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Tiny sitemap crawler for cache warming, and website status monitoring


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Crowlet is a sitemap.xml crawler, that can be used as cache warmer, or as a monitoring tool. When ran, it will report information relative to the crawling. Uses include:

  • Manual website health check
  • Website status and response time monitoring
  • Periodic warm up of a server's cache

Getting Started

The simplest option is to run the tool from its docker image aleravat/crowlet. It can otherwise be used from command line as crowlet.

Basic usage

Run the sitemap crawler from its docker image directly

docker run -it --rm aleravat/crowlet

Or install locally using Go 1.17 or higher:

GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install

Or build locally with make build and run. You can alternatively use make build-static-linux to build a self contained binary for Linux platforms.

make build

Use scenarios

Crowlet can be used in a few different ways, as described below.

Check website's status

Ran once on a sitemap, it will provide information regarding return codes and complete server time.

INFO[0000] Crawling
INFO[0020] Found 5010 URL(s)
INFO[0020] URL:  status=200 total-time=85
INFO[0020] URL:  status=200 total-time=86
INFO[0020] URL:  status=200 total-time=87
INFO[0020] URL:  status=200 total-time=87
INFO[0020] URL:  status=200 total-time=88
INFO[0021] -------- Summary -------
INFO[0021] general:
INFO[0021]     crawled: 51
INFO[0021] status:
INFO[0021]     status-200: 51
INFO[0021] server-time:
INFO[0021]     avg-time: 61ms
INFO[0021]     max-time: 145ms
INFO[0021] ------------------------

Cache warmer

You can use this tool as to warm cache for all URLs in a sitemap using the --forever option. This will keep crawling the sitemap forever, and --wait-interval can be used to define the pause duration in seconds, between each complete crawling.

# Crawl the sitemap every 30 minutes
$ docker run -it --rm aleravat/crowlet --forever --wait-interval 1800

Status monitoring

If any page from the sitemap returns a non 200 status code, crowlet will return with exit code 1. This can be used and customized to monitor the status of the pages, and automate error detection. The --non-200-error option allow setting the exit code if any page has a non 200 status code.

# Return with code `150` if any page has a status != 200
docker run -it --rm aleravat/crowlet --non-200-error 150

The --json flag can be used, as well as --summary-only for an easy parsing of the output.

./crowlet --json --summary-only

The --crawl-images, --crawl-hyperlinks and --crawl-external options can be used to extends the monitoring to internal (or even external) links found in the original sitemap pages. Their statistics will be added to the final report.

Response time monitoring

The --response-time-max option can be used to indicate a maximum server total time, or crowlet will return with --response-time-error return code. Note that if any page return a status code different from 200, the --non-200-error code will be returned instead.

# Return with code `5` if any page takes more than `1000`ms until reception
# -t 1: Load pages one by one to avoid biased measurement
docker run -it --rm aleravat/crowlet -t 1 -l 5 -m 1000

Command line options

The following arguments can be used to customize it to your needs:

     help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --crawl-hyperlinks                     follow and test hyperlinks ('a' tags href)
   --crawl-images                         follow and test image links ('img' tags src)
   --crawl-external                       follow and test external links. Use in combination with 'follow-hyperlinks' and/or 'follow-images'
   --forever, -f                          crawl the sitemap's URLs forever... or until stopped
   --iterations value, -i value           number of crawling iterations for the whole sitemap (default: 1)
   --wait-interval value, -w value        wait interval in seconds between sitemap crawling iterations (default: 0) [$CRAWL_WAIT_INTERVAL]
   --throttle value, -t value             number of http requests to do at once (default: 5) [$CRAWL_THROTTLE]
   --timeout value, -y value              timeout duration for requests, in milliseconds (default: 20000)
   --quiet, --silent, -q                  suppress all normal output
   --json, -j                             output using JSON format (experimental)
   --non-200-error value, -e value        error code to use if any non-200 response if encountered (default: 1)
   --response-time-error value, -l value  error code to use if the maximum response time is overrun (default: 1)
   --response-time-max value, -m value    maximum response time of URLs, in milliseconds, before considered an error (default: 0)
   --summary-only                         print only the summary
   --override-host value                  override the hostname used in sitemap urls [$CRAWL_HOST]
   --user value, -u value                 username for http basic authentication [$CRAWL_HTTP_USER]
   --pass value, -p value                 password for http basic authentication [$CRAWL_HTTP_PASSWORD]
   --pre-cmd value                        command(s) to run before starting crawler
   --post-cmd value                       command(s) to run after crawler finishes
   --debug                                run in debug mode
   --help, -h                             show help
   --version, -v                          print the version


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License- see the file for details


Thanks to @chris-scentregroup for his great initial work with sitemap-crawler