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37 lines (30 loc) · 3.43 KB


Adapted from Hipster Ipsum

Faker::Hipster.word #=> "irony"

# Optional arguments: num=3, supplemental=false, spaces_allowed = false
Faker::Hipster.words #=> ["pug", "pitchfork", "chia"]
Faker::Hipster.words(4) #=> ["ugh", "cardigan", "poutine", "stumptown"]
Faker::Hipster.words(4, true) #=> ["iste", "seitan", "normcore", "provident"]
Faker::Hipster.words(4, true, true) #=> ["qui", "magni", "craft beer", "est"]

# Optional arguments: word_count=4, supplemental=false, random_words_to_add=6
Faker::Hipster.sentence #=> "Park iphone leggings put a bird on it."
Faker::Hipster.sentence(3) #=> "Pour-over swag godard."
Faker::Hipster.sentence(3, true) #=> "Beard laboriosam sequi celiac."
Faker::Hipster.sentence(3, false, 4) #=> "Bitters retro mustache aesthetic biodiesel 8-bit."
Faker::Hipster.sentence(3, true, 4) #=> "Occaecati deleniti messenger bag meh crucifix autem."

# Optional arguments: sentence_count=3, supplemental=false
Faker::Hipster.sentences #=> ["Godard pitchfork vinegar chillwave everyday 90's whatever.", "Pour-over artisan distillery street waistcoat.", "Salvia yr leggings franzen blue bottle."]
Faker::Hipster.sentences(1) #=> ["Before they sold out pinterest venmo umami try-hard ugh hoodie artisan."]
Faker::Hipster.sentences(1, true) #=> ["Et sustainable optio aesthetic et."]

# Optional arguments: sentence_count=3, supplemental=false, random_sentences_to_add=3
Faker::Hipster.paragraph #=> "Migas fingerstache pbr&b tofu. Polaroid distillery typewriter echo tofu actually. Slow-carb fanny pack pickled direct trade scenester mlkshk plaid. Banjo venmo chambray cold-pressed typewriter. Fap skateboard intelligentsia."
Faker::Hipster.paragraph(2) #=> "Yolo tilde farm-to-table hashtag. Lomo kitsch disrupt forage +1."
Faker::Hipster.paragraph(2, true) #=> "Typewriter iste ut viral kombucha voluptatem. Sint voluptates saepe. Direct trade irony chia excepturi yuccie. Biodiesel esse listicle et quam suscipit."
Faker::Hipster.paragraph(2, false, 4) #=> "Selvage vhs chartreuse narwhal vinegar. Authentic vinyl truffaut carry vhs pop-up. Hammock everyday iphone locavore thundercats bitters vegan goth. Fashion axe banh mi shoreditch whatever artisan."
Faker::Hipster.paragraph(2, true, 4) #=> "Deep v gluten-free unde waistcoat aperiam migas voluptas dolorum. Aut drinking illo sustainable sapiente. Direct trade fanny pack kale chips ennui semiotics."

# Optional arguments: paragraph_count=3, supplemental=false
Faker::Hipster.paragraphs #=> ["Tilde microdosing blog cliche meggings. Intelligentsia five dollar toast forage yuccie. Master kitsch knausgaard. Try-hard everyday trust fund mumblecore.", "Normcore viral pickled. Listicle humblebrag swag tote bag. Taxidermy street hammock neutra butcher cred kale chips. Blog portland humblebrag trust fund irony.", "Single-origin coffee fixie cleanse tofu xoxo. Post-ironic tote bag ramps gluten-free locavore mumblecore hammock. Umami loko twee. Ugh kitsch before they sold out."]
Faker::Hipster.paragraphs(1) #=> ["Skateboard cronut synth +1 fashion axe. Pop-up polaroid skateboard asymmetrical. Ennui fingerstache shoreditch before they sold out. Tattooed pitchfork ramps. Photo booth yr messenger bag raw denim bespoke locavore lomo synth."]
Faker::Hipster.paragraphs(1, true) #=> ["Quae direct trade pbr&b quo taxidermy autem loko. Umami quas ratione migas cardigan sriracha minima. Tenetur perspiciatis pickled sed eum doloribus truffaut. Excepturi dreamcatcher meditation."]