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Collaborative document - Build Systems Course and Hackathon, October 2024

Icebreaker question

What is favourit editor / integrated development environment for editing code?

  • vi / vim / neovim: ooooooooo
  • emacs: oooo
  • nano:
  • Visual Studio Code: ooooooooo
  • Zed:


:::info Links for the Build Systems Course:

Links for ENCCS

On Dardel, load the CMake module with

ml PDC/23.12
ml cmake/3.27.7
cmake --version

Download the exercise files by cloning the git repo

git clone
cd intro-cmake/content/code/


  • I can't understand what is module scope in add_library. Shared is loading the library at run time with generated .so file, static is linking the library into the code, but what is module?

    • From CMake's docs: "A plugin that may not be linked by other targets, but may be dynamically loaded at runtime using dlopen-like functionality." So an addon plugin that might be present or not when program is being run.
  • When writing ${outer_${inner_variable}_variable} is the inner_variable then part of the variable name of the outer variable?

    • Yes. Dereference the variable ${inner_variable} you will get a string. This string is one part of the out_STRING_variable.
  • Based on cmake help, if you don't specify scope in add_library command, it might use static or shared. How can I check what scope is used after running a command like add_library(target lib_file.cpp)?

    • By default CMake checks what is the value for BUILD_SHARED_LIBS-variable. Default is static. So unless you have set the variable, you can assume it is static.
    • 👍
  • is library supposed to be used outside of the bank target? If not, it should be account.a?

    • no it is a static library and only be used to generate the bank executable.
      • I mean that if one installs bank exe, one would also need to install, although only bank is ever gonna use
        • In the code example, the answer is YES.
        • But if you have two sources and want to use, you can
          • set it to be interfaced if these two source files are located in the folder-subfolder structure
          • if the has to be private, you can have another copy of the library and link it to another source file.
  • One can set properties of any target also in sub-dir CMakeLists.txt, i.e. basically anywhere? Sounds like a bad idea? I probably interpreted that incorrectly :) Can you clarify?

    • For PUBLIC properties, for example the -ffast-math, you can declare it anywhere as it is PUBLIC. In the code example you can set it in the root CMakeLists.txt or the leaf CMakeLists.txt
    • For PRIVATE properties, you have to declare it in the account folder using the command
    • Then include add the add_subdirectory(account) to tell CMake where to find the static library and what library should be used
  • I tested setting (in account/CMakeLists.txt)

    • and it failed, which is good :) One cannot set target properties, even PUBLIC ones, in random places. The initial misconception was that only targets can have properties.
      • in random place I mean that you can use this PUBLIC property (-ffast-math) multiple times to generate the executable/libraries.
      • In the account/CMakeLists.txt, the compiler flag is only used to generate the account library
      • for the target_compile_options(bank PUBLIC "-ffast-math"), if you put it in the root CMake script, it should work. In this command, the compiler is used to obtain the bank executable.
      • Still not quite understanding the scope of properties. Adding
          TARGET    account
          PROPERTY  target_compile_options
        message("foo: ${foo}")
        to the root level CMakeLists.txt does not have access to account target's target_compile_options PUPLIC property (prints empty value). And no errors either.
        • this means that the you did not set the variable foo, and you did not get anything when running the get_property command.
        • let me debug it and paste the result in minutes
  • Regarding graphviz on Dardel, seems it is currently not installed.

    • Might be a module?
    • Check with ml spider graphviz ?
    • The hits for graphviz with spider are old builds which likely do not work. I am trying to install a newer version with Spack, using the specificationspack install [email protected]%[email protected] +ghostscript +gtkplus +qt +x. This will run for an hour so, as Spack builds up a large number of dependency programs and libraries.
    • ... and have a go at it also with EasyBuild.
    • Update: a new build of Graphviz with EasyBuild, but was not functional in runtime. The build attempts with Spack failed so far.

Exercise 07

See and scroll down to "Exercise 07"

Exercise 08, 09

See and scroll down to "Exercise 08", "Exercise 09"

  • How do I test runtime capabilities of MPI programs, which usually require some sort of custom launcher, srun, mpirun, aprun, etc?
    • Good question. On a shared server / supercomputer you typically cannot run srun, mpirun, aprun directly. You need first to request a node or a number of cores on a node(s). On Dardel you can use for instance salloc -n 4 -t 1:00:00 -A -p shared which will provide you with 4 cores on a shared CPU node (which has 128 cores in total) for 1 hour.
    • How do I tell cmake (check_c_source_runs) to run the program with srun myapp instead of ./myapp ?
    • check the code example here to see how to enable MPI when you build the system.
    • additional topics can be found at the CMake documents:
  • I have OpenMP3.1 only (that is what is fount at least). How can I fix that? I did load gcc/14.2.0 at UPPMAX.
    • If I recall correctly, OpenMP support largely depends on the compiler. There isn't much to do than trying to use a newer compiler.
    • If you had that new compiler loaded, then maybe Cmake found your system compiler instead for some reason? Maybe someone else knows better?
    • Yeah gcc/14 should have even openMP5.0 so I'm missing somewhere stating the right gcc version. cc should be gcc somewhere.
      • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER= is the key!
      • This works from commandline: $ cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=gcc -S. -Bbuild
      • OpenMP 4.5 is available for gcc >=6.X.X !