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PyTermOS is a lightweight, Linux-Based operating system designed specifically for educational purposes and older hardware, emphasizing minimalism and efficiency. It provides lot's of great everyday functions like Supercommands and other. Here, at PyTermOS you can see the power of Linux-Based operating systems.


Lightweight Design

Optimized for performance on both modern and legacy hardware (Raspberry Pi Family).

Educational Tool

Perfect for students and enthusiasts looking to delve into the workings of a Linux-based OS.

PyTerm CLI Interface.

PyTerm CLI Interface is very easy to use. Especially for people who think bash is hard to learn. To see the commands, you can type ? or help in the PyTerm CLI Interface. If you need all the usage and commands, please go to

Community Driven

Open to contributions and improvements. You can fork the repo to make changes.


The installation is very easy and great for people the only start using Linux Distros.


A Raspberry Pi (Works on every version of RPi),

SD Card (minimum 8 GB recommended)


Internet connection for initial setup and downloads.

Installation Guide

Download the latest release of PyTermOS from PyTermOS website or the beta from our Patreon

Write the image to an SD card

Download the .img file and make sure it is not corrupt. Use software like Balena Etcher and install the .img on your device. Insert the Micro SD card into your Raspberry Pi.

Boot your Raspberry Pi

Connect your Raspberry Pi to power and a display. Wait until the system starts.


After installing PyTermOS, you can interact with the system through the PyTerm command line interface (PTCLI).

Starting the CLI

Turn on your Raspberry Pi. Wait until the system starts. When the loading ends, you will be greeted by the PyTerm command prompt.


We welcome contributions from the community! Whether it's bug fixes, feature additions, or improvements to documentation, your help is appreciated. Please read for details on the process for submitting pull requests to me.


PyTermOS is open source and freely available under the GNU GPL v3 License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Releases page

To see all the releases, please go to this page.


For support, feedback, or queries, please reach me out at:

The website has been transfered to another repo on 12 May 2024.

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