Releases: ServerMod/SCPDiscord
Release 1.0.1
Fixed exception when activating the warhead from the RA panel
Added new events:
- onstartcountdown.noplayer
- onstopcountdown.default
- onstopcountdown.noplayer
- onsummonvehicle.chaos
- onsummonvehicle.mtf
- onplayerradioswitch
- onmakenoise
- onrecallzombie
- oncallcommand
- onreload
- ongrenadeexplosion
- ongrenadehitplayer
- ondisconnect.default
- ondisconnect.banned
- onban.admin.kick
- onban.console.kick
- onban.admin.ban
- onban.console.ban
(Bot is unchanged)
Release B:
- Updated englishemote.yml to latest version
Release C:
- Updated french.yml to latest version (@Barna13 )
- Updated frenchemote.yml to latest version (@Barna13 )
- Added polish.yml (Łukasz Klapek#1760)
Release D:
- Updated russian.yml to latest version (TeMbI4#6666)
- Added italian.yml (@mattymatty97 )
Release E:
- Updated russian.yml (TeMbI4#6666)
- Added russianemote.yml (TeMbI4#6666)
Release F:
- Added polishemote.yml (MinerPL#7089)
Hotfix 1.0.0-D
- Fixed critical network issue
- Fixed another rarer config load issue
Hotfix 1.0.0-C
- Fixed reload network issue
- Fixed config reading
Hotfix 1.0.0-B
- Updated API to 3.2.0
- Updated YamlDotNet to 5.3.0
- Removed Newtonsoft.Json
- Updated plugin to use .NET 4.7.1
Release 1.0.0
Changelog 1.0.0:
You will need to completely set up both the bot and plugin again as both have new configs. Check out the updated setup guides on the wiki.
Major changes:
- Added new role sync system.
- Added new config system.
- Rewrote entire network system.
- Remade events system to now support subevents.
- Added permissions system to bot.
Other improvements:
- Added new bot commands, list, syncrole and unsyncrole.
- Added new console commands, scpd_reload, scpd_verbose, scpd_debug, scpd_unsync.
- Fixed several connection issues.
- Remade the emote version of the english language file.
- Added multi-channel support for bot.
- Added support for reloading all plugin files and configs during runtime.
- Fixed a ton of bugs.
Beta 0.4.0
- Updated API to 3.1.21
- Added metrics system
This release only includes the plugin, not bot.
Beta 0.3.6
- Updated to ServerMod 3.1.9
- Fixed several connection issues
- Improved stability
- Added more descriptive error messages
- Blocked the help command as it currently does not work
Beta 0.3.5
Added a new language file with emotes for different events called
. -
Added support for the ToggleTag plugin with these commands:
hidetag <steamid>
showtag <steamid>
Beta 0.3.4
Updated API to 3.1.18
Added new config option:
- If set to false it stops the plugin from overwriting the language files on each server restart so you can edit them freely. -
Added language file validation.
Some performance improvements for both the bot and plugin.
Added a reason to the kick command
Fixed a few events which did not execute
Moved some repeating messages to verbose only
Improved some bot error messages
plugin command which stops the connection to the bot and then starts it again for debugging. -
Added tps variable to channel topic, it shows current tickrate