Releases: RENCI/APSViz-Msg-Handler
Releases · RENCI/APSViz-Msg-Handler
fixing a couple things
fixing test result assertion and log file names
Adding ecflow message handing
Refactoring for ecflow message handing, adding tests and tidying up some comments and log messages.
Adding workflow ttype
Adding workflow type to the run properties data for the supervisor runs.
Fixing target queue name, comments and logs
v0.1.10 fixing target queue, comments
Altering queue names, new handlers
altering queue names, adding new msg handler for ecflow rt
Adding additional error handling
Adding additional error handling and logging for incoming messages that are poorly formatted.
Additional DB error logging
SQL statement errors were occurring. this update will log the entire sql statement when errors occur.
Refactoring to remove redundancy
v0.1.6 fixing pylint warning
Cutting down on log output
the asgs status messages were creating a huge amount of logging events. moving all listeners to debug mode output only.
restoring original refactoring.
Restoring original refactoring. adding some extra logging...