OCL SSO configuration and implementation
- Login:
- User registration: on
- Forgot Password: on
- Verify email: on
- Login with email: on
- Email:
- SMTP settings for sending out mails from KeyCloak for verify-email/forgot-password.
- Tokens:
- Access Token Lifespan as per needed
- Settings:
- Access Type: confidential
- Standard Flow Enabled: on
- Implicit Flow Enabled: on
- Direct Access Grants Enabled: on
- Valid Redirect URIs: Client URIs, for example -- https://api.dev.openconceptlab.org/* and https://app.dev.openconceptlab.org/*
- Web Origins: TermBrowser URI -- http://app.dev.openconceptlab.org/*
- Authentication Flow Overrides:
- Browser Flow: browser
- Driect Grant Flow: direct grant
- Credentials:
- Client Authenticator: Client Id and Secret
- Scope:
- Full Scope Allowed: on