- First OSS release. Published to Maven Central [http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/pandora/hydra/], as Gradle Plugins repository does not allow side artifacts
- We added Android unit tests support, refactored code and split into gradle core, Java plugin and Android plugin. Added documentation for Android plugin
- Fixed bug with Android plugin not resetting JVM properties on balanced test tasks
- Added support for HTTP/HTTPS proxies
- Plugin can now be applied to Android projects with submodules
- Bump AGP version to 3.3.1
- Correctly setting variant names
- Added property to enable logging of client side exclusions
- Updated cache logic
- Fixed issue with test results missing when test is moved from one subproject to another (Issue 18)
- Switched to AGP v3.4
- Added retry count and client timeout parameters to be able to retry requests to back in case of unstable connection