Creating synthetic dataset for training the 3D bbox module.
Backbone from
- Step1: Python carla package and its dependencies. Follow this guide to install Carla via github.
- Step2: Clone this repo. For other dependencies (to run data capturing scripts)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Step3: Setup the python path for the carla egg file. Open the file and change the carla egg path to your own.
- step1: Launch CarlaEU4 Navigate to the folder where carla's pre-compiled package is present:
./ TownXX -opengl
step2: Launch data capturing
Navigate to the folder where the repo is cloned:
python3 -ve 100 -wa 110
Illustration of the data captured in a newly created 'Data' folder.
Parameters :
car,[ 96 364 246 464],"[5.19923, 2.61502, 2.47685]",-200.03459930419922,-108.02967071533203,"['6.315044', '-25.302868', '-0.001832']"
car,[647 383 696 403],"[3.718622, 1.792448, 1.535494]",-91.14862298965454,0.8563055992126465,"['86.270348', '4.308983', '-0.010692']"
pedestrian,[827 402 846 433],"[0.68, 0.68, 1.3]",87.95936584472656,179.96429443359375,"['65.018478', '-144.177292', '8.336428']"
pedestrian,[825 383 837 403],"[0.68, 0.68, 1.86]",9.286087036132812,101.291015625,"['223.223145', '133.068954', '2.079820']"
Image :