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Performance benchmark for Pathfinder application

This repository contains performance / load tests for Pathfinder application, that have written in Scala for Gatling tool.

How to run tests

  1. Clone this repository via git clone
  2. Override the REMOTE_SERVER and the JAVA_OPTS environment variables on another values if you need it in docker-compose.yml for gatling service
  3. Start up the minimal development cluster via docker-compose up -d from the root of the cloned repository
  4. Connect to the container with Gatling via docker-compose exec gatling bash command. By default you will moved to /opt/gatling as the base work directory
  5. Start simulation tests with ./bin/ command
  6. Select the simulated test from a list and wait for it completion
  7. The results will be saved in /gatling/results directory relatively to the root of this repository

Repository structure

  • gatling stores a group of files for running simulations
    • conf - a bunch of configuration files for Gatling tool, e.g. Gatling itself / logging / Akka
    • results - special folder which is used as a storage for Gatling reports
    • user-files - code with performance / load tests in Scala which are simulate a user's behaviour
  • microservice-echo stores the code for a small microservice that returns data to the caller as is, without any changes


The bench-pathfinder code is published under BSD license. For more details read the LICENSE file.