This package contains the source for the mojos webapp at
From the base of the mojos-monorepo
In the first shell:
# Install all dependencies and build contract artifacts
# Switch to mojos-contracts
cd packages/mojos-contracts
# Start local simnet
yarn task:run-local
In the second shell:
# Switch to mojos-webapp
cd packages/mojos-webapp
# Copy local example environment file
cp .env.example.local .env
# Start local development
yarn start
Interact with the local simnet by importing the following private key into MetaMask. Do not use this private key anywhere else
Private Key:
Then add an RPC provider to MetaMask to point to your local simnet.
Navigate to settings
Add Network
Enter the following:
Network Name: Hardhat New RPC URL: http://localhost:8545 Chain ID: 31337
Select the network and connect to your local mojos webapp to interact with simnet