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The power of open science WOOOOOO*(template for you to play with)*

These Google slides are from a 60-minute guest lecture about open science, the Ocean Health Index, and Openscapes. The audience was Professor Claudia Tyler's Conservation Ecology EEMB 168 course at UCSB on March 7, 2019.

You can contact me (lists need a carriage return before list items):

Here is a table with some collaborators (tables use |s and -s to separate columns and rows): testing testing

- testing some nested
- stuff!
Name Twitter GitHub
Allison @allison_horst @allisonhorst
Melanie @Melsteroni
My Test Table
hi there table
with a link to 244 Lab 1

Have you noticed the []() pattern to make links in Markdown? Put words to hyperlink in [] and the URL in ().

I also talked about GitHub for science – and can include an image with the same format, but note the preceding exclamation point: ![]() (From the browser, you'll need an image with an existing url).