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How can I make an action run if build is successful or unneeded #4582

Answered by mwichmann
mark-summerfield asked this question in Q&A
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At its very simplest, this should work:

prog = Program("hello.c")
pname = str(prog[0])
runit = Command(target=f'r_{pname}', source=prog, action=(f'-./{pname}'))

In this case, Command has a target that uses a made-up name, just prepending something to the name of the Program target, and its source is the built program, and since the action never "creates" that target, it's always out of date and so runs every time.

The more detailed recipe accounts for more complexity, such as when there are multiple programs to run (the accumulating nature of Alias is useful for that), or when the action actually produces something that looks like a target - like an output log (if you use a logfile or oth…

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Answer selected by mark-summerfield
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