if you have any suggestion or if you found a bug. I will try to fix it as soon as possible.

General Info About the Project πŸ“–

This is a simple library that can create Windows message boxes on a web page. It uses the following technologies for the development process and for the build pipeline:

  • TypeScript for typechecking.
  • Babel.js for creating polyfills (browser retro-compatiblity).
    • Node that we will only create polyfills for the final UMD bundle, and not for the CJS/ESM builds because creating polyfills is in my opinion the responsability of the library users.
  • Rollup for UMD bundle generation.
  • ESLint for linting.
  • Prettier.js for formatting.

This library uses pnpm as a package manager. You can install it with:

sudo npm install -g pnpm

Setting up the development environment πŸ–₯️

git clone
cd ./WinMB.js
  • Install (dev)dependencies
pnpm install
  • Run the pnpm serve script to start a local development server on port 10001
    • This will continuously rebuild the UMD bundle and reload the page.
pnpm run serve
  • Open the local development server on https://localhost:10001/ and open the project in your IDE.

Files and directories πŸ“‚

Unreferenced files are just not important.

Configuration Files: βš™

  • babel.config.js: Babel configuration file.
  • eslint.config.mjs: ESLint configuration file.
  • rollup.config.mjs: Rollup configuration file.
  • tsconfig.json: TypeScript configuration file.
  • package.json: NPM package configuration.

Source: πŸ”’

  • src/assets/: Contains library assets (CSS styleshetts, audio files, images...)
  • src/main.ts: Library entry point (only imports/exports)

Builds: πŸ‘·

  • dist/lib-cjs/: CommonJS build.
  • dist/lib-esm/: ESM build.
  • dist/winmb.umd.js: UMD bundle.

Other: πŸ“„

  • assets/: Assets for the GitHub repo only.
  • index.html: Simple HTML page for testing the library.

Creating a pull request πŸ‘

If you'd like to contribute, please open an empty pull request and provide an explanation of your proposed changes. Once I approve it, you can begin your work. It's always disheartening to reject a pull request after someone has invested a lot of time and effort into it. 😿

  • Create a branch for your contribution
git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • When you finished your changes, you must check your code's formatting and linting and fix all the errors.
pnpm run lint:fix # check for linting errors
pnpm run check-types # check for type errors
pnpm run format # comply with foramtting rules
  • After that, add your changes to and update the README if needed.

  • Do not increment the NPM package version yourself, the maintainer will do it.

  • Then, you can commit your work and push to your fork.

git add --all 
git commit -m "Added a new feature"
git push -u origin my-new-feature
  • Finally, you can create your pull request from your fork repo's github page.

PNPM scripts

  • lint: Perform ESLint checks.
  • format: Format codebase with prettier.
  • clean: Remove ./dist/.
  • build:cjs: Build CommonJS version from source.
  • build:esm: Build ESM version from source.
  • build:umd: Build UMD bundle from ESM version.
  • watch-esm: Rebuid ESM version on any detected change.
  • watch-umd: Creates local dev server, rebuild UMD bundle and reload the server automatically on any change detected from ESM version.
  • build: Build all versions: ESM, CJS, UMD bundle.
  • serve: Rebuild ESM and UMD bundle on any detected change, while creating a local dev server.

Examples πŸ“Έ

Title and message"I am a title", "I am a message")

Example 1

Box types"", "Message box types", "info")

Example 2"", "Message box types", "error")

Example 3"", "Message box types", "warning")

Example 4

Buttons"", "Buttons", "info", [{text: "Hello", value: true}, {text: "World", value: false}])

Example 5

Position"", "Default position", "info", [{text: "Hello", value: true}], "default")

Example 6"", "Random position", "warning", [{text: "Hello", value: true}], "random")

Example 7