All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Date strings not formatted according to spec.
- Max() and min() fail if nodeset is empty (0 repeats).
- Count-non-empty() support.
- Localize %a and $b in format-date().
- Ends-with() support.
- Abs() support.
- Negative int() conversion incorrect.
- Log() and exp10 functions.
- Min() and max() get stuck in infinite loop when used with multiple nodeset arguments.
- Int() returns incorrect result for very large or very small numbers.
- No longer working as CommonJS module.
- Some rounding errors in new tests on Travis.
- Added support for 11 additional math functions.
- Min() and max() return undefined for empty node
- Min() and max() do not return NaN for list that includes an empty node
- Added main to package.json
- Turned into CommonJS/AMD-friendly module
- Obsolete files
- filenames of built js files (WARNING!)
- everything (first 'version')