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208 lines (138 loc) · 4.94 KB

File metadata and controls

208 lines (138 loc) · 4.94 KB

How to contribute

Building the library

$ yarn
$ yarn lerna link
$ yarn build-all

Developing using story-book

First, build the library.

Terminal 1

$ yarn start-storybook

Terminal 2

$ yarn watch

Libraries of choice

  • emotion and styled-system is used for all styling.
  • Hooks over HOC:s. All components should use hooks.
  • Font Awesome is used for all icons.



We try to avoid adding more dependencies as much as possible.

If your component requires a specific library as a dependency, create a separate package for your component.

See @stenajs-webui/select, which uses react-select as a dependency.

Adding new packages

  • Copy <git-root>/template to <git-root>/packages/ and rename it.
  • Update name and version in package.json.
  • Update dependency versions in package.json.
  • Run yarn check-deps-match in git-root to check that dependencies are correct.
  • Write code.
  • Export code in index.ts.
  • Run yarn build in package folder.
  • Run yarn check-builds in git-root to check that the build is correct.

Code style

  • Typescript, strict, no any.
  • Prettier.
  • No default exports. All exports should be named.
  • Use args destructuring.

Imports from other stenajs-webui packages

When you import code from other packages, you must do it from package name.

import { Box } from "@stenajs-webui/core";

This is incorrect:

import { Box } from "../../../core/src/etc";

This will cause the build to get an incorrect folder structure, and importing your package from other projects will fail.

You can verify that the build is correct by running yarn check-builds in git-root after you build your package.


  • Typed components, instead of typed props-argument.
  • As little logic in components as possible, use hooks instead.
  • No class components
  • Use React.FC type for components.
  • Add JSDocs to your props interface. If it is optional with default value, specify @default.


export interface NiceButtonProps {
    * onClick button callback.
    onClick: () => void;

export const NiceButton: React.FC<NiceButtonProps> = ({ onClick }) => {
    // maybe hooks.
    return (


  • Folder names use kebab-case.
  • Files and components use CamelCase with first letter capitalized.
  • Module scoped constants use UPPER_CASE_SNAKE_CASE.
  • All other variables (included locally scoped constants) use camelCase.

Folder and files structure

  • All source code in <package>/src/.
  • Components with UI should be placed in <package>/src/components/ui/<component-folder>/<Component>.tsx.
  • Components with no UI should be placed in <package>/src/components/util/ (with sub folder where appropriate).
  • Shared util functions should be placed in <package>/src/util/ (with sub folder where appropriate).
  • Each type of component has own folder.
  • All unit tests in __tests__/<Component>.test.tsx next to <Component>.tsx.
  • Add stories in <Component>.stories.tsx next to <Component>.tsx (no sub folder).
  • Put hooks in own sub folder hooks.
  • Put other util functions in sub folder utils.


Default props


Boolean props with default value that toggle something, should always default to false.

For example:

<SomeComp />
<SomeComp showProfile />

In this example showProfile defaults to true when omitted. It should be changed to this instead:

<SomeComp />
<SomeComp hideProfile />

Where hideProfile have default value of false.


1) Create feature branch

On Github repo.

I.e. feature/dropdown

2) Create your component in the appropriate directory

I.e. a new button component would go into src/components/ui/buttons/ButtonInFlames.ts


All components that can be interacted with should work properly with keyboard-only navigation.

3) Add support for theme if appropriate

See themes section.

4) Add JSDocs to your components props

Add a comment above each prop in the interface for the props.

5) Add stories

Make a separate <Component>.stories.tsx file for your component.

6) Add unit tests

Make a separate __tests__/<Component>.test.ts file for your component. Make sure that all conditional parts of the component are tested.

<Clickable onClick={disabled ? undefined : onToggle}>

Make sure that there are tests for disabled=true and disabled=false.

7) Verifying in browser

The component should work and look as expected in: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari.

8) Export your component

In <package>/src/index.ts, make sure that you export at least your component and the props interface. Do not export everything, only the things that should be available to the users (developers).

9) Create a pull request in Github

Add screenshots for extra points!

Wait for peer review.