This small component is still in production it's a simple date picker based on the angular-material port of polymer by the people behind ionic
##Install This component is bower and npm registered
bower install material-date-picker (installs moment as dependency)
npm install material-date-picker
npm install moment
All the necessary files will be automatically included in your index.html if not add
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/material-date-picker/build/styles/mbdatepicker.css"/>
<script src="bower_components/material-date-picker/build/mbdatepicker.js"></script>
You have to add a dependency to material-date-picker module which is called materialDatePicker
angular.module('your-app', ['materialDatePicker']);
##Usage ###Attributes
<mb-datepicker element-id='date1'
With the following attributes you can bind an element id, bind a class for extra styling to the input and all internal fields, etc. The calendar-header attribute has a two-way databinding to a scope variable, so you can add dynamic translations, that has the following setup:
$scope.header = {
monday: 'Mon',
tuesday: 'Tue',
wednesday: 'Wed',
thursday: 'Thu',
friday: 'Fri',
saturday: 'Sat',
sunday: 'Sun',
The arrows attribute has a two-way databinding to a scope variable that has the following setup:
$scope.arrows = {
year: {
left: 'images/white_arrow_left.svg',
right: 'images/white_arrow_right.svg'
month: {
left: 'images/grey_arrow_left.svg',
right: 'images/grey_arrow_right.svg'
The input-class attribute can be overridden in the following way:
<style type="text/css">
.testClass > input {
border-bottom: 3px solid #1A4987;
border-left: transparent;
border-right: transparent;
border-top: transparent;
An example is provided.
##Known issues If you can't find the SVG images, look in the images map of the bower component and copy these to your own images map. I left this as an open option.
If you have an improvement or request please let me know or post a pull request