- visited : used to record the state we have already arrived, because the pos not eqaul to target, so no need to add it into next_state
- pos_a < (target << 1) : double pos of the target means we also no need to record it, we have to add a limit to pos
- step : Do not use memo to record step, just increase it once a time
Complexity T : O(target * log(target)) M : O(target * log(target))
class Solution:
def racecar(self, target):
:type target: int
:rtype: int
state = [(0, 1)] # starts from position 0 with speed 1
visited = set(state)
step = 1
while state:
next_state = []
for pos, speed in state:
pos_a = pos + speed
speed_a = 2 * speed
pos_r = pos
speed_r = 1 if speed < 0 else -1
if pos_a == target:
return step
if (pos_a, speed_a) not in visited and 0 < pos_a and pos_a < (target << 1): # pos_a < (target << 1)
next_state.append((pos_a, speed_a))
visited.add((pos_a, speed_a))
if (pos_r, speed_r) not in visited and 0 < pos_r and pos_r < (target << 1): # pos_r < (target << 1)
next_state.append((pos_r, speed_r))
visited.add((pos_r, speed_r))
state = next_state
step += 1
return -1